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Confused and need of advice please!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I am 31 and have 2 daughters. Just over a year ago I came out of an abusive 12 year relationship with the father of my children.

I have been seeing someone else for the last 5 months. I wasn't looking for anything, it just happened. He is very different from my ex (or so it seems), very supportive of my life plans etc, which include studying Law from September.

At the start of our relationship, he used to phone text all the time but slowly this stopped. When he calls me, he always miss calls me now as he knows I have a certain amount of minutes. So I always call him back. However when my minutes run out, he stops calling until he knows I have my new allocation. He doesn't have to pay for his calls as it all goes on the company and whilst I understand that he shouldn't abuse this, surely no one is going to put him the stocks for a 5 minute call to me!

I'm a single mum with two kids and I left my ex with nothing. I am struggling to make ends meet and my boyfriend knows this, however he comes round a few times a week after he has finished work, he eats and drinks here, we have sex then he goes home.

Sometimes I struggle as I feel the need to cook well for him and he likes his meat which isn't cheap and nor is the Guinness Draught he likes to drink.

Recently, both family and friends have suggested he has it too cushy, he doesn't contribute anything, he doesn't buy me gifts or treats for the kids (he does get on with them though) and considering he is pretty well off himself it has been suggested he should do more. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect him to pay my bills or anything, I just think he could do a little more to make me feel special, rather than the empty feeling I get when he leaves.

On Thursday just gone, he was here having dinner and he asked why I had no pickles. I replied that neither my daughters nor myself liked them. But he made me feel like I should have had them because he likes them.

On Friday just gone, I sent him a text telling him that the local supermarket had an offer on selected beers and explained that being brassic I would be better off taking up one the offers while it was on. I asked which his preference on the selected beers would be. Now normally when I text him, he never responds, but to this text he responded pretty much straight away with his choice!

I just think he could have offered to buy the beers or to bring a dessert or something for a change. I mean in the last 5 months he has bought me flowers twice, but to be honest, I buy nicer ones for myself than the ones he got me. I'm not being ungrateful but he's not making much effort to woo me! My ex was a total waste of space, but even he treated me better in the early days of our relationship. We don't go out anywhere, he always uses my children as an excuse. I have explained that I can arrange for family or friends to look after them but still nothing.

I have tried to talk to him indrectly, by telling him that he doesn't make me feel special but he always changes the subject or goes off at a tangent or makes me feel silly and that I'm over-reacting. Or brings up the fact that he spontaniously bought me flowers on a couple of occasions and makes me feel like that is something I should be very grateful for. Oh and one time he bought me a packet of mints because I like them! He said it showed he was thinking of me! But the packet was open as he'd had a couple from it before he gave it to me!

A couple of weeks ago, he told me he had bought me something "because I spur him to act spontaniously!" He has metioned it a couple of times but he hasn't actually given me whatever it is he has bought! What's that all about? If he's not going to give it to me, then why tell me about it?! Unless it's not true and he's just saying it? I don't know.

Am I over-reacting? I find myself unable to be direct with him on any of this and definitely do not feel I could directly ask him to contribute. Am I wasting my time with this guy? I mean if this is how it is only 5 months in, what would it be like in years time?! Is it time to get rid now?

Thank you for taking the time to read this 'essay!' Sorry if I have bored you! Any advice and opinions would be greatly appreciated. xx



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am usually not a fan of the women who expect their men to pay for everything and let themselves be wooed constantly, but I think that's not even the case. Your boyfriend mooches off of you! He is probably not really aware of that, because he "tries", by getting on with your daughters, being generally nice etc. Maybe he was poor in his teenage years and is avaricious now therefore. It's bad enough that he does not support you when you are a poor single mum of two, but I think he takes too much and gives too little. I think you need a honest heart to heart with him and tell him it can't go on like that.

    It makes a relationship pretty unpersonal and distant, but I would suggest putting up a financial plan so that he pays a good part of the groceries if you cook for him. And bring the point across that he should call you if he wants something from you. This miss call someone was something I did when I was 15. I do not even do it with my father and he has a company phone and doesn't have to pay the bill. That's just pretty sad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He sounds like a miserly stingy sponger tbh
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Confused and in need of advice...

    He was not poor as a teenager and I agree about women who live off their men. That is not something I want to do which is why I am studying to better myself. My ex held me back alot, he wouldn't let me study and after I had childen I wasn't allowed to work. I want to be independent and I am, like I said I don't want him to pay my bills or anything and I don't want diamonds, I just want him to be a little more sensitive to my current financial situation.

    Thanks for your comments

    Kym xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sounds like hes taking far too much for granted to me. Doesnt sound good seeing this is meant to be the most exciting part of a relationship, with the wooing etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thats what I thought. A relationship, especially at this early stage, should bring joy into my life, but this doesn't, it just gets added to the other crap in my life and makes me feel totally despondent.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If thats how you feel this early on i would say hes not the one for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The guy is seriously taking you for granted. Don't know if this helps but about 12 years ago I was him.

    Basically I was in a relationship with a woman and she absolutely worshiped the ground I walked on. I didn't deserve her love and affection but it was nice and I enjoyed it. She did everything for me - cooked (and not just beans on toast - she used to spend ages in the kitchen), cleaned, offered to do my washing when I stayed over, even buying me gifts when she went shopping.

    Problem was I got used to it, and being the immature arsehole I was, I began expecting it. She'd do anything I wanted her to in the bedroom so it got to the point where I felt I didn't need to contribute to the relationship much.

    Eventually (after numerous "this feels one-sided" chats) she told me things needed to change. She said she didn't mind doing all these things for me but she needed something in return. She too said I never made her feel special or individual and despite the chats I just didn't learn. So after numerous warnings she dumped me.

    Boy was I sorry then. Far too late of course and I had no excuse. The pain I felt proved to me I did have feelings for her but I did nothing to back them up with. We eventually got back together and I brought more to the relationship but various things got in the way and it didn't last.

    Don't know if any of that will help but it certainly was a case of me not knowing what I'd lost til it was gone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He is a sponger alright.

    Though have words, and do dumping if things dont change.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As Glenn said when I wasn't relaly sure what a relationship entailed I have done both - I have completely doted on a girl to the point she dumped me because I was obsessed, to another girl who would spoil me and I didn't want to spend any money because I was saving up etc. (always chose to eat at the cheaper alternative, and so on) ultimately different life experiences shape you and make you a bit of both I think, at least I hope it has with me.

    The thing with your bloke is he sounds like either he hasn't reached this point yet where you begin to understand about compromise and give and take properly, or he has reached his point and is just a bit selfish - some people are. If it's the first, it's going to take some serious sit down talks to try to knock some understanding into him, if it's the second it's your choice whether you feel you can put up with that or whether you deserve better.

    Good luck :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Confused and in need of advice...

    The guy is 40 years old, very intelligent, soon to be M.D. of the company he practically runs now anyway. He has experienced several relationships and a marriage and he says he's never met anyone like me. Apparently none of his exes have ever been as good to him, so you'd think he'd be a bit more appreciative, wouldn't you? I don't know, am I total mug?

    How do I bring up the subject of money, it's such an uncomfortable subject and I don't feel I have the right to his money in some ways. I just don't know how to talk to him about it. But being the intelligent guy he is, why doesn't he bring it up, he knows and comments on how I struggle.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yet still takes you for all he can?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmmmm..... and I'm allowing it! You think I should make a break?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Uncomfortable or not, finishing with him will be hard to do aswell so just tell him that buying HIS beers is too much and you simply cannot afford it, if he is going to be eating there he needs to at least buy the food for the meal sometimes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if bringing up the subject of money straight out is too difficult, maybe focusing on the idea of not feeling cared about might help. instead of saying u cant afford to keep feeding him and buying him beer, focus on the fact that whilst u dont need expensive gifts etc, small gestures such as being cooked a nice meal or spending some quality time alone together are important to you.as for the phone calls...just dont call him back, if he wants to talk to you he will soon get the message that he needs to pay 4 some of the calls!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    KymC wrote: »
    So I always call him back. However when my minutes run out, he stops calling until he knows I have my new allocation. He doesn't have to pay for his calls as it all goes on the company and whilst I understand that he shouldn't abuse this, surely no one is going to put him the stocks for a 5 minute call to me!

    So why would anyone give him gried about the phone calls if

    KymC wrote: »
    The guy is 40 years old, very intelligent, soon to be M.D. of the company he practically runs now anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He does indeed sound like a bit of a freeloader. Try cutting back on things you buy specifically for him, like the beers, pickles and so on. If he comments/complains just say you have to tighten your purse strings.

    You also mention that he comes over, has his tea, you have sex, and he leaves. You never go out together...this is not a good relationship :no: .

    If he still sticks around when the free beers and food starts to dwindle, then maybe he'll have taken the hint and start paying more attention to you. If not, you'll have to tell him outright.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You won't believe this! You can't make this crap up!

    Well guys, I thank you all for your comments and advice, however in the end it was all taken out of my hands. He came to see me today and guess what, he forgot to take his WEDDING RING OFF!!!

    I noticed it pretty much straight away, well you would wouldn't you! I questioned him and basically the wife I believed he was seperated from is the wife he has in fact been cheating on, with me! Turns out that they are very much still together.

    He gave me all the crap about their marriage being over and that it was just a technicality, that he loves me blah blah blah!

    Things kind of make sense now, why he could never spend nights with me or see me on weekends, I was led to believe it was because of work and family commitments.

    Oh dear, how much of a mug do I feel!! Well I guess fate works in mysterious ways and the dilemma of staying with him or not was taken out of my hands.

    I do feel awful about his wife though, I was cheated on by my ex and therefore know how demeaning it feels. I doubt she is aware of his infidelity, poor woman. I would never willingly want to do that to someone. Damn, feel real bad about it, why didn't I see this, I mean if you look at the all the issues i've raised, all the signs were there weren't they? Feel like such a twat!

    Well I sent him packing, whilst remaining composed, so that's that then.

    Thanks again to you all for taking the time to read and post.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    KymC wrote: »
    Well I sent him packing, whilst remaining composed, so that's that then.

    Good for you :) Hope you feel ok about it now
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good for you :) Hope you feel ok about it now

    Well it's one less thing for me to stress about now, feel a complete fool though, but no doubt i'll get over that!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm so glad i read the second page cos i don't always an was gonna say are you sure he don't have a missus! Hope your ok hun x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well done for getting rid of him. What a total and utter bastard he is. I hope you're ok.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    GhostGirl wrote: »
    I'm so glad i read the second page cos i don't always an was gonna say are you sure he don't have a missus! Hope your ok hun x
    lea_uk wrote: »
    Well done for getting rid of him. What a total and utter bastard he is. I hope you're ok.

    Morning, guys, it's a new day and you know what, I'm just fine. I have two beautiful daughters to concentrate my energies on. I have great family and friends although I have not told any of them yet.

    Also I start college in September so that will keep me very busy I'm sure, I can't wait!

    I thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to read my posts.

    Plenty more fish in the sea, when I'm ready. (Not yet though)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well rid. Glad you have had it taken out your hands. You will be just fine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    good for you for ending it
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