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self harm

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Im not really sure where to start, doing this is awkward for me and im new to this so this might be quite rambling.

im 13. I've been self harming now for nearly a year, on and off. I sometimes have a hard time at home and right now ive been feeling so low and sometimes the only way to relieve that is to cut. I feel horrible a day or two afterwards- I feel embaressed. I havent told anyone, but sometimes it gets so untop of me that I feel i have to tell someone, even if its just this discussion board.
I know theres many people who go through things like this- and things much worse but I felt i had to tell someone.:(


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hello there. i think telling someone is a good idea. it may seem hard but its worth it in the long run. be carful who you tell, someone with a sympathetic ear.

    For me telling someone was the first step to stopping.
    hope all is well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And I agree until I had told someone it was a lot harder. Trust me try telling someone. I was and still am embaressed and people knowing and talking about it face two face I just can't do. So I totally get where you come from.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    its funny, im in the same possition!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hello Bethanyh :wave:

    This being your first post we wish you a warm welcome.
    It is a really supportive community and you will find lots of people that you can share your experiences and thoughts with and hopefully get the support your looking for.

    Its great you ve recongnised that talking to people is one of the first steps to help you.
    Sometimes its hard talking to friends and family about a painful issue like self harm and that can be the myths and stigma that surrounds it.

    You said it gets hard at home sometimes?and its difficult to talk to someone. It may help you to talk to a support line as well , child line is a free confidential help line 0800 11 11 , that will help you explore how and why your feeling the way you do.

    Is there any one at school you can talk to when your feeling low, friends or a trusted teacher ?

    Not sure if you have checked out the website on self harm but there is great advice, stories and tips on distractions on our web site on self harm

    Good luck :thumb: You should be very proud of yourself its not easy to tell people how your feeling

    Let us know how you get on, keep posting
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    bethanyh wrote: »
    Im not really sure where to start, doing this is awkward for me and im new to this so this might be quite rambling.

    im 13. I've been self harming now for nearly a year, on and off. I sometimes have a hard time at home and right now ive been feeling so low and sometimes the only way to relieve that is to cut. I feel horrible a day or two afterwards- I feel embaressed. I havent told anyone, but sometimes it gets so untop of me that I feel i have to tell someone, even if its just this discussion board.
    I know theres many people who go through things like this- and things much worse but I felt i had to tell someone.:(

    What a brave soul you are, opening up like this. *hugs*
    You should tell someone (If you haven't already) I know it's hard, I've been there, I started self harming when I was twelve and I stopped near the end of year eight. My head of house knew there was something wrong cause of the way I was acting and my body lanaguage, she also noticed the blood seeping through my shirt and jumper, I went back to form then I knew I had to tell her so I did...She was a great help and gave me help and support and she even got in touch with some professional people who could help... although I didn't enjoy seeing them much so I stopped going after two sessions and delt with it myself.

    I'm not saying for you to deal with it alone, for some people that is a really hard step, for others it isn't. Find a way that you feel comfortable and secure with, admitting you have a problem for whatever reason is the first step to recovery.

    Although, be careful with who you tell, I never told anyone friend wise until they noticed my scars and cuts (We had to wear polo shirts as it was the summer term) and they pratically got it out of me, only 'cause they care, so I told them and they were the most supportive group of people I've ever seen and met, but first you have to find someone you trust 100% with your problem, tell them... they may ask Why, How and When you did the self harm, so don't be alarmed if they do.

    I hope things go well for you. *cuddles*

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You see that was my hard part for me admitting there was an actaually problem. And if my friend hadn't accidently found out then she would never of told a teacher at school and I would probalby still be doing. I mean I still do it but no way to the extent that I used to. And I only do it now if things get really extreamely bad.

    But it did help telling someone. It was like a load off me. And my worst fear was my therapist telling my mum. But ever since they told her (we don't talk about it) it has been that little bit easier like I don't have to hide so much anymore.

    So yeah I found that within an amount the more poeple that know (as long as you trust them) the easier it is for you because they can try and help and stop you when your going through a bad patch. Well thats what I found.

    Just be careful who you tell. Because I told someone who was meant to be a trusted friend and she went and spread it around the whole year group (I am not saying it to scare you into not saying anything, I am just warning you) me and the girl are friends now, and she knows what she did to me (because the night after I found out what she had done, I tried things that made her see what she had actually done), but with her I am just careful with what I tell her.

    But yeah good luck with it all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thank you all so much,
    I feel like i cant tell my friends, its not that I dont trust them its just that i dont want them to, i dont know, just maybe treat my differently if that makes sense.

    thank you all for your replys; this has actually helped me more than you know :heart:
    I think im going to tell my mum. Although i do have problems sometime at home i cant keep doing this and I know if she knew what im doing and going through she and my dad will be there for me.

    Thank you all so much again
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I felt like that. I think that was maybe why I was scared of telling people just incase they looked at me differently. But they don't I thought they did for a bit but they don't anymore even if they did. Well not my true friends. True friends stick by you whatever.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im on the cusp of telling my mate. he's got an incling that something isnt right. were meeting up on sat and he said we could talk then but we ended up meeting today aswell and he never mentioned it. I felt a little odd around him cos i knew he knew someting was up but just pushed it to the back!
    I think its always better/ easier if they ask whats up than you having to tell them!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :( everytime i try to tell someone i trust, i just cant seem to do it. I've been trying to stop but things have been getting on top of me latley and i just can't, i feel pathetic :(
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    **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
    Hey bethanyh, big hugs to you - telling someone for the first time is probably one of the most difficult stages in this journey and you're not pathetic at all - the fact that you've come here to get support shows willingness and strength in itself. If you haven't already, take a look at TheSite.org factsheet about confiding in someone for specific advice about this issue. Hope it helps :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :heart: thank you very much, ill take a look, thanks again
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