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pet hates



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do some of you not know what a pet hate is? :\
    lol I was thinking the same thing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's not a million miles off shit that irritates you on a daily basis.

    Which is what most people put :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    when mothers with buggies are waiting to cross the road, they stand on the pavement, but shove the front wheels of the buggy on the road!

    when i`m in work and the customer doesnt put their money in my hand, they put it on the counter, then look inpatient as i try to pick 50p`s worth of 5p and copper up!

    people who are too polite to say no when u ask them do they fancy a night out, so they say yes, then let u down last minute with some shitty excuse

    people who buy crappy "smellies" sets as presents, total lack of imagination/thought/care

    when u rent out a dvd and it`s full of grubby finger prints

    i have soooo many pet hates lol
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    running out of hardboard when I haven't finished laying the floor :grump:

    I would just like to state, for the record, that this isn't really a pet hate. It was just something that really annoyed me as it happened about 30 seconds before I replied to this thread :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    using organized religion to manipulate the naive, inciting hatred towards others, justifying actions that would otherwise be unjust.

    irrational people.
    people who use too much punction!?!?!?!?!?!11 without realising they come across as idiots.

    I'd go on, but it would just annoy me. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    honestly, im pretty much laid back but when driving i can get really pissed off. Most things have been mentioned. But especially when people drive really close to you, like someone already said im not gonna go any faster for you! Especially like if its a 30 road and im going at about 33, im not going any faster you dick!

    Although another thing that bugs me is people who do 30 on a 40mph road.

    and people that dont indicate and chavvy boy racers who pull up at the side of you at the traffic lights and rev their engine loads and expect me to look at them and be impressed, errr NO.

    that is all or i could be here all day.
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    BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,099 Master Poster
    Blah wrote:
    People who dont thank me

    At work, when people didnt say thanks, we used to mutter, Fuck You, but in a cheery kind of way, you can make out as though you said Thank You, but people still have to do a double take :lol:

    I hate people being late (however, I am late for most things myself) so in fact, its not the late bit, its the waiting bit.

    Oh and when you text someone, and you are waiting for a very simple answer, and you know they have their phone on their lap or what not! grrr!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bus drivers who don't actually stop even though I'm stood at the bus stop waiting - this made me late last week and I ahd to get the bus with all the screaming kids who don't know how to talk to each other; they just shout & scream at each other.

    Inconsiderate drivers who don't stop for me to cross the road when it's cold and pissing down with rain.

    People who don't say please or thank you.

    People who don't indicate.

    People who don't watch where they're going.

    People who just stop right in the middle of somewhere - meaning I have to walk around them, which is slightly hard on a Saturday morning when everyone decides that they need to go into town.

    Having to wait nearly 15 minutes just to cross a road because no drivers can be bothered to let me past.

    School kids who can't actually hold a conversation with anyone, without feeling the need to scream at everyone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jeez, how long have you guys got?

    - People who call each other 'babes'
    - People who walk slower than I do
    - Continental breakfasts
    - People who use text abbreviations. It's retarded and makes you look illiterate
    - People who harp on about various ethnic/foreign music/cinema without being able to provide one valid reason why it's good other than it's ethnic/foreign. Think Manu Chao, Mano Negra, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isable Allende etc. etc.
    - People who harp on about 'ethnic' countries, esp. places in South America simply because they're 'ethnic' (especially prolific chez the Bristol Hispanic Dept.)
    - Russel Brand. Why, oh why do people like this phenomenal twat?
    - The Daily Mail / Independent
    - Stereotypes about Russia from people who've never been there.
    - My next door neighbour's garden (in Bristol). I swear it must have developed its own consiousness by now - such is the state of its disgustingness.
    - The way people in this country hardly protest about anything and begrudginly accept just about anything the Government does.
    - Anti-smoking fascists.
    - Bristol's hills.
    - Bristol City Council
    - Stagecoach Buses
    - First Great Western Trains

    And a few others.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    - First bus company, for ALWAYS making me late for college EVERY SINGLE DAY.
    - People who don't know the difference between having a bit of a laugh on the bus and being utter twats.
    - People who complain about the fact that people from Braintree are getting on the BRAINTREE BUS because they live in Coggeshall, and therefore have more right to be on said bus, harping on about how Braintree people are of course inherently selfish for not waiting for a 70X which may or may not turn up.
    - The fact that the 70X may or may not turn up, meaning I have to listen to the utter twats on the top deck, and the people from Coggeshall complaining about the Braintree people.
    - The people who decide that congregating outside the college entrance at the end of the day is a REALLY GOOD IDEA when I'm trying to catch a bus but can't actually leave college because YOU'RE ALL IN MY FUCKING WAY.
    - People that walk in big groups that I can't get past, and really slowly. Particularly when I need to catch a bus.
    - People that don't indicate so I never know if I can actually cross the road or not.
    - People that tell me they have no time to work/have a job when they do infinitely less than I do.
    - People that use "I can't be arsed" or "I don't want to go" as an excuse for bunking lessons.
    - People that tell me off for smoking when I don't even smoke around them.
    - People that act all "I'm better than you" just because they have more motivation than I do.
    - Old people who try and push their way onto the bus that was intended for student use and then sit and complain about the students on it.
    - Old people that use being old as an excuse.
    - Old people that expect me to get out of my seat for them when they aren't in any more need of it than I am. Fair enough if they're frail and can barely walk, but like fuck am I getting out of my seat for someone who is as healthy as I am purely on the basis that they're old.
    - People that try and tell me I'm wrong when I KNOW I'm right.
    - People that think they're smarter than me because they've seen/read/heard something and I haven't.
    - People that poke me in the head with their umbrellas. I know you're short, but could you at least look at whether or not you're poking my eye out, kthx.
    - People who call me "sexy" :yeees:.

    I know there are more. I can't be arsed to think of any right now, but meh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote:
    - People who call me "sexy" :yeees:.
    Fine, Ugly then.

    Only joking. :)

    Another one of my pet hates are dustman, they always seem to swear and they throw the bins back rather than put them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Franki wrote:
    - The people who decide that congregating outside the college entrance at the end of the day is a REALLY GOOD IDEA when I'm trying to catch a bus but can't actually leave college because YOU'RE ALL IN MY FUCKING WAY.

    Some of the students from 'lower school' are like that. They block the entrance to the 6th form study centre (to you lot that's the common room & office) and don't bother moving when I ask them to.:rolleyes:
    - People that walk in big groups that I can't get past, and really slowly. Particularly when I need to catch a bus.

    I always have to walk/step out on the road because of this before & after school.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just thought of another one, at the gym.

    I hate it when a group of people come in and use one piece of equipment so that no one else can get a chance to use it.

    I detest people bicep curling in the squat rack, these people are morons.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sofie wrote:
    Some of the students from 'lower school' are like that. They block the entrance to the 6th form study centre (to you lot that's the common room & office) and don't bother moving when I ask them to.:rolleyes:

    I find a swift push normally helps.

    Although this lady on a train once got really mardy. But tbf, I was walking past her and then she suddenly stopped and turned as if to say 'this is my gangway' and I got squished, so if she was annoyed by my presence it was purely her own fault for not acknowledging my presence and moving her arse out of the way completely :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HIT wrote:
    Just thought of another one, at the gym.

    I hate it when a group of people come in and use one piece of equipment so that no one else can get a chance to use it.

    I detest people bicep curling in the squat rack, these people are morons.

    I hate that too. Just the other day there was a couple, both doing the oblique machine. The only oblique. Its not even a good one, but they only have one. 17 different calf machines but only one of those. SO this couple traded on and off it, it was the only machine I had left to do, between the two of them they were on there at least half an hour. I watched the whole monday night pregame show waiting for them and it sucked because there was no sound. They knew there was a line waiting too :\ Fuckers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To quote George Carlin; I don't have pet hates.....I have major psychotic fucking grievances.

    Russel Brand and Phil Collins.

    Having been forced to endure the'comedy' of the former scrotum faced fuck wit and the 'music' of the repugnant bawbag later, I can safely say that I'm going to heaven....cos I've served my time in hell.

    Also, dirtbag internet males who flirt with any females who have the poor taste to give them the time of day. Uuuurghhh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my_name wrote:
    I hate that too. Just the other day there was a couple, both doing the oblique machine. The only oblique. Its not even a good one, but they only have one. 17 different calf machines but only one of those. SO this couple traded on and off it, it was the only machine I had left to do, between the two of them they were on there at least half an hour. I watched the whole monday night pregame show waiting for them. They knew there was a line waiting too :\ Fuckers.
    Unfortuanately in England our gyms dont have 17 of each equipment. lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my_name wrote:
    Just the other day there was a couple, both doing the oblique machine.

    An oblique machine? Does it give evasive answers to straight forward questions? Kinda like a lying speak-your-weight machine?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    greedy, moneygrubbing banks
    people who judges someone for their mistakes.
    people who don't do their own dirty work
    people who ask my opinion then get ratty when I don't tell them what they want to hear
    attention seekers
    smugness based on somthing completly stupid
    wannabe rudeboy's
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well 4 is close enough :p The gym I belong to is stupid, 1 of the most used machines, half a dozen of the never used.

    I hate when people don't wipe down the machines with the antibacterial cloth afterwards. Nasty sweaty people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not a lot really annoys me at the moment. I must be mellowed. Or maybe stopped caring because so many things were annoying that they can't all be moaned at.

    I can relate to some things, but I wouldn't say I hate them. They are more minor flecks in the otherwise fine, milky, sea of life.

    Like the machine-hoggers in the gym, or people who pull lots of weight on machines but don't use them properly, so are just doing it to show off to their equally stupid mates.

    And people who sit up your arse when you're in a traffic queue. I mean why do you have to leave just 2 cm gap? What difference does it make? If you left a decent gap then maybe you wouldn't ram your car into me when your foot slips because it's wet. Hmm?

    So yeah, not too much.
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    BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,099 Master Poster
    when you think you have done really quite well in a test, and it turns out your actually rather thick!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mist wrote:

    Like the machine-hoggers in the gym, or people who pull lots of weight on machines but don't use them properly, so are just doing it to show off to their equally stupid mates.
    Its when they ask you to try and lift that much weight like they did thinking they done it right.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Shops / businesses / people with signs that don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly. Like, if you are spending a fortune getting a sign made up for your business then at least make sure it is all grammatically correct, otherwise you will just look like a complete knob.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bunny_0_ wrote:
    when you think you have done really quite well in a test, and it turns out your actually rather thick!
    That ones a bugger as well >.<.

    The other way round is always good though :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mist wrote:

    Like the machine-hoggers in the gym, or people who pull lots of weight on machines but don't use them properly, so are just doing it to show off to their equally stupid mates.

    It really shouldn't but that really pisses me off too :p Like the guy that puts 200lbs on the bicep and uses his whole body to lift it an inch really fast, or the chick that uses the upper back thing and just keeps it in her straigt out arms and just leans back. I think it really makes me mad because the gym specifically gives you a day where a trainer shows you each machine, and then they also give you one training session with a trainer!

    Theres a woman that dances on the starimaster too, she bothers me :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my_name wrote:
    I think it really makes me mad because the gym specifically gives you a day where a trainer shows you each machine, and then they also give you one training session with a trainer!
    I also loathe personal trainers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Shops / businesses / people with signs that don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly. Like, if you are spending a fortune getting a sign made up for your business then at least make sure it is all grammatically correct, otherwise you will just look like a complete knob.
    That one gets me too :|. There used to be a sign near Marks Tey which said "ANTIQUE,S". I was like :eek2:.

    I hate when people who are perfectly capable of knowing how to use punctuation properly and having good grammar just DON'T. I was sitting next to one of my friends on the bus today who wasn't using capital letters for names and things like that and it made me sad :(. I would have said something but I didn't want to seem nosy :o.
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    BunnieBunnie Posts: 6,099 Master Poster
    Franki wrote:
    That ones a bugger as well >.<.

    The other way round is always good though :D
    doesnt seem to have been the other way round for a while now
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Attention seekers
    The fact work is soo stupidly clique and I get left out of stuff because I work on my own in my department.
    People who talk at you not to you and cant seem to have a conversation
    People who expect you to do things yesterday when you actually have to do something else first.
    The fact various people like asking questions about my sex/love life when it quite frankly is done of their fucking business.
    The bus being either late so I'm late for work or have to wait half an hour to get one home after work.
    The fact certain things have to be said about 50 times before they realise that I dont have access to something at work and they have to go through one of the bosses who does.
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