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ideal political system?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    humans have evolved to a certain stage where we've become dependant on capatilism, or some form of capitalism
    turly mate ...what a loafd of bollox!
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Yes, rather. People always do as they are told by some form of leader, weher it is to be a greedy capitalist, a racists facist, a wishy washy liberal, or a co-operative communist.

    The general populance like to be told what to do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turly mate ...what a loafd of bollox!

    what part of it is bollocks...do you think humans now could cope without capitalism
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    As I said really, I feel yes. Humans adapt to new things and systems all the time. Who would have thought anyone could cope with the whole process of an Industrail revolutions in but 10 years? A process that most other Nations did in 100? Who would have thought natiosn could cope without a King leading them, even, after it being so for far far longer than we have been captialistic?

    We did it. Humans change thier ways easily, despite what the Western Capitalist leaders would have you beleive. This is not the best system, nor do we need it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm not about the leaders or how the system is managed, i'm talking about removing money/power from the equation
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Money is a means of getting goods. You could easily remove it, buy is money capitalism? Not really. It is an easier means of exchange. Money represnts goods, so you don't have to take yourgoods to the market nad swap them with the goods someone else needs. The money represents your ability to buy the goods, you do so, and the person you gave the money too hsa the ability to buy the goods he needs.

    You could remove it by having a system where goods are traded directly; I give you a loaf of bread, you give me a steak. However, money saves carrying about lots of bread when going anywhere.

    Removing Power? It depends in which sense you mean it. Sometimes it is necessary to take power. What is an army without its officers? Sometimes those who are able to take charge and effectivley control an army must do so. It does not make them more important than the infantry men they control; they are all important equally to the the bigger picture. The officer would be innefective without his infantry; the infantry would be rather innefective without the officer issuing commands.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    DP :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Money is a means of getting goods. You could easily remove it, buy is money capitalism? Not really. It is an easier means of exchange. Money represnts goods, so you don't have to take yourgoods to the market nad swap them with the goods someone else needs. The money represents your ability to buy the goods, you do so, and the person you gave the money too hsa the ability to buy the goods he needs.

    You could remove it by having a system where goods are traded directly; I give you a loaf of bread, you give me a steak. However, money saves carrying about lots of bread when going anywhere.

    Removing Power? It depends in which sense you mean it. Sometimes it is necessary to take power. What is an army without its officers? Sometimes those who are able to take charge and effectivley control an army must do so. It does not make them more important than the infantry men they control; they are all important equally to the the bigger picture. The officer would be innefective without his infantry; the infantry would be rather innefective without the officer issuing commands.

    whats stopping me from taking loads of bread and not giving you any steak, what if i think a steak is worth 5 loafs, what if you don't think that...

    army officers having power over infantry is not comparable to CEO's having power over it's workers, their will to make as much money as possible, their will to have power and position over the minorities, these desires have been evident throughout mankind, whether militarily or economically, there'll always be those who'll go out of their way for power, so and anarchist or communist state is just a far fetched dream imo...however workable it may sound
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Which is when the whole issue of it not worknig towards the ideal, but stopping at the part where it is enforced comes in. Yes, it is, in theory, no longer Communism when someone if enforcing it upon you. But it does work as well as any other system, but, it breaks from the ideal in that a group of people are taking the role of enforcing it upon you. You do not do that, because you are punished for doing so.

    And if it is so bad, why do so many want it back in nations that formerly had it? And is Democracy not enforced upon us too?

    When I look at it from that angle, I find little different between any system. They can all be as bad as each other, or as good as each other. It often seems a hopless circle in a pointless quest of compromise.

    But I still find it hard to justify a system based on greed in my mind. Its flaws are obvious in that those who owrk in the system and do the hard work, get the worst deal.

    And as I said above, you are greedy because you are told to be. If told to work to a different system, you will. The general populance do as they are told most of the time. Revolution is a rare thing indeed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    And as I said above, you are greedy because you are told to be. If told to work to a different system, you will. The general populance do as they are told most of the time. Revolution is a rare thing indeed.

    then a move to an anarchist system is possible, but it must be gradual and take many generations and a change of mindset, is it worth it, attainable and most importantly sustainable????
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    It is, but it does as you say, require a huge shift of people's mindset. Which is why something must be enforced for a while. Obviously, complete anarchy would require alot of changing and educting, indeed, brainwashing, of those who were to live under it. Just as, I must confess, I have been brainwashed into living in this system and its ways. Brainwashing has as certain thought of "evil" to the word. But can you say it doesn't happen in the west? Take one look around you... the influence is clear.

    Just thank yourself you don't live in the US with the education system there.

    But yes, your above post is correct, it could happen. But it would take alot of time. Which is why Capitalism has such a strong hold, it tells us to think in the short term, not of future generations, but of ourselves, what can we get now and here before we die? The whole thing is a vicious circle. But it can be broken, it just requires hard work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    It is, but it does as you say, require a huge shift of people's mindset. Which is why something must be enforced for a while. Obviously, complete anarchy would require alot of changing and educting, indeed, brainwashing, of those who were to live under it. Just as, I must confess, I have been brainwashed into living in this system and its ways. Brainwashing has as certain thought of "evil" to the word. But can you say it doesn't happen in the west? Take one look around you... the influence is clear.

    Just thank yourself you don't live in the US with the education system there.

    But yes, your above post is correct, it could happen. But it would take alot of time. Which is why Capitalism has such a strong hold, it tells us to think in the short term, not of future generations, but of ourselves, what can we get now and here before we die? The whole thing is a vicious circle. But it can be broken, it just requires hard work.

    Capitalism has such a grip on not only the everyday person but also the hierachy of this society that there won't be education, the brainwashing is happening now that'll mean if there is a change in the way the world is governed, it'll be a modified version of capitalism and not an anarchist or communist state, thats why i think we sohuld focus our efforts on trying to sort capitalism out than hoping for a utopian world
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    i think we've been through htis before, theoretically it's workable, in real terms, practically it's not, humans have evolved to a certain stage where we've become dependant on capatilism, or some form of capitalism

    You have no evidence for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Where do you place the blame? Do you blame the government for handing out benfits, or do you blame the companies that offer such appalling wages and working conditions?

    The government. Thing is, everyone knows manual labour is crap work and crap pay, that's one of the reasons there is a motivation to do better jobs which are more important to our economy. (i.e. services)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the underlying problem with capitalism is that it's self-destructive - companies and corporations look to maximise short term profits, with no regard to the long term consequences.......resources are finite and at the rate we are trashing the earth half of us will be underwater in the next 50 odd years if nothing changes......but of course capitalism isn't socially responsible enough to make serious changes that might affect their profits........the other problem with capitalism being that money is the be all and end all, so you have supposedly democratic leaders like bush and blair in bed with big business........which means you get the police, media et al to enforce the will of big business and crush the little people, as seen in the 80s with the miners strikes........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thing is, everyone knows manual labour is crap work and crap pay, that's one of the reasons there is a motivation to do better jobs which are more important to our economy.

    There are no jobs more important than the manual ones. Without them the whole thing collapses in days. Could we live without investment bankers? Too right. Could we live without someone shovelling shit down in the sewers? Not for long mate.

    The most important thing is the manipulation of our environment to increase standard of living. Anything that doesn't do that or help it happen is deadweight.

    Manual labour is paid poorly because it's set up that way by the PTB. They call it "market forces" but they are routinely fixed so that those who have real power in the economy rarely notice that they do.

    Oh and one moe thing. The only communism that was tried on a large scale was state communism. It didn't "fail", people got fed, lived their lives etc. It was brutal and oppressive, but for a long time it worked for a lot of people. Compared to the systems it was competing against it didn't do as good a job, but that's not failure. Failure would be if they had all starved to death in a year or two.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    apollo_69 wrote:
    the underlying problem with capitalism is that it's self-destructive - companies and corporations look to maximise short term profits, with no regard to the long term consequences.......resources are finite and at the rate we are trashing the earth half of us will be underwater in the next 50 odd years if nothing changes......but of course capitalism isn't socially responsible enough to make serious changes that might affect their profits........the other problem with capitalism being that money is the be all and end all, so you have supposedly democratic leaders like bush and blair in bed with big business........which means you get the police, media et al to enforce the will of big business and crush the little people, as seen in the 80s with the miners strikes........

    which is why a) leaders should be randomly chosen, like jury duty. then you have a better chance they arent bias (prviding they dont get bribed). b) there should be a central authority to redistribute wealth and resources and regulate large companies
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The government. Thing is, everyone knows manual labour is crap work and crap pay, that's one of the reasons there is a motivation to do better jobs which are more important to our economy. (i.e. services)

    As klintock has said, which would you notice sooner? No solicitors or no binmen? No bank managers or no builders?

    "Market forces" reward scarcity not value.

    Lets get this right. You think that people should be forced to do menial work on poor pay whilst the CEOs of the major menial corporations earns hundreds of thousands of pounds every year? Do you think that is fair? Do you think that is moral?

    Do you think it is good in society to have such exploitation?

    Do you think it is good in society that people are forced to accept pathetically low pay to stop them "scrounging"? Would you be happy to shovel shit for £4.80 an hour? Would you be happy if that is as far as you would ever progress?
    which is why a) leaders should be randomly chosen, like jury duty.

    What a ridiculous idea.

    Have you ever seen the morons you get on juries? We'd end up getting led by Jade Goody.
    b) there should be a central authority to redistribute wealth and resources and regulate large companies

    Which is it?

    Do you blame government for crap pay, or do you think large companies are at fault for exploiting their workers?

    Or do you think that obviously MNCs know no better, and shouldn't be blamed, the poor dears?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    which is why a) leaders should be randomly chosen, like jury duty. then you have a better chance they arent bias (prviding they dont get bribed). b) there should be a central authority to redistribute wealth and resources and regulate large companies

    like kermit said your random juror is unlikely to be able to grasp the complexities of governance........but I do think power should be less centralised with more accountability.........like if you have monthly appraisals and your MP isn't doing enough to carry out the will of his constituents, then he gets fired and another person gets a go.......

    ETA: oh there is a central authority that redistributes wealth and 'regulates' large companies, it's called government and you can guess where the wealth gets redistributed......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    apollo_69 wrote:
    like kermit said your random juror is unlikely to be able to grasp the complexities of governance........but I do think power should be less centralised with more accountability.........like if you have monthly appraisals and your MP isn't doing enough to carry out the will of his constituents, then he gets fired and another person gets a go.......

    Thing is, I think that it should be a group of people, like a council. These aren't the people who govern the country - that's the civil servants - these are the people who just make decisions, like changes in the law. If we have a spread of people then they are less likely to be bias or influenced. For example, 15 randomly selected people aren't all likely to own shares in oil.
    ETA: oh there is a central authority that redistributes wealth and 'regulates' large companies, it's called government and you can guess where the wealth gets redistributed......

    I know,though I think our government should be slightly more pro-active, because the problems with capitalism aren't fully corrected yet.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ideal political system = Talism :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dear Wendy wrote:
    Ideal political system = Talism :D

    That wasn't predictable.... ;)

    I'm not really sure, obviously with my views I know I wouldn't want massive inequality in society though also I would want peoples civil liberties to be as big as possible but within reason of course.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Random people are actually probably more suspetible to bribery and corruption that politicians are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Random people are actually probably more suspetible to bribery and corruption that politicians are.

    That's my idea out of the window then :p.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blagsta wrote:
    You have no evidence for that.

    you can't get evidence, there are no surveys for it but it's self evident, people are greedy, people like goods, people are used to the idea of money, people want more money, just look around you
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    you can't get evidence, there are no surveys for it but it's self evident, people are greedy, people like goods, people are used to the idea of money, people want more money, just look around you

    it's true that consumerism drives capitalism, but I think a lot of the wants have been created artificially, there's no inherent reason why humans have to spend spend spend........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    apollo_69 wrote:
    it's true that consumerism drives capitalism, but I think a lot of the wants have been created artificially, there's no inherent reason why humans have to spend spend spend........

    i know, i'm just saying we've evolved to the stage, and when i say evolve i mean with our attitudes, not some money hungry capitalist organ that's appeared suddenly in our bodies, we've evolved to the stage where we've just become so used to the idea of capitalism, i'm not saying it can't be reversed, i just don't see it happening in the near future anyway
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    you can't get evidence, there are no surveys for it but it's self evident, people are greedy, people like goods, people are used to the idea of money, people want more money, just look around you

    Well I can see people running marathons for charity, donating billions to the DEA, volunteering for St John's Ambulance, &c.

    A whole section of YouthNetUK is dedicated to people doing things for kindness not money.

    Kinda disproves the nature of greed, doesn't it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Well I can see people running marathons for charity, donating billions to the DEA, volunteering for St John's Ambulance, &c.

    A whole section of YouthNetUK is dedicated to people doing things for kindness not money.

    Kinda disproves the nature of greed, doesn't it?

    Not really - it just shows that human society is pretty complex. The fact that people are prepared to do things for charity and voluntary work doesn't mean they don't also want to buy a decent car and the latest PC games.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some of them do, some of them don't. It varies enormously.

    Greed is seldom a good human quality, regardless of how many people might experience it.
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