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people in relationships

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
how did u meet ur other half?


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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Been done a gazillion times.

    But to answer the question ... me and my fiance met here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wicked!!! So it does prove that internet love does work! How long you been with him???!

    Me and my fella met by dancing in a club, but left it at that, although I did like him! Then a couple of weeks later, we seen each other at the same club and went from there really.... must of been fate!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Originally posted by Briony
    Wicked!!! So it does prove that internet love does work! How long you been with him???!

    Me and my fella met by dancing in a club, but left it at that, although I did like him! Then a couple of weeks later, we seen each other at the same club and went from there really.... must of been fate!

    Well, we have been together about 11 months now and we are happy and engaged and stuff, so yes, it does work IMO. To me it is like meeting in a club or whatever, it is just the initial thing. You cant keep it online, it has to be taken into the real world. As soon as it is then it is just a normal relationship.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by littlemissy
    Well, we have been together about 11 months now and we are happy and engaged and stuff, so yes, it does work IMO. To me it is like meeting in a club or whatever, it is just the initial thing. You cant keep it online, it has to be taken into the real world. As soon as it is then it is just a normal relationship.


    We only met as friends through here, and we met a few times in real life as friends. She came to visit me at university, we got tipsy, and stayed together ever since:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Working on a campsite ib France. She was the Kids Rep, I was a normal one. The rest is (6 weeks) worth of history!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by swank
    ahh see another quick engagement! (referring to littlemissy) I still don't get it why people get engaged so quick....

    We got engaged after six months.

    What's your point?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by swank
    My point is I find it strange. I also believe in some cases (not yours for reasons I shall explain) people get engaged without intending to get married, they just say they're engaged to move up a notch in their relationship, they may get married a few years on, but when they decide to get engaged they don't want to get married, they just want to show commitment, see waht I mean? Obviously this doesn't apply to you as I gather from various posts your getting marreid next year and have begun arrangements.
    Also I don't see why the rush! Why 6 months (to use you as an example)? Why not a few years? How can you really know someone well enough to know you want to spend your whole life with them? I think its only after a few months you actually start to think of eachother seriously, I'm phrasing this really badly sorry. I'm trying ot say how do you know youwont change your feelings for GWST in a year? It wouldn't be shocking to have gone otu with her a year and six months and decide your not right for eachother, how do you know you wont regret rushing into marriage. And again I emphasise, why are people rushing to get married? its not like you can't live together or have children until you do! Do you feel like you have to prove to everyone your commitment or something?
    Edited to say:sorry if this is confusing, I just think some people dont realise what marriage is actually supposed to be (not meaning you just in general) I mean its gone up to half of marriages end in divorce. When I marry, I'll only do it once.

    I sorta understand that! I mean yeah, divorce up and marriage taken too lightly, but at the same time, its always dependant on the couple. If they genuinly wanna be together, see their futures together, get engaged with honest intentions to marry...then yeah, all for it. Some people do get engaged/married quick, a lot stay together, depends on how stable the foundations of the relationship are.

    Malt Munk xxx :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It depends on the age of the couple I think, though even then not always. I was 18 still when we got engaged.

    I do know what you mean, but I'm not sure how much I agree. When we were engaged it wasn't "ooh, we'll get married in 6 months", it was a way of showing more commitment. Marriage was for "after uni" (though it turns out it won't be).

    It depends on the couple. Some couples just know if it's meant. And yeah, we might get divorced ten years down the line, but that could happen anyway.

    Marriage is the ultimate sacrament, and I don't wish to judge those who don't see marriage as such, but I do believe that marriage is important and the best way of creating a stable family environment in which to raise children.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My girlfriend and me actually attended college together for about 4 months before we actually met each other in a local club we both went to all the time.
    Met up one time when we were a lil merry, had a bit of an encounter and then we kinda accidentaly bumped into each other on purpose for a few weeks after that at this club, started seeing more of each other inside of college and outside of the club and went from there. Been together....um....*counts in head*... 7 months this saturday.

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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Originally posted by swank
    My point is I find it strange. I also believe in some cases (not yours for reasons I shall explain) people get engaged without intending to get married, they just say they're engaged to move up a notch in their relationship, they may get married a few years on, but when they decide to get engaged they don't want to get married, they just want to show commitment, see waht I mean? Obviously this doesn't apply to you as I gather from various posts your getting marreid next year and have begun arrangements.
    Also I don't see why the rush! Why 6 months (to use you as an example)? Why not a few years? How can you really know someone well enough to know you want to spend your whole life with them? I think its only after a few months you actually start to think of eachother seriously, I'm phrasing this really badly sorry. I'm trying ot say how do you know youwont change your feelings for GWST in a year? It wouldn't be shocking to have gone otu with her a year and six months and decide your not right for eachother, how do you know you wont regret rushing into marriage. And again I emphasise, why are people rushing to get married? its not like you can't live together or have children until you do! Do you feel like you have to prove to everyone your commitment or something?
    Edited to say:sorry if this is confusing, I just think some people dont realise what marriage is actually supposed to be (not meaning you just in general) I mean its gone up to half of marriages end in divorce. When I marry, I'll only do it once.

    I also have quite old fashioned beliefs when it comes to marriage. Marriage is for life. I do not intend to do it more than once either. Me and Dave got engaged intending to get married, not have a long engagement or never bother tying the knot. We have set a date for next year and plans just need to be finalised.

    I intend to stay with Dave for the rest of my life. And I know he is the one otherwise I would not have said "yes". I have been in other relationships and knew I wouldnt be with the guy for ever. But there is a difference here. For reasons I cannot identify I just know he is the one for me.

    The quickness of it all doesn't scare me to say the least. My parents met, got engaged and married all within 6 months and they are still happily married 25 years on.

    If you think it is too quick then fine. I don't care. I am happy. Dave is happy. That is all that matters.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One of my mates' sisters' mates.

    Talked to her on MSN for a little while, then she'd just got back from the Czech Republic so we decided to meet and go for a drink, and it all started from there
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Originally posted by swank
    I am glad that you are happy.
    It wasnt so much that people decide quick, more that people say they're engaged but they have no intention of marrying really.
    I wish you two a life of happiness and all that cheese, it must be great ot know that soon on how much you care for them.

    Thank you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I met my boyfriend through my friend. After her GCSE's she left and went to a different college to do her A Levels and made friends with some people there, and my boyfriend was the friend of the people she made friends with, but he didn't go to that college because he worked/was a carpenter.
    This is Long winded.
    So she met him buy going out with her friends from college/going round their houses etc.
    I accidently ended up talking to my boyfriend on msn with my friend one day and i jokingly said somethign like oh why dont you come down and see us, cause he lived 2 villages and a 10 minute bus journey away. He said ok. He got off the bus and i was like But Louise i can't talk to him he's gorgeous, he apperently thought the same thing. We had tonnes of fun, and have been together 18 months on saturday. *boogies*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I did meet them at my work but we arent together but stil work together... very hard to come to terms with :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I met mine through work.

    He fancied me, I didn't. Got drunk at a party and tried to sleep with each other, didn't happen. Both too blitzed on the Ouzo I brought back :yuck:

    Absolutely mortified with myself, I ignored him from July until December. Fancied another chap from work, got knocked back and was kinda depressed from October last year through to January of this year - which is when Scott and I started to pair off at nights out.

    He asked me out on the 12th of February this year, and we had our first date on Valentine's day. Was an alright relationship, because I was single for two years it was a complete culture shock to me and I was kinda clingy because I forgot how nice it was to have someone with you.

    We broke up on the 5th of August this year, my choice even though I regretted it SO much at the time. But gradually I started to be funtime Becky and get in touch with the girls again and had a blast!

    Obviously Scott and I cared loads about eachother still and we ended up sleeping with eachother sometimes/phoning on nights out etc.

    Then, on the 4th of September we had a phone call from 3AM until 5.50AM and we gabbed about everything apart from us. I played it tres cool but he was really into making me jealous and such to see if I genuinely cared or not. It didn't work making him want me a wee bit more.

    Anyhoo, he asked me back on the 5th and I swayed and it's been good ever since really. It's my 21st today and my boyfriend wants to treat me like a princess from 8pm onward. Rather good, really.

    My, what a long way for a shortcut.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I met my boyfriend at Uni. We're on the same course. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    we met on holiday

    she worked in the hotel where I was on holiday
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ahh see another quick engagement! (referring to littlemissy) I still don't get it why people get engaged so quick....

    actually, based on my experience, i agree.

    the first few years of any good relationship will have both of you thinking that the other is 'the one'. particularly if it's your first serious relationship. i know - it happened to me.

    i believe marriage is forever, and if i were making any other life-long decisions, i'd take my time making them, so on my wedding day i want to be as certain as is humanly possible that i have made the right choice. and i don't think personally i could trust my judgement if i did what i did last time, and got caught up in the moment. if other people can, then that's cool. but because i've only ever been me, i find it hard to relate.

    and i met my other half on the net too. how deliciously geeky of me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by swank
    Im glad someone agrees! I'm in my first (and only) relationship and although sometimes I think its magic and he often talks about extreme long term stuff I'm reminding myself that although is terrific now time and people change, especially when they're as young as some people on the baord.

    People do change yes, but they don't change that much, and I'm as happy now as I will be in however much time, so there is no sense in waiting for some special time when it is supposed to be "acceptable" to get engaged.
    how do you know you wont regret rushing into marriage. And again I emphasise, why are people rushing to get married? its not like you can't live together or have children until you do! Do you feel like you have to prove to everyone your commitment or something?

    You wouldn't know any more if you are going to regret something after 12 months, two years, or five years of going out with someone. I do not consider our relationship to be a rush to get married at all.

    Personally I would not want to have a child with someone I was not married to. We are aleady living with each other so our marriage is not anything to do with proving anything to anyone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Mist
    People do change yes, but they don't change that much

    thing is though, they do. and i know that that could happen anyway even if you've known them 20 years, but i'd say there's less of a risk.

    i just figure that the first year or so is magical for everyone - honeymoon period and all that. and if you still love them when you've been together years and nothing is new anymore and you annoy each other sometimes, and you do the same thing everyday, then there's a good chance you'll always love them.

    i don't disapprove of quick engagements and weddings - it's your life, and i'm happy that you're happy. i just cross my fingers, cause i've seen so many of them fail.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The key thing is living together IMHO.

    If you've never lived with your partner then you're rushing an engagement, if you have lived with them then you aren't.

    I got engaged after six months. It wasn't with the intention of marrying three months later; we've been living together for years now, and we still get on. I don't think I took the term lightly, to tell the truth, but then it was weird as it wasn't me down on one knee begging. It just kinda happened.

    Living together is the thing that kills so many relationships, if you haven't lived with your partner then you shouldn't marry them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    Living together is the thing that kills so many relationships, if you haven't lived with your partner then you shouldn't marry them.

    yus. it's because you find out what they're really like. you don't know someone until you live with them.

    if possible, you should do what we did, and live in 1 room together. in a house it's easy to find space to yourself, but if you're living in each other's pocket for a year and a half, and after it all you still like them, you're doing well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by kaffrin
    yus. it's because you find out what they're really like. you don't know someone until you live with them.

    if possible, you should do what we did, and live in 1 room together. in a house it's easy to find space to yourself, but if you're living in each other's pocket for a year and a half, and after it all you still like them, you're doing well.

    I think I'd go spare like that.

    I always need somewhere to go and stomp away from everyone else, because I have some vile moods.

    This flat is small enough :yes:
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