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Massachusetts legalises gay marriage



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think marriage was founded as a relgious idea at first, at least in uk and we do have a state religoion even if it isnt widely practised

    however i think gay couples should have right to a civil union event to show their love for eachother and to have same legal rights as a married couple

    yet again its my own opinion as i hold nothing against gays themselves, can be charming people, and not so charming just like any people!

    like the proposed laws giving live in gay couples legal rights, actually gives gays more rights than a straight couple, since a live in unmarried straight couple doesnt have those proposed rights

    we should give a legal and civil equivilent to marriage to gay couples, im sure there are some smaller churches out there that would 'marry' them anyway, if they want it to be religious to, just dont call it marriage
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in most cases of incest though, there is a form of abuse, unlike in gay relationships so its an unfair comparison, even if you believe being gay is unnatural, which in some circumstances i can believe can happen, but since noone is actually being harmed (unless your trying to argue its a mental illness) i think they should be allowed to same rights as married couples, even if the ceremony isnt called marriage for institutional sakes
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by
    I fear the future when the left will push us further down the route of accecptance of unnatural behavoir.

    Why bring political orientation into it? Right-wing people are gay and left-wing people can be very anti-gay, so it holds little relevance.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by the doc horatio
    Why bring political orientation into it? Right-wing people are gay and left-wing people can be very anti-gay, so it holds little relevance.

    The working class can be very anti-gay. I beleive Labour put up a gay candidate in a safe seat in the 1980's and lost the seat to the Liberals.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So gay couples can be handfasted... but not married?

    Personally I don't see the problem of gay couples getting married. So what if they can't produce children... are you going to stop disabled people getting married, or infertile couples? Because at the end of the day if the soul purpose of marriage is to start a family, then some people will be missing out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I shall make this clear right now: I don't think people are gay or straight, but merely sexual. Everyone is bisexual to a greater or lesser extent.

    However, marriage should be about families, and marriage is about children. It always has been, right throughout all religions throughout all time, and that is simply the way it should stay. I agree with the legal and religious doctrine that states that if you marry someone who is infertile and you do not realise this then a marriage can be annulled; it sounds cruel and harsh but it is what I think.

    Personally I think homosexuality is natural, but that does not, by definition, mean that a state should afford it the right of marriage.

    As for the issue of adoption, I believe that for a child to be properly well-adjusted it needs a mother AND a father. Single parenthood is very undesirable, though unfortunately relationships fail, and homosexual parenthood is so undesirable as to require prohibition- two fathers or two mothers do not give the child the psychological grounding it requires, and, much as I am loathe to resort to the issue of "naturalness", if homosexuality was desirable for parenthood then homosexuals would be capable of mating.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    However, marriage should be about families, and marriage is about children. It always has been, right throughout all religions throughout all time, and that is simply the way it should stay.
    Well I accept your views on the issue of what marriage means (family, children) but you must accept other people's too. And the fact is that for countless people marriage does not mean 'family' or 'children'. Each person attaches marriage the relevance and meaning they want. There is no official or legal position that determines you must have children as part of a marriage. Sorry.

    It should also be made crystal clear that marriage is not an institution that is exclusive of any religious denomination. Organised religion is very welcome not to accept same-sex marriages within their doctrine, but have absolutely no right whatsoever to dictate who should or should not get married in civil ceremonies.

    As for the issue of adoption, I believe that for a child to be properly well-adjusted it needs a mother AND a father.
    Single parenthood is very undesirable, though unfortunately relationships fail,
    A child could be just as well adjusted with a mother only, father only, two mothers and two fathers as with your traditional family concept. It does not depend on the gender or number of parents around but on the quality of the parenting.

    As a matter of fact countless children would be trillions of times better off with two caring, loving fathers than with their current 'perfect' nuclear traditional families where the father is a piss-head, beater, gambler, adulterer or who simply isn't around home much and treats the wife and kids with disdain.

    and homosexual parenthood is so undesirable as to require prohibition- two fathers or two mothers do not give the child the psychological grounding it requires and, much as I am loathe to resort to the issue of "naturalness", if homosexuality was desirable for parenthood then homosexuals would be capable of mating.
    Oh please! What next? "If God had intended for women to work He would have given them more strength"? :rolleyes:

    And where do you stop Kermit? Should we ban mix race couples from adopting too, lest it fails to provide the child with the same psychological grounding as same-race couples do?

    As I said it all depends on the quality of the parenting. Gay, straight, lesbian, single, unmarried, married, mixed race, it all means absolutely fuck all so long as the parents are balanced, caring and loving.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Aladdin
    Well I accept your views on the issue of what marriage means (family, children) but you must accept other people's too. And the fact is that for countless people marriage does not mean 'family' or 'children'. Each person attaches marriage the relevance and meaning they want. There is no official or legal position that determines you must have children as part of a marriage. Sorry.

    I do accept other views on marriage, I merely put forward my own. If there is a consensus view that gays should be allowed to marry, I would accept it; I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't have to nor expect to.

    I am unsure as to the laws of annullment, but there certainly used to be grounds for annullment if one or more partner was infertile and did not know or declare it. And if 'family' and 'children' were not an integral part of marriage then the non-consummation of marriage would not remain a legal ground to annul.

    A child could be just as well adjusted with a mother only, father only, two mothers and two fathers as with your traditional family concept. It does not depend on the gender or number of parents around but on the quality of the parenting.

    As a matter of fact countless children would be trillions of times better off with two caring, loving fathers than with their current 'perfect' nuclear traditional families where the father is a piss-head, beater, gambler, adulterer or who simply isn't around home much and treats the wife and kids with disdain.

    The quality of the parenting DOES count, of course it does.

    However, gays cannot naturally have children within the couple. That is a fact. Therefore the main recourse open to them is adoption, and any parent who is not suitable would (almost certainly) be barred from adopting. Therefore it is a non-argument.

    Besides which, homosexuals are just as capable of being tossers. I know from personal experience that they are- just like straights cheat, so do gays. It's called human nature, and does not justify anything.

    All things being equal, a loving and caring father and mother is preferable to any opther combination, in my opinion. Educational surveys have shown that the lack of a father figure (i.e. male teachers) in many primary schools damages the development of boys, and that "latch-key kids" are hampered in their development compared to children with one parent at home. It is not unreasonable to extend these results, certainly the former, to issues of homsexual parenting.

    Oh please! What next? "If God had intended for women to work He would have given them more strength"? :rolleyes:

    Don't be ridiculous. If you can show me how homosexuals can, inside their relationship, procreate, then I would be more than interested.

    And where do you stop Kermit? Should we ban mix race couples from adopting too, lest it fails to provide the child with the same psychological grounding as same-race couples do?

    Again, don't be ridiculous. Refer to my earlier point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    The quality of the parenting DOES count, of course it does.

    However, gays cannot naturally have children within the couple. That is a fact. Therefore the main recourse open to them is adoption, and any parent who is not suitable would (almost certainly) be barred from adopting. Therefore it is a non-argument.
    I'm not sure I follow... surely is a case-to-case basis. Why wouldn't a gay person be suitable to be an adoptive parent?
    Besides which, homosexuals are just as capable of being tossers. I know from personal experience that they are- just like straights cheat, so do gays. It's called human nature, and does not justify anything.
    I totally I agree. This was merely to illustrate that heterosexual couples are not preferable by default to anything else. It all depends on the people involved.
    All things being equal, a loving and caring father and mother is preferable to any opther combination, in my opinion. Educational surveys have shown that the lack of a father figure (i.e. male teachers) in many primary schools damages the development of boys, and that "latch-key kids" are hampered in their development compared to children with one parent at home. It is not unreasonable to extend these results, certainly the former, to issues of homsexual parenting.
    That might be true but if we are prepared to allow single parents to raise/adopt children, even though it is not the most perfect environment possible, then we should consider other parent concepts. If we agree that other family concepts are acceptable if not 100% perfect for the bringing up of a child, then same-sex couples should be considered just as much as single couples, mixed-raced couples and others.

    Don't be ridiculous. If you can show me how homosexuals can, inside their relationship, procreate, then I would be more than interested.

    Again, don't be ridiculous. Refer to my earlier point.
    And why should this matter?

    And what of lesbians? They can get pregnant. They can have children. So presumably it's okay with you for lesbians to adopt kids since they're biologically capable of conceiving, but not for gay men?

    I'm sorry but the whole 'nature' argument that if God intended them to be parents they'd be able to procreate does not wash one bit. By your reasoning, couples who are sterile or otherwise incapable of having children of their own have been marked by God/nature as not suitable for parenthood and must never be allowed to adopt.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I added the caveat "in their relationship" to cover lesbians- anyone can have children outside a gay relationship, but just as men do not have the biological capacity to conceive women do not have the biological capacity to be impregnated.

    The difference between the infertile and homosexuals is that infertile couples have the capacity, but it is defective, but homosexuals do not even have the capacity. You will no doubt argue that it is a moot point, but it is not. An infertile couple have the requisite equipment, it just does not function; homsexual partnerships can NEVER have the capacity for procreation, unless gay men grow wombs and lesbians grow testicles.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry but the whole 'nature' argument that if God intended them to be parents they'd be able to procreate does not wash one bit. By your reasoning, couples who are sterile or otherwise incapable of having children of their own have been marked by God/nature as not suitable for parenthood and must never be allowed to adopt.

    No one would say they've beeen marked by God/nature as not suitable for parenthood, they have a fertility problem which doesn't affect their emotional leanings toward parenthood

    Women have a great capacity for self-sacrifice, have stamina and usually an inate ability to connect with their children.

    To replace a woman with a man and not expect subtle damage in a child is hopeful, an experiment with unforseeable consequences
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by J
    Hopefully I'll be on a harp rather than a violin :p

    Ok, ok! Bad week for me, normaly I don't give a rat shit what people do so long as they are happy safe etc.

    S'ok. Everyone has a bad week. And I am genuinely sorry about what happened to you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ; Do you really believe that those on the "left" want to move towards getting incest normalised?

    Who is this "left" you are always talking about anyway, surely not the current Government, they are more Thatcherite that Thatcher herself!

    What is this dark force of the 'left' which wants to enforce 'polictical correctness' on you?

    Society as a whole is getting somewhat more accepting, but then we have been doing that for a while.

    Are you suggesting this is a bad thing, perhaps we should remove the vote for women, or maybe remove the race relations act, or introduce the cast system here?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am genuinely surprised by your comparison between incest and homosexuality.

    Are you really suggesting that anyone who is not 100% straight is 'un-natural'?

    There are so many things we do that are un-natural anyway, so to my mind its not really a defense of homophobic views.

    Should we stop wearing clothes, or maybe not use medicines, or maybe...well you get the point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by
    Alladin. Why do you want to continue to pretend men and woman are the same when they have biological, physological, phycological, emotional and many many other decisions?
    I have never pretended that. What I have said is that both men are women are capable of giving the same caring and balanced upbringing to a child. It all depends on the individual, not the gender, sexual orientation or marital status.

    I also ask you this question Alladin. Would you have had a problem being raised by 2 homosexual parents?
    None whatsoever.
    I know I would have yet I would not have had a choice at such a young age nor understood the implications. Why should we force what is unnatural and in my opinion sick, when one of the couples generally acts as the opposite sex, on a child who cannot decide for themselves.
    Obviously had you been raised by homosexual parents you would have had no problems whatsoever with it. No child is born prejudiced.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Obviously had you been raised by homosexual parents you would have had no problems whatsoever with it. No child is born prejudiced.

    Proof, with stats please
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Of what? Of the fact that children are not born prejudiced?

    Are you for real?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is no comparison between incest and homosexuality as anyone with half a brain could tell you. Why?
    One word - consent.

    Argggh! I'm trying to stop posting here, but when I read such obvious crap, I have to respond!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If legally homosexuals are the same as anyone else, which they are why shouldnt they be allowed the same legal rights?

    If there are problems with the instituion of marraige being used for this then why not just term it a commitment ceromony and then after that give them all the rights a married couple have?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Obviously had you been raised by homosexual parents you would have had no problems whatsoever with it.

    one more time

    Proof, with stats please
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its a pointless question because not only can he not prove that you would be fine, neither can you prove that you wouldnt have been fine.

    The point is, does it matter if two parents who love and care for the child are the same sex?

    And of course it totally depends on the people involved and the situation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its a pointless question because not only can he not prove that you would be fine, neither can you prove that you wouldnt have been fine.

    not so, it's what social psychologists do

    May not be a statistically significant survey though, given small no. of gay parents

    Won't catch on in most of the World, mind you:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I shouldn't have to prove that children are born without prejudice any more than I should have to prove the world is round.

    Since you are the one appearing to suggest a total absurdity, you should be the one proving or at least suggesting how a child born and raised by homosexual parents could be prejudiced towards them.

    Perhaps you might find answers in the Flat Earth Society website- you both appear to work on the same brainwaves...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I shouldn't have to prove that children are born without prejudice any more than I should have to prove the world is round.

    Can you not read or are you wriggling away, as usual

    you make blanket assertions about gay parenting, with no justification

    Anyone disagreeing must be on the Bush/blair axis of course

    Tell us something concrete about gay parenting apart from your opinion
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you not read what people put down?

    He said "YOU would have had no problems whatsoever with it" so it becomes a pointless question, because to my knowledge you werent. So guessing about whether or not you would have been fine is pointless.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by bongbudda
    If there are problems with the instituion of marraige being used for this then why not just term it a commitment ceromony and then after that give them all the rights a married couple have?
    :yes: Marriage is an emotive term. But then there are some, mostly gay couples who are religious, who believe that completely equal rights should be granted, and that religious institutions should perform marriages, and that they should be allowed to call them marriages.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by piccolo
    :yes: Marriage is an emotive term. But then there are some, mostly gay couples who are religious, who believe that completely equal rights should be granted, and that religious institutions should perform marriages, and that they should be allowed to call them marriages.

    yeh true that they deserve equal rights, but until a civil system they will get the same rights as a married couple ableit minus the marriage title surely its the religious institutes decision whether they want to be able to marry people,

    and in america they could be called married, as there is a legal seperation of state and relgion but in this country, religion is part of the state, like why we cant have a catholic king or prime minister or something (unless that was changed)

    and a civil service would be giving qual rights whilst keeping the people who dont know what to expect happy, thus showing them not much will change really and maybe one day marriage would be the term, and im sure a couple could put it into their vows still (good work around!)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by
    I think it would scar me for life. Imagine the torment you would have even received at school. If you were not damaged phycologically, you would have been bullied and had all sorts of other problems. You need both parents to achieve a balance in your life and 2 people could never compensate for the different things both your mother and your father offer you.
    Exactly the same arguments were put down regarding mix-race couples. Do you think we should not have allowed them to have children either?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by
    Of course you would after the years of torment and bullying by other children and your phycological scars as one of your fathers acted as your mother. It would be sick and it would make the child sick. I know it would make me sick and that would never change.
    That's just ignorant - neither parent would try to take on a different gender-role!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by
    Sometimes they do. Often in transvestite cases and even in just normal cases.
    Even so, I don't understand how the child would suffer psychologically from that.
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