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Short Term Relationships



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think she was being harsh, just very animated and incensed in the way she put her opinion across. I get the feeling there was personal experience involved there. Maybe she's been the girl on the receiving end of something like this before.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lisa simpson's saxophone
    I don't think she was being harsh, just very animated and incensed in the way she put her opinion across.

    I get the feeling there was personal experience involved there.

    first point, very animated indeed? with comments such as 'GROW UP!' well, i said before, may not be insulting to everyone, but it is very much so to me, and i dont know how many times i have to apologise for going overboard on her :S

    secondly i thought that too, which is why i mentioned the word 'bitterness'
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    OK maybe yelling 'grow up' at you is insulting, BUT that is what it comes down to. And I don't mean that in an insulting or patronising way. But you're saying you want a grown-up fairly long term relationship involving love, yet you're already saying that you're going to get bored after a year. You're looking at it totally the wrong way. With each relationship you go into, you don't know if it'll last two weeks, two months or even two years, but that shouldn't bother you. Just because you got bored after a year with your last girlfriend doesn't mean it'll happen again with the next one. Treat each relationship as a seperate case and don't be so pessimistic. By the same token, don't start thinking about what'll happen in a year's time when you've only just met a girl. It might not even last past the first date. Just let things happen as they happen. When you meet the right girl, at the right time, then you won't get bored.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well i guess ill just have to try to go with the flow then, but it seems the way im thinking is affecting my ability to even want to pull let alone do it...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Short Term Relationships

    my god, haven't posted on here in a while but this thread made me so angry i spent the last 20 mins working out what my password was....so sad!

    I really can't believe you've all jumped down the poor lads throat, lets go back a bit....
    Originally posted by Bennie
    but i know it wont last longer than a year, i get easily bored with people :/ and im too young to be in a full time relationship, is it wrong to want something short term? what if she gets too attatched and cant let me go and i end up hurting yet another person who doesnt deserve it?

    right, this doesn't sound heartless to me ... he's worried about hurting someone and asking peoples advice on what he should do and is answered by:
    Originally posted by Bennie
    I cant understand your selfishness, ok you are being honest but are you actually thinking her that afetr a year a girl is going to be so happy with you, and love you to bits, and you are going to break her heart, if you dont want to stay in a relationship (you clearly are not mature enough for one!) then do NOT enter one!

    I am sure thats what my boyfriends have done in the past IT RUINS PEOPLES LIVES! do not start playing with love and people emotions they DO NOT deserve that! GROW UP!

    ok my first point, he didn't say he was going to set out to do this, he said he was worried that he wouldn't be able to give any more than a year and might end up hurting someone. Surely a sensible answer would have been something along the lines of:

    "if you don't want anything serious make sure the other person knows or else you might mess up someones life."

    Thats all it needed, no drama, no capital letters no causing an argument. Devil, i don't see how your qualified to tell someone their not mature enough for a relationship. The lad came on here asking for advice not saying that he was gonna set out to break someones heart. Why couldn't you have just reccomended that he stuck to casual relationships?!?!

    and stop resorting to calling him childish, he asked for advice, got blasted and defended himself. He didn't resort to silly name calling you did - 'oh your so mature, get out of your nappies' or whatever you said. Arghhh it makes me fucking mad, you can state your case without being condesending and trying to make out that your more adult than him!

    Bennie, just make sure any girl you start seeing knows what you want and don't want. As long as your both clear know one should get hurt.

    and for fucks sake why are you all arguing about something so stupid as 'kthx' its so fucking petty. One person flames him and the vultures start picking on the tiniest things :mad:

    its 4 words ... not worth an argument
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i <3 you jon :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Short Term Relationships
    Originally posted by Bennie
    I want someone, to have and to hold etc, but only for a short term rerlationship, just someone to satisfy my need for love (not sex) for say about a year? is that even classed as a short term relationship?

    but i know it wont last longer than a year, i get easily bored with people :/ and im too young to be in a full time relationship, is it wrong to want something short term? what if she gets too attatched and cant let me go and i end up hurting yet another person who doesnt deserve it? is it really love if it doesnt last forever?


    i think thats exactly what relationships should be when youre young - short term.. i was never looking for a long term relationship, only a few month one, but the one in in now was started years and years ago and i thought it would only last a few dates!!

    I think, if youre getting bored or restless then its not cruel to cut the relationship when youve had enough because it means it wasnt meant to be a long relationship anyway, if that makes sense? Theres absolutely nothing wrong with what you want at all. It makes sense, youre young!

    Its probably what would have been the healthy thing for me to do!

    As long as (you know how it can be) the girl doesnt start assuming youll be together forever (and im pretty sure from your thread ud exlplain it to her) then theres no harm done, at all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just read the arguments on this thread... oh my god...
    If my opinon is worth anything Bennie, you sound a thousand times more mature than some people have sounded through their posts on this thread. Jeeesus!

    edited because i cant spell for shit
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good God. How can you be arsed to write that much? And then for someone to reply to it writing double the amount?! I dont care how fast you type. Its shameful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Chav
    Good God. How can you be arsed to write that much? And then for someone to reply to it writing double the amount?! I dont care how fast you type. Its shameful.

    yeah your right ... it is pretty shameful :)

    then again how you can make three or four posts in a thread on an advice message board without actually giving any advice or even saying anything relating to his original post is beyond me.

    guess some people post here to give and receive advice and some people just want other to think their cool and funny eh? ;):p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont agree with his 'need for love for about a year' thing hes got going on, but instead of starting an arguement over nothing I thought I'd say just as much about it and instead gave him arguing advice - My considerate side.
    guess some people post here to give and receive advice and some people just want other to think their cool and funny eh?
    Dont I give any advice in my posts? Look around. Not everything has to be so serious unlike arguements over the internet.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For starters, Bennie, Im in on you with this one.
    Forget the "girl power and all that shite!"

    The bloke asked for advice, this is why these boards are here. As what he didn't ask for is a woman scorned.

    Bennie is 18 am I right? At 18, I feel, relationships are trial and error (remember GCSE maths? lol!). You go out, you meet people, you date, if you dont like them how do you know what you're gonna like. Without trying to sound crude, relationship are like Ice Cream. I love chocolate. But I only knew chocolate was my favourite until I had tried strawberry, vanilla, raspberry ripple, etc.... Some people like Neopolitan! Its people's tastes. Ive had many relationships, and at 23 i think I know what I want out of a relationship, I think I know what to do, and who I wanna do it with, for my relationships to work.

    Bennie, mate, go out, meet girls, date them. If they last 2 months, it wasn't to be, If they last a year, sure it will hurt, but you know more than your first relationship. It DOES make you a stronger person.

    If you worry at what life will throw at you, you will worry all the time. What If you die tomorrow? Are you worrying about that? Life can be shit, but it can also be fucking awesome! So go out and look for somebody who will make your life awesome. If its meant to be, then you wont get bored. If you do however, its not your fault! She'll get over it......it'll make her stronger.

    Rant over. As for the agruements....Ive been guilty of a few on here and to sound hypocritical.....Its not worth it!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with you CymruKid and I think that the best advice is just to go with the flow and see what happens. However Bennie it's not really a question of love in that case, which is what I think upset Devil. You can't go out in search of someone to love for a year or so, it just happens when you meet the right person.

    Good luck :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks people :)
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