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Fluoxetine - Anti depressants



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    Still, wih the evidence I've seen I wouldn't put much faith in them - certainly not as much as most people seem to.

    It's become a mainstay of popular culture that depression is caused by a chemical inbalance in your brain, and that SSRI are good at treating it. In reality the evidence for it is pretty patchy.
    In many some cases placebo's have been found to be MORE effective than the SSRI, and when you take the data from all SSRI trails placebos have been foudn to be as effective 75% of the time. That's a pretty serious figure.
    When include the side effects that SSRI cause, are they really worth it.

    There are studies that show Ketamine and older type sedatives to be more effective in the treatment of depression.

    Yes, I agree that AD's are overprescribed, but the main reason behind that is the NHS - there are such limited resources for talking therapies, GP's have to be content with simply doling out pills..unfortunate, but for the moment, that's just the way things are.

    Depression is a combination of chemical and external factors. Sometimes people are mildly depressed, and a short course of AD's is all they need. Lots of people who are severly depressed have suffered at some point in their lives (abuse etc), and AD's simply treat the symptoms, and not the cause. In this case, AD's with councelling is ideal. I could go on, but what I'm saying is that it is not as cut and dry as you're making out.

    Also, sedatives have their place, but they are just that - sedatives. They are addictive, and can impare your ability to function normally. SSRI's are not addictive, and despite some of the press about them making peoples depression worse, or making them suicidal (we are talking specifically about Seroxat here - which has been found to have these side effects in a minority of people, but has also been hyped up in the media)

    If you don't have any faith in them, you've obviously never had the quality of your life depend on them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry, back to original question...was on prozac for 5 years, and found it to have few side effects, apart from minor 'zombification', and an upset tummy when I first started taking it.

    Also, I did find is effected both my ability to orgasm, and my libido, though it's different for everyone
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I haven't been on them, but I wouldn't mind...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry to bring an old post back.
    I was prescribed these by my consultant on Tuesday but wanted to talk it though with my Dr first, saw him on Thursday night and he also agreed was best for me to try.
    I started taking them today, whens the best time to take them, I took them just before food and 6 hours later I feel sicky, presume it could be a side affect.
    Also I read that you can't drink with them, I don't drink at home but hopefully I'll be going out in a few months once my whole illness is sorted, and a drink would do me good probably, is it ok to drink a little bit?
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