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How to get that 'push over the edge'

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I've been training at the gym for around a year now with my best mate.
For the first couple of months there was a noticable improvement in my physique but as time progressed it seemed to stop all together and it was as if i was just wasting time, muscles not getting any bigger, abs not showing any more/getting any firmer etc.
Anyway, after about 9 months in total of training we decided to join a different gym, so since about christmas we've been going to a much bigger gym with better equipment and a free weights room.
I'll admit we have probably been pushing it too much, at least 4 sessions a week, roughly 2 hours a session so it doesnt leave much rest time but tbh i miss going to the gym if we don't go that often, any less and i just feel lazy and as if im never going to reach my goals.
I've definately been pushing my muscles because a lot of the time when training together one of us will get fatigued then be motivated and pushed to do more by the other.
My abs are the main area i would like to improve on but it just doesnt seem to be getting anywhere now.
I can post a photo of them if thats of any use to anyone, they look kind of toned but then have been that way for quite a while and just dont seem to get to that rock hard washboard level.
We do a lot of different types of excercises already so the muscles dont get used to working in the same way..
We've been spending a lot more time in the free weights room working on arms & chest but even that doesnt seem to have made much of a difference.
Any tips?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Depends what you want to see mate, and what your diet is. It's no good working out like a champion if for the rest of the time you're eating crap.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I eat pretty well, try to eat as much fruit/veg as possible, eat lots of protein, lots of carbs for energy levels at the gym and to recover after etc.
    I think i may not be eating enough though, I've heard to aim for about 1000 calories above the reccomended when trying to put on muscle but i just dont get that hungry..
    sleep is probably an issue as well because i know i dont get enough of that.
    Surely the core area should continue to get more toned though considering the muscles are actually pretty strong now they're just not that visible all the time. I dont think its hidden by fat either because im build like a rake
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, you know that to bulk up you need big weights and low reps. As for eating enough that's just and adjustment thing, you can eat more just by trying to eat more, making yourself an extra round of sandwiches, another handful or rice/pasta or another small/medium potato with dinner. Little things like that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    icey wrote: »
    I can post a photo of them if thats of any use to anyone, they look kind of toned but then have been that way for quite a while and just dont seem to get to that rock hard washboard level.

    Post pictures! :p

    Haha, sorry :blush:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you only doing weights? How many sets/reps?

    My cardio at the moment is HIIT, and I follow the body for life method in weights i.e. increasing the resistance with reps of 12, 10, 8, 6 and then two more of 12 with everything I've got. I've found that pretty effective.

    What sort of abdominal exercises are you doing? Do you have any resistance with that?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not only weights, i alternate days with excercises, so one day, chest & arms, next legs & core.
    Normally go round the machines, do 3 sets on the highest weight i can just manage to do 8 reps on, or as many as i can manage when i start to become fatigued.
    Do this on most machines alternating between different parts of the arm and chest.
    Then I'll move on to free weights, normally when doing my arms i tend to focus more on my triceps because theres only one machine that works those specifically but do a few bicep and shoulder excercises as well.
    Again with the free weights, i choose a weight that i can do a maximum of 8 reps with and do as many sets as i can manage.
    To finish we will normally do a set of dips on..not sure what the machine is called but it just basically has a bar on either side of you that you grab hold of.
    Core workout - crunches on an ab resistance machine (same as before, highest weight i can manage 8 on) do this for as many sets as i can then move onto the mats & fitness balls. I do about 4 different excercises doing as many reps as i can manage, short rests (1/2 mins) completing as many sets as i can. I'll then try to do as many hanging leg raises as i can using the chin up bar. To finish my core workout i'll do about 3 sets on the machine that works the lower back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmm. Not really sure what I can suggest. Might be worth altering the number of sets you do and the intensity? I think they normally say 8 - 12 reps for increase in muscle mass (12 - 15 for muscle endurance).

    Are the fitness instructors at the gym helpful? They might be able to suggest new things.

    A friend of mine swears by pilates for abdominal stuff. Not sure how much you're into that, I wouldn't do it as I do enough cardio/weights.
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