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Boooo....he hasn't been in touch with me!! :(



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HanHan wrote: »
    What's the point in recognising you like someone but taking it no further??? :confused:

    Reaaally don't understand this dating business...

    EXACTLY. And also, when you tell someone that you don't want to shag them/want anything further yet you chase me! DJklasjksla;fjieow'reiop. Honestly. Then you text text text text like a maniac, come over to my gaff and be all cuddly then go all cold again! ARGH. Cocks. More hassle than they're worth, eh.

    I too feel I am destined to be single, hence why I'm going to Thailand for 4 months to find myself etc etc. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well may aswell post my problem :(

    Went on a date on weds which went really well. He texted me when he got home saying he had a great time. We were emailing each other all the time at work then texting when we got home. Then he went out at the weekend and I knew it was going to be a heavy session so didn't think I'd hear from him until monday. Emailed him on monday and no reply! so though hmm ok, no worries. So it got to yesterday and i tried calling, no answer. sent a text asking how he was.. no answer.. like WTF HAPPENED??

    he was really keen and we got along really well. i just dont get it! maybe he met someone else or bumped into an ex or something..:confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    Well may aswell post my problem :(

    Went on a date on weds which went really well. He texted me when he got home saying he had a great time. We were emailing each other all the time at work then texting when we got home. Then he went out at the weekend and I knew it was going to be a heavy session so didn't think I'd hear from him until monday. Emailed him on monday and no reply! so though hmm ok, no worries. So it got to yesterday and i tried calling, no answer. sent a text asking how he was.. no answer.. like WTF HAPPENED??

    he was really keen and we got along really well. i just dont get it! maybe he met someone else or bumped into an ex or something..:confused:

    I know, what is it with blokes who act heavy keen then FUCK off?! ARGH. Such a head fuck. I feel your pain. :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really want to know what happend though..

    I hate men who don't have balls!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    I really want to know what happend though..

    I hate men who don't have balls!

    I thought you'd have heard from him by now too :(

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel007 wrote: »
    I thought you'd have heard from him by now too :(


    I know I can't believe it! Makes no sense
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    Well may aswell post my problem :(

    Went on a date on weds which went really well. He texted me when he got home saying he had a great time. We were emailing each other all the time at work then texting when we got home. Then he went out at the weekend and I knew it was going to be a heavy session so didn't think I'd hear from him until monday. Emailed him on monday and no reply! so though hmm ok, no worries. So it got to yesterday and i tried calling, no answer. sent a text asking how he was.. no answer.. like WTF HAPPENED??

    he was really keen and we got along really well. i just dont get it! maybe he met someone else or bumped into an ex or something..:confused:

    Awww....I'm sorry!! Yeah...it's really really shit......and THAT'S the bit I hate most, actually....it's not the fact that he's not interested now (although that's crap too), it's that he clearly made the decision weeks ago that he didn't fancy meeting up again - but failed to tell me!!!

    Only wish Lipsy and I WERE texting the same blokoe, but sadly, it seems to be a common problem with blokes.....communicate please!!! A little common courtesy wouldn't go amiss.....we are human beings and we deserve to be told what's going on...there WERE 2 people on that date y'know!!! :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    Well may aswell post my problem :(

    Went on a date on weds which went really well. He texted me when he got home saying he had a great time. We were emailing each other all the time at work then texting when we got home. Then he went out at the weekend and I knew it was going to be a heavy session so didn't think I'd hear from him until monday. Emailed him on monday and no reply! so though hmm ok, no worries. So it got to yesterday and i tried calling, no answer. sent a text asking how he was.. no answer.. like WTF HAPPENED??

    he was really keen and we got along really well. i just dont get it! maybe he met someone else or bumped into an ex or something..:confused:

    The same thing has just happened to me :(
    I've fucked that guy off that I was fuck buddies with for over a year (gona make a post later about it later, as he proper messed me around and I've made a great revenge plan :angel: ).
    Well, this new guy, I've known a while and also liked told me he felt the same. But the thing is, I had a tiny mini fling with his bro, it meant nothing for either of us but my guy thinks his bro will be upsept. He's worried his bro might have been more into me. But he wasn't and I know for a fact. (We kept it secret so no one would ask questions, we always said we're just friends, plus he's still in love with his ex.)
    We just spent a great wknd together (no sex) but then he came on msn and told me he's worried about his bro (but really does like me loads) - so I said I'll tell him or he should speak to him. He then told me to call him. He has since ignore all my texts and calls. So ball is in his court. He's a proper nice guy and I think I may have lost someone really special.
    I'm just pissed off that he wouldn't answer or text and put me straight.
    The situation's really fucked up. I wish me and his bro had never happened.

    Hope you're OK Lipsy. Always shit when it's just a sudden blank and you can't think of an explanation :(
    You'll love my revenge plan ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Can't wait to read your thread! :razz:

    Its frustrating isn't it when you just want to be put straight. Well maybe he'll get in touch wiht you soon when he's thought about ti more or spoken to his brother or I don't know :( rubbish.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    Can't wait to read your thread! :razz:

    Its frustrating isn't it when you just want to be put straight. Well maybe he'll get in touch wiht you soon when he's thought about ti more or spoken to his brother or I don't know :( rubbish.

    God knows. He's bound to come on MSN sooner or later. He's also in the same crowd as friends so I will bump into him sooner or later. I'm just pissed off cos I know he does like me. I can understand his situation - just not the blanking bit! Grrrr!
    Any chance you'll bump into that guy?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    Any chance you'll bump into that guy?

    We go out to the same club but I'm usually there on a friday and him on a saturday. Anyway I'm off to New York on Saturday til 8th April now so I'll be over it by the time I get back :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    We go out to the same club but I'm usually there on a friday and him on a saturday. Anyway I'm off to New York on Saturday til 8th April now so I'll be over it by the time I get back :p
    Yes you so will you lucky girl :hyper:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    You'll love my revenge plan ;)

    Just wondering, being a bloke and all, why you need a revenge plan?

    Seems to be a girly trait................... :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel007 wrote: »
    Just wondering, being a bloke and all, why you need a revenge plan?

    Seems to be a girly trait................... :confused:
    Well the thing is, he's led me on for months and months now. But he's proper hurt me this time. Did the big love confession on me and promised me the world then just chucked me on the waste pile big time. I want to show him that you can't go around using people and hurting people - he needs a lesson teaching to him!
    He has also been a friend of the family now for 10+ years - his total lack of respect can't go unpunished!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    Well the thing is, he's led me on for months and months now. But he's proper hurt me this time. Did the big love confession on me and promised me the world then just chucked me on the waste pile big time. I want to show him that you can't go around using people and hurting people - he needs a lesson teaching to him!
    He has also been a friend of the family now for 10+ years - his total lack of respect can't go unpunished!

    Oh no VV....have just realised...is this the fuck buddy it was all going so right with the other week?? :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HanHan wrote: »
    Oh no VV....have just realised...is this the fuck buddy it was all going so right with the other week?? :(
    Yep it is. He promised to be in touch as soon as he got back from Poland, which is now over a week ago - and nothing. After askng me to move in with him, telling me he loves me, that he realised he's been a fool etc.
    All my feelings have turned to pity and and dislike for him now - so in a way realising what he's really like has done me a big favour.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    Well the thing is, he's led me on for months and months now. But he's proper hurt me this time. Did the big love confession on me and promised me the world then just chucked me on the waste pile big time. I want to show him that you can't go around using people and hurting people - he needs a lesson teaching to him!
    He has also been a friend of the family now for 10+ years - his total lack of respect can't go unpunished!

    I dunno - sometimes it's just best to go cutting your losses and leave it. Move on... It's never nice to get hurt, but, do you want to sink to his level (no idea what your plan is yet). I've done the 'revenge' thing a couple of times when I was much younger, and to be honest, it didn't make me feel any better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel007 wrote: »
    I dunno - sometimes it's just best to go cutting your losses and leave it. Move on... It's never nice to get hurt, but, do you want to sink to his level (no idea what your plan is yet). I've done the 'revenge' thing a couple of times when I was much younger, and to be honest, it didn't make me feel any better.

    It's not something that will hurt him or anything nasty. It's something hilarious and light hearted. It's making me feel loads better already! He is just going to look very embarrassed while I have a big whole hearted laugh at his expense. Like he's been doing at me for over a year now :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    It's not something that will hurt him or anything nasty. It's something hilarious and light hearted. It's making me feel loads better already! He is just going to look very embarrassed while I have a big whole hearted laugh at his expense. Like he's been doing at me for over a year now :D

    Ah - now THAT kind of revenge I can live with. :thumb: Laughing is much better than hurting somebody! :D

    Consider the 'lecture' over ;):D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel007 wrote: »
    Ah - now THAT kind of revenge I can live with. :thumb: Laughing is much better than hurting somebody! :D

    Consider the 'lecture' over ;):D
    Thank you!
    I'm no a vicious nasty person babe, would never put someone in danger or want to make them pay in a terrrible way.
    I'm a joker and this is more like a practicle joke! hehe
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    Thank you!
    I'm no a vicious nasty person babe, would never put someone in danger or want to make them pay in a terrrible way.
    I'm a joker and this is more like a practicle joke! hehe

    Hehehe - sound like my kind of girl :flirt:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel007 wrote: »
    Hehehe - sound like my kind of girl :flirt:


    oooh flirty flirty - be careful you don't want to feel my wrath :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    Yep it is. He promised to be in touch as soon as he got back from Poland, which is now over a week ago - and nothing. After askng me to move in with him, telling me he loves me, that he realised he's been a fool etc.
    All my feelings have turned to pity and and dislike for him now - so in a way realising what he's really like has done me a big favour.

    Awwww.....:( Bastard!! Puts my little thing into perspective....that's so mean to say all that stuff (he wants to move in with you etc.) and then completely disappear!! But it's true what g_angel says....better to cut your losses....and better to realise now, too.

    If he's known you for this long and still thinks it's acceptable to treat you like that, he's no friend...let alone anything else. *Hugs*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    VinylVicky wrote: »
    oooh flirty flirty - be careful you don't want to feel my wrath :D

    Very true! :nervous:

    Luckily I can kind behind this whole intermaweb thingy :p

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HanHan wrote: »
    Well...quick update..it's been 2 WEEKS since I last heard from him, so thought it was plenty reasonable to give him a bit of a "what's going on?" text...did it in quite a friendly, fairly upbeat way...he got back to me and said he's been really crap, sorry, and I deserve better....that he's been really busy (listed all the stuff he's doing...sounds like he's got a lot on his plate), that I'm 'wonderful and sexy' :rolleyes: but he can't promise anything at the moment.....

    So that's a no then!!! (He stiilll didin't actually come out and say no, but that's what I'm taking it as)....

    Why why why did he come on so strong and seem soooo keen if he wasn't really arsed??

    Why - when I gave him the chance to say "I'm busy, can't meet for another drink with you, sorry" 2 weeks ago, did he give me false hope and still say in his text "it would be cool to meet up soon" if - clearly - he had no intention of doing so?? :confused:

    This stuff is so confusing...I honestly have no idea how people get together any more!! I'm not into game playing or wasting people's time at all (but I don't mean I'm really full on either - just that I believe in being clear). It seems this means I'll be on my own FOREVER if I'm not willing to fuck people about, play games and be vague about my intentions....people seem to prefer that!!!

    I don't know...I give up....think I'm ready to join Katralla's 'club' for the sad, fucked over and confused.....:p

    I hate it when people just faff around. I dont understand people who deliberately waste time or feel that they have to abide by "rules". As said somewhere earlier, im in a similar position to you HanHan, the girl in question came on quite fullish and made it obvious that she liked me and was asking if im attached etc, but then when i suggested if want to do things, she just became vague and faffed around. I got sick of it, so told her that to contact me when not busy. It just drains too much energy waiting and hoping. Anyway, im just trying to get on with life, stop thinking about her, but the irony of it all is that a) work with her, b) got seconded on to another team, which is also closer to her.Hmm should be interesting. Anyway, i cant be arsed with it all at the moment, wasting me time on her. Suppose i just have to accept that whatever will happen, will happen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm seeing the lad who did the whole 'I like you, but I'll rubber ear you 'til I feel like it' thing. I'm seeing him tonight at our mates' surprise birthday do.

    I intend to look absolutely gorgeous with a new hair colour and outfit! I expect he'll come over to chat: when he does I'll just tell him to naff off for being a cock, then go and chat up some other tall, lanky, scruffball indie boy.

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