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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    It was a tragedy all round, for the family and for the driver of the train, but I don't have very much sympathy for the dead man. He shouldn't have been there committing vandalism, and IMHO, the legal penalties for tagging should be increased significantly.

    Unless someone wants to show that scrawling "inch" over every building in a city is beneficial to society, I'm all for punishing the taggers severely.

    It WAS a shame. Although you don't agree with what he was doing and think writers should be punished more severely - surely you can't think a kid deserves to be hit by a train for vandalism.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jim V wrote: »
    There was hardly any need for that was there? I presume your point was just to sound condescending and unpleasant?

    Please try to behave like an adult.
    It wasn't exactly adding to the debate, just because someone on here knew the guy who got hit by a train doing something destructive and illegal doesn't change anything. If they knew him and... something that would affect perspective then yeah, but just knowing him? Sorry for you loss but what are you expecting?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote: »
    It wasn't exactly adding to the debate, just because someone on here knew the guy who got hit by a train doing something destructive and illegal doesn't change anything. If they knew him and... something that would affect perspective then yeah, but just knowing him? Sorry for you loss but what are you expecting?

    Maybe she didn't want to fucking add to the debate you utter twat. She passed a comment that she knew who Kermit was talking about, and that's perfectly reasonable. So do us all a favour and shut up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, all you ever do is seem to follow me round and call me a twat. It doesn't make me want to listen to you. I don't care what you think of me. When you're supposed to be having a debate, you're supposed to qualify statements with some kind of information. If she'd said "I knew him and when he got hit he wasn't doing anything" or "it was the first time he'd done it" then it'd actually have some point to it. It is not unreasonable to ask why she'd pointed it out, because when I saw it I saw "I knew him, so that means you're not allowed to say anything more about him, you can't say that he was doing something illegal and might have slightly deserved it" (Just to say, even though it's fucking obvious, but I know what P&D is like, I don't think graffti "artists" should die). It looked to me like emotional blackmail.

    Why don't you go call Kermit a twat, he's the one who's actually suggested that it may have been a reasonable punishment...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote: »
    Yeah, all you ever do is seem to follow me round and call me a twat. It doesn't make me want to listen to you. I don't care what you think of me. When you're supposed to be having a debate, you're supposed to qualify statements with some kind of information. If she'd said "I knew him and when he got hit he wasn't doing anything" or "it was the first time he'd done it" then it'd actually have some point to it. It is not unreasonable to ask why she'd pointed it out, because when I saw it I saw "I knew him, so that means you're not allowed to say anything more about him, you can't say that he was doing something illegal and might have slightly deserved it" (Just to say, even though it's fucking obvious, but I know what P&D is like, I don't think graffti "artists" should die). It looked to me like emotional blackmail.

    Why don't you go call Kermit a twat, he's the one who's actually suggested that it may have been a reasonable punishment...

    Because Kermit wasn't the one who talked to my girlfriend like a piece of shit, dumbass.

    She wasn't getting involved in the debate. All she wanted to do was say she knew him. THERE IS FUCK ALL WRONG WITH THAT. Are you really a fucking facist or something?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, ok, I made an effort to clarify my position. Obviously against my better judgement, my original opinion of your motives was clearly correct and you have some sort of bizarre thing about calling me a twat. I don't care that she is your girlfriend. It's still a debate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote: »
    Right, ok, I made an effort to clarify my position. Obviously against my better judgement, my original opinion of your motives was clearly correct and you have some sort of bizarre thing about calling me a twat. I don't care that she is your girlfriend. It's still a debate.

    Trust me, you're mistaken. I care less about you that a shit I took when I was 5. But if you speak to my girlfriend like that for no reason, I'm gonna fucking call you up on it.

    And if I'm mistaken, you're last 2 posts have had nothing to do with the debate. Hypocrite.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is no way in hell that vandalism should be punishable by death. Whoever is making sarky remarks about this guys death should fucking grow up. He was a real fucking person with a real fucking family, think about that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, because every debate in here runs exactly on line. I tried to justify myself to you, which apparently was always going to be pointless. But I still don't care that it's your girlfriend.

    Kermit lets GWST look after herself, maybe you should follow his example.

    But to get back on track like Captain Slog said, there's the right place for graffti and the appropriate content. Scrawling "WDL" (who's a local asswipe in my home down) everywhere overnight isn't of overall benefit to society. Like I've already said Banksy shows how it should be done. And if you're daft enough to play on the railway you can expect to get hosed of the tracks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fuck sake will you'se two carry on this argument through pm's or something.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote: »
    Yeah, because every debate in here runs exactly on line. I tried to justify myself to you, which apparently was always going to be pointless. But I still don't care that it's your girlfriend.

    Kermit lets GWST look after herself, maybe you should follow his example.

    She's fine at looking after herself, It's me that's not standing for it.

    She posted what she wanted to post. Not every post in P+D has to be a debate. Theres plenty of random posts. It had relevence to the thread, that's all that's needed. Suck it up, Hitler.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yerascrote wrote: »
    Fuck sake will you'se two carry on this argument through pm's or something.

    Agree. The quality of debate around here is dubious at best as it is. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fiend_85 wrote: »
    When you're supposed to be having a debate, you're supposed to qualify statements with some kind of information. If she'd said "I knew him and when he got hit he wasn't doing anything" or "it was the first time he'd done it" then it'd actually have some point to it. It is not unreasonable to ask why she'd pointed it out, because when I saw it I saw "I knew him, so that means you're not allowed to say anything more about him, you can't say that he was doing something illegal and might have slightly deserved it" (Just to say, even though it's fucking obvious, but I know what P&D is like, I don't think graffti "artists" should die). It looked to me like emotional blackmail.
    Hahaha, oh Fiend, you do make me laugh, love. My post was relevant; I was pointing out that I knew the guy that Kermit was talking about, and to be fair his comment was a tad below the belt. Emotional blackmail? Alright then. I didn't claim to be this guys best friend and ramble on about how distraught I was, did I? But perhaps making Kermit realise he should be a bit more sensitive is only a good thing.

    I do apologise for not actually contributing anything substantial to the debate and for wasting those precious 15 seconds of your dear life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deceelpool wrote: »
    It WAS a shame. Although you don't agree with what he was doing and think writers should be punished more severely - surely you can't think a kid deserves to be hit by a train for vandalism.

    Of course he doesn't. But if you're so stupid enough to fuck about on railway lines, tresspassing and commiting illegal acts, why should he get any sympathy for being hit by a train ?

    If someone went around jumping into lion enclosures at zoos you wouldn't have much sympathy if they got eaten by a lion would you ?

    And yes it is a shame, it's a shame a life has been wasted for doing something so stupid, reckless and unproductive.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry fiend but your post was unpleasant - as rise & shine mentioned what exactly is wrong with pointing out that someone knew the young man who died personally? you don't get to decide what is relevant to this debate.

    People are entirely welcome to add to a debate by expressing their personal experience - and how you can dismiss a poster personally knowing the young man as irrevelant to the debate I have no idea.

    If anyone you simply wants to insult people then find somewhere else as it isn't ever going to be welcome here - people may want to have a debate based on their own experiences and who they know without having to pass anyones seal of approval before posting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deceelpool wrote: »
    Although you don't agree with what he was doing and think writers should be punished more severely - surely you can't think a kid deserves to be hit by a train for vandalism.

    I don't think that he deserved to be hit by a train, and I am sorry for his fiancee and his son, but the only person to be blamed is the dead man. His fiancee told him to stop for his son, and he didn't. Why should I be sensitive? He was a low-life tagger who was stupid enough to get hit by a train in the course of destroying public property. Tagging is not an "art form", its dangerous and stupid, and that man just proved how stupid and dangerous tagging is, and how stupid taggers are.

    Of course people knew him, but I fail to see why that is relevant to the story- low-life tagger breaks into train depot, causes tens of thousands of pounds of damage, and then is so stupid as to get hit by a train, causing that driver untold mental damage. It is a waste of a life, but at the end of the day stupid is as stupid does.

    The one I really feel sorry for is the driver who hit him. I've known a few train drivers and it destroys them mentally when they hit idiots on the line. He was the innocent party in this, not the low-life tagger, and don't forget that.

    Why should I "understand the scene"? Their actions cause untold inconvenience to millions of people, why the hell should their actions be "understood" (i.e. condoned). They're low-life filth who should be forced to lick clean the mess they make.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This one:


    posted earlier is complete shit. Hope it gets cleaned off.

    Whilst sometimes graffiti is nice - for example, in an area close to where I live in Leicester, there was a construction site, and you know they have the plywood boards around it? Well, it was covered all the way in artistic kind of stuff.

    But when you go to buildings that have character and scribble over it, it's really rubbish, and the people who think it's great are a bit dim imo. And I'd also say it's hard to justify it as part of being 'on the scene' because at the end of the day, it's public / private property without consent a lot of the time, and I'd be no better if I painted purple elephants on the side of your house. Even if I thought it looked cool, wtf, it's not my house.

    But I agree in many places when it's done tastefully then it can look really good. But I don't agree with going up to things and painting them when you don't have permission. Those trains look pretty bad to be honest.

    At the end of the day it comes down to taste, and the problem with it is just like playing very loud music in your car. Not everyone likes it, and you will disturb people who don't like it by playing it so loud. But the ones who are in the car would say they like it, so it's ok. Doesn't work like that.

    Dance music in a nightclub is fine, dance music at 3am in my village which is keeping me awake is not fine :). As with everything else, graffiti has a time and a place and it is so overdone, I guess everyone just wants to be the next big thing.

    Tagging is just imbeciles really, there's not any merit to it. Unless it was a good political statement, for example, if someone tagged the whitehouse with something insightful - it would get cleaned off the next day so you're not ruining it for everyone, but still getting your message across.

    In York there's an ASBO tag, he's a bit of an idiot though, he tags all the signs? Why? Like, if you go on campus it tells you where the different colleges are, and it's got ASBO written on it.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    This one:


    posted earlier is complete shit. Hope it gets cleaned off.


    Its about 10 years old that, so I doubt they are gonna bother now. Zonk was one of the best writers in london. That dub wasnt anything good no, i think it was some of his earlier stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deceelpool wrote: »
    This will sound ver ignorant, but unless you are a writer (and im not) you wouldn't understand. Yes the idea of spraying paint onto a train does sound daft - but its being part of a scene, it really is impossible to explain unless you've ever had anything to do with it.

    I would advise watching 'wildstyle' gives a decnt indication of why .
    I'm sure vandalising trains is fun for the brainless idiots who do it, but coming from the other end, I would ask you to think of the poor guys who have to clean up after these "artists".
    I volunteer at a steam railway, but I've given it up recently after spending the summer doing nothing but repairing damage caused by vandals and thieves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good for you captain.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deceelpool wrote: »
    Zonk was one of the best writers in london.

    I can see the talent literally dripping from the page.

    He should have his fucking hands chopped off.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    this is kane, his grafitti is amazing!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello people, it's Whowhere. Thought i'd pop back. I quite like the proper grafitti, my work patch has a skate park where all the kids hang around and there is some very talented work, certainly brightens the place up. I'm not too keen on it appearing on private property, ie somebody's house but in some places it does look good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I just bought my brother a 'Banksy' Hardback. I'd never even heard of him until I saw this thread! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We've got a nice Banksy just on the side of the building - beats filthy, bird crap covered yellowing white paint by a mile.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good graffiti done in a sensible place is absolutely fantastic- you can see the artistic talent in the pictures Blagsta's show up, and I wouldn't be so upset if someone painted a mural like that on the gable end of my house.

    It's the taggers who get me, there is no artistic merit, and most tagging I see actually seems to be desecrating other artists' work. Tagging is done by low-life filth who have absolutely no intelligence whatsoever, and I honestly do think that the penalties for tagging should go beyond those for criminal damage- it should be unlimited commuinity service until every bit of tagging is cleaned up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can imagine you going red, with specks of spit coming out yer mouth as you write that!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    Good graffiti done in a sensible place is absolutely fantastic- you can see the artistic talent in the pictures Blagsta's show up, and I wouldn't be so upset if someone painted a mural like that on the gable end of my house.

    It's the taggers who get me, there is no artistic merit, and most tagging I see actually seems to be desecrating other artists' work. Tagging is done by low-life filth who have absolutely no intelligence whatsoever, and I honestly do think that the penalties for tagging should go beyond those for criminal damage- it should be unlimited commuinity service until every bit of tagging is cleaned up.

    The thing is you can't really have one without the other.

    90% plus of writers who produce the pieces that impress you will also tag. Infact they will tag a hell of alot more than they peice. Tagging is part and parcel of the graffiti scene, whether we like it or not, as are trackside and train damage.

    Although it is important to writers to produce better work, the whole idea behind the graffiti scene, since it started is about 'geeting up' - ie getting you alias/name seen by as many people as possible. Im not in anyway condoning tagging, i can completely understand people wanting clean lamposts and electricity boxes etc , and I can also see how it is seen as an isore. I'm just saying you can't have the nice pretty pictures without the damage, you'll have to see the nice pretty pictures in an art gallery. Because the people that do the peices with are nice to look at for joe public will more than likely be tagging, or hitting a train at 3am.

    Although, granted they are a certain amount of usually older, legal artists who just do commisioned legal work, and NO they probably won't be climbing fences at 3am - however, more than likely they will have been 5-10years ago. Legal artists are the minority.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In one of the films I made, I got my footage in the edit, and in one shot, there was a sign which had a tag that was my first name and second initial. :nervous: Spooky huh? Incidentally, what sort of retard would tag with their actual name?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    deceelpool wrote: »
    The thing is you can't really have one without the other.

    Well in that case I'll have neither.

    Taggers cost me an absolute fortune- higher council tax, higher income tax, higher train fares- and I fail to see why I should have to pay for their filthy pastime. They should pay for it, and then they should have to lick it clean. Taggers are filth, pure and simple- they are a complete waste of oxygen.
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