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Anti depressants and sex drive

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I started taking citalopram just over a fortnight ago and my main concern was the symptoms I might get when taking them, I know it's a bit silly but I was really worried my sex drive would crash.

But it hasn't...it's gone up, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up and now I can't stop thinking about sex half the time, though I'm finding it quite hard to...ahem, finish off if you get my drift so it's very frustrating. Has anyone else had any problems like this or have any advice? To be honest I don't like being horny all of the time....it's just weird!


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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    When I was on ADs (fluoxetine) my sex drive wasn't affected at all.

    Various medications affect everyone differently. Just don't complain about this side effect ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I guess it's better than having no sex drive, but the fact is I'm horny all of the time and 90% of the time I can't do anything about it, also because of the tablets! It's annoying :(
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Well I guess it's better than having no sex drive, but the fact is I'm horny all of the time and 90% of the time I can't do anything about it, also because of the tablets! It's annoying :(

    See how you get on in the next couple of weeks. If you are finding the side effects too much, then go back to the docs to discuss them, and, possibly, change ADs. As I said previously, there are many different types and each affects everyone slightly differently. Maybe these aren't the right ones for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I couldn't orgasm when I was on ADs. This didn't make me happy :grump:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    See how you get on in the next couple of weeks. If you are finding the side effects too much, then go back to the docs to discuss them, and, possibly, change ADs. As I said previously, there are many different types and each affects everyone slightly differently. Maybe these aren't the right ones for you.

    Thing is, they have started helping my mood, in general I am getting better, it's just something that frustrates me. My doctor tells me these are pretty weak so I don't really wanna be going on anything different to be honest.
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    littlemissylittlemissy Posts: 9,972 Supreme Poster
    Thing is, they have started helping my mood, in general I am getting better, it's just something that frustrates me. My doctor tells me these are pretty weak so I don't really wanna be going on anything different to be honest.

    Then, unfortunately, it is something you just have to hope calms itself down. Try and keep your mind off sex (I know, this can be difficult :( ) by occupying yourself with other things. *fingers crossed* it calms down a bit for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well loss of sex drive is a sympton of depression so it would make sense that if the tablets are helping your depression that your sex drive might return. (I assume you are taking them for depression). Maybe "really horny" is your natural level of sex drive and it was surpressed before.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Randomgirl wrote: »
    Well loss of sex drive is a sympton of depression so it would make sense that if the tablets are helping your depression that your sex drive might return. (I assume you are taking them for depression). Maybe "really horny" is your natural level of sex drive and it was surpressed before.

    Haha...possibly. I've never really had a high sex drive though, and I can't really say I've always been depressed...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've never really had a high sex drive though,
    Hmm, I guess that's relative :naughty: Some people do not consider a fortnight a long time to go without a shag.

    Thought I might find you here. If you'd rather keep real-world like and online life separate at the mo just say and I'll piddle off. Miss you though.

    I've dropped out of uni and am going to start looking for a job. Just a pay-the rent type job atm rather than a career one. I may be able to get a few hours coaching trampolining which would be good but I'll probably need something else too so I'm going to sign up with temp agencies. I'm thinking about making things like jewelry and bags to sell but whether I organise myself to do it is yet to be seen. Any suggestions for names to sell under gratefully received though. I'm still with Dan so I think that might be sort of turning into a serious relationship. I told him about that thing in third year with Rob and the bottle of whisky which I've only told to two other people before, Mouse and you. It is weird because I've haven't been out with many other people and none of then even lasted long enough to class as boyfriends and this time we've just really easily slipped into a sort of comfy slipper mode. It is weird writing this because I'm normally very guarded about my personal life and definitely wouldn't write about it on an open web forum but I'm just writing as though as I was talking to you and I tell you more personal stuff than pretty much anyone else.

    Also we're having a houseparty soon, probably Saturday week, and you will be warmly welcomed if you are feeling up to it. Of course I'd love to see you anytime if you're ever in the mood for company. Plus I learned how to make cheesecake so anytime you fancy a slice I'm your girl. Hugs.
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