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Just speaking my mind.

Hi Guys.

I didn't want to post in the D&SH thread because I feel low but not THAT low.

I've just been feeling weird lately, Like something's missing or that Im out of place. I just feel flat.

Its like, I see Ex-schoolmates who left for college/work or hear about the ones who were lucky enough to go off to uni. I always assume that what they are doing is better. For Instance, I got depressed when I was in year 11 and I believe now that that was what put me in my current position. Which was a year doing GNVQ business studies and another 2 doing AS/2 level business and History. I just believe that they got the better deal.

However, I don't particularly dislike the situation im in, I've accepted it and am trying to get the best grades possible to get the fudge out of there. I got a place at a uni I applied for and that didn't really completly satisfy me, im still thinking "well what after that?". Its like I can't really be proud of my achievements or get ambition lately as I feel somethings missing.

anyways, sorry if this is a bit long.
sorry if it sounds emo as well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    don't know if this is going to help, but i used to have alot of problems with depression from when i was 14 and because of it i didnt even bother going to school much, I often felt 'empty' and nothing I could do about it, the only time I was really happy was when I saw my baby nephew. Then I met my boyfriend and again I had to set myself huge targets, because if I didn't I felt like I had nothing to look forward to. Now I'm 19, engaged, I have a mortgage on a really nice 3 bed semi, and I'm pregnant. But now I feel complete because I have my family.

    Maybe work and money isn't your life aspiration? There must be something else you really want from life. Maybe to travel, or have a family too?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Guys.

    I didn't want to post in the D&SH thread because I feel low but not THAT low.

    I've just been feeling weird lately, Like something's missing or that Im out of place. I just feel flat.

    Its like, I see Ex-schoolmates who left for college/work or hear about the ones who were lucky enough to go off to uni. I always assume that what they are doing is better. For Instance, I got depressed when I was in year 11 and I believe now that that was what put me in my current position. Which was a year doing GNVQ business studies and another 2 doing AS/2 level business and History. I just believe that they got the better deal.

    However, I don't particularly dislike the situation im in, I've accepted it and am trying to get the best grades possible to get the fudge out of there. I got a place at a uni I applied for and that didn't really completly satisfy me, im still thinking "well what after that?". Its like I can't really be proud of my achievements or get ambition lately as I feel somethings missing.

    anyways, sorry if this is a bit long.
    sorry if it sounds emo as well.

    I understand how you feel. I know i always compare myself to friends (jobs, money etc) and it eats away at me.

    Its taking me a while to get it into my head but at the end of the day its your life and you have to find peace with yourself and stop worrying about others.

    You have to think, would your ex school friends want to see you crash and burn or make the best of what you have ?

    It takes a while but you have to learn to accept things and make the most of it. Im not prefect but i think i have hit a turning point in my life. Im going to stop worrying so much, whatever happens the world will still keep turning :D

    Remember there are lots of sucessful people with few qualifcations (Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Phillip Green) doubt those guys spent to much time worrying about their ex school friends. Dont worry and you could be having the last laugh. :thumb:
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