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So, i've had this wart for about a year

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I remember this damn wart started growing since Feb 2006, and its now Feb 2007, mai gawd, happy annivesary wart >:(

I tried all kinds of treatments, I put hot water on it everyday. I even triedcutting it off but that was way to painful.

Right now its HUGE, and its all white.. its.. so.. grose... how do I get rid of this :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
:crazyeyes :crazyeyes


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Where is it ?

    Warts contain a virus, and the body's defence system creates a barrier of skin around the virus to stop it spreading, hence the wart.

    You need to kill the virus. You can get non-prescription remedies from your pharmacist, depending where the wart is as some of the treatments are a bit harsh. Then there's always freezing, but you'll need to consult a doctor about that.

    Why not go to your local chemist and see what the pharmacist says.

    Or you could rub it with half an onion then bury the onion in the garden :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im sure you can go to the doctor and get it frozen and removed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I used to have loads on my fingers when I was wee, as I used to bite the skin around my fingers until the skin broke and the virus got in!

    Urgh! Get them frozen off. Painful, but the only way!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember having a wart on my finger once when I was about 8... So unfortunatly I can't remember how it was got rid of. Pretty sure I had some kind of cream for it though :chin:
    Prehaps if you've had it so long your should go to the doctor and they might be able to arrange for it to be frozen off, like the others have said. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i had one frozen off, they're nasty things. I remember trying to pick it off once....i nearly bled to death lol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember long ago I had one on my foot, the doctor said since it was all small and stuff to try some home stuff before going to a medical procedure... Twice a day soak the area then use a pummace stone on it, then put an OTC liquid wart remover on it and cover it up with a bandaid or something. The doctor then reccomended putting duct tape over the bandaid because it will keep it on and not fall off as easily. I think it took about 2 weeks.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i knew a guy who had one once on his thumb, he used wartner i think it was called, it freezes the top layer, n u use it every so often until it just falls off - dont think it was that expensive either. Failing that, if there's any kind of danger to it the drs will remove it for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've had 2, one of them for 10 years or so. Tried over-the-counter treatments but nothing would make a dent on them.

    In the end I cut them off with a sharp pair of nail clippers, and turned a can of cheap deodorant upside down(so only the propellant is expelled) to freeze the remains. Froze them 3/4 times, and they've never come back :).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote: »
    Or you could rub it with half an onion then bury the onion in the garden :D

    i thought it was a potato!

    and i think freezing it is the least hassle?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    I used to have loads on my fingers when I was wee, as I used to bite the skin around my fingers until the skin broke and the virus got in!

    Urgh! Get them frozen off. Painful, but the only way!
    What happens when the virus gets in? Do you die?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember this damn wart started growing since Feb 2006, and its now Feb 2007, mai gawd, happy annivesary wart >:(

    I tried all kinds of treatments, I put hot water on it everyday. I even triedcutting it off but that was way to painful.

    Right now its HUGE, and its all white.. its.. so.. grose... how do I get rid of this :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
    :crazyeyes :crazyeyes

    Are you a student? My uni doctors give a free wart-freezing service, or something.

    I once got a wart on the ball of my foot so I dug it out with a stanley knife (which I steralised with a flame), I won't recommend that as it's not very comfortable or safe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I remember a few years ago, i had them all over my fingers and it was horrid, tried all different things to get rid of them but nothing worked. god knows how long i had them for but then one day they just started to go away, and i haven't had them since. not got a clue what happened, maybe you'll be lucky too! sorry, that wasn't much help..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a wart on the side of my thumb when I was a child. It disappeared after about a year.

    Warts go on their own usually. By picking them, you're spreading the virus and therefore could cause more to form - I wouldn't recommend trying to remove it yourself.

    Go to your local pharmacist and speak to them about it - they can give you a treatment for it. Failing that, go to your GP and they can refer you to get it frozen off - a last resort really.

    I say, leave it alone - it'll go away in it's own time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a wart for ages once, then I got fed up and just filed it down with a metal nail file and it went. I'd had it ages and was pissed off when I realised how quick I could have got rid!
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