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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Caution: The word testical is mentioned far too much in the following post!

Why is it when you come out of the doctors, you immediately think of a number of questions you wished you had asked!

Basically i went to the doctors this morning, for a few reasons, the main one being that for the past couple of weeks i had been getting an occasional dull ache in my left testical, as an occasional "pins and needles" like sensation, there and in the wider groin area too.

I was rather worried about it being the obvious, but after a brief examination and a dozen coughs (which im sure the whole waiting room heard, and realised it was because i was having my tackle cupped) i was told it was likely to be down to a very slight hernia.

When i told the doctor my symptoms i described it as a slight numbness with an occasional tingling in my groin, he asked a few questions and i said it's more often around my left testical, but looking back its certainly more of a dull ache, and it's more isolated to my left testical, with an occasional tingle around the rest of my groin, something i'm noticing more and more, but this maybe because i'm just paying attention to how they are feeling all the while!

Would this change in explanation make it less likely to be a hernia?
I know hernias don't just go away but is there anything that can be done to strengthen the abdomen walls? Would doing gentle weights be a good idea? or would it just be more likely to escalate the problem?

What I don’t understand, and what I’m wishing I had asked was, how can a hernia cause these sensations on a testical? I can understand if it was just a sharp pain in my groin but that’s not the case…

I just don't want to go back to the doctors, again, as i feel like im becoming a bit of a pain using them for reassurance!

I mean, i'm sure any numb sensations around there they should be ruling out the worst case scenarios first of all...

Anyway, thanks all.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a hernia and it was similar symptoms to yours...

    The doctor did miss diagnose it as a cyst at first though.. I went for a second check up at the hospital and that's when they found out.

    It's nothing much to worry about, a couple of months after they found out I went into hospital for minor surgery to correct it, I was in and out in a few hours..
    Had 3 weeks off work to recover though, which was nice :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JamesZero wrote: »
    I had a hernia and it was similar symptoms to yours...

    The doctor did miss diagnose it as a cyst at first though.. I went for a second check up at the hospital and that's when they found out.

    It's nothing much to worry about, a couple of months after they found out I went into hospital for minor surgery to correct it, I was in and out in a few hours..
    Had 3 weeks off work to recover though, which was nice :D

    He asked if i wished to do anything about it, i asked him how bad it was, and he more or less just dismissed any concern and said it's very minor, and suggested unless it's causing any problems, it may be best just to leave it and see if it gets any worse, which is fine by me.

    Just odd how something that isn't pressing on my testical, or indeed from what i can feel pressing on anything around there can cause these sensations!
    To be honest i wouldn't of though about a hernia in a million years, especially only being in my early 20s, but i guess thats what those marvellous GPs are paid to do.

    Think i'll have a look around on the t'internet for any exercises i perhaps should start doing, and any that i should begin avoiding and see how things pan out.

    Thanks for the reply has made me feel more at ease and willing to see how it goes before pestering the GPs again so soon!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I miss read you, mine was worse than that lol
    I actually had a lump in my testicle from the hernia, it had fallen through from my stomach (sick I know)
    So I didn't have much choice in the matter when it came to getting it removed! They made a small incision in my stomach and umm.. I dunno i guess that pulled it back through and stitched the lining.
    But yeah, generally a doctor will say you don't have to get the op if its not causing any problems.
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