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Getting a business on the road

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
If i wanted to start my own business up, i would need money.

I am a 18 year old kid, no GCSE's, 12hour Job a week and living with my mum - how am i going to get enough money to get this business on the road?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You have to make a business plan that you can show to banks or other investors. It has to be well done and credible, you have to have thought carefully about the details of it and so on.You have to believe in it and it has to be good enough to make the banks believe in it as well.

    If you don't mind me asking, what do you do when you're not working? 12 hours is very little if you are not studying as well with it...

    Investors need to think that they are going to get their money back if they invest. It's your role to convince them that you can.

    Also, if the startup costs aren't high, maybe a family member has the financial means and faith in you? Although I would not recommend it if there are other means, that kind of scenario nearly split my mother's side of family.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Try and do it as small scale as possible to start with, without much financial support. Of course, if you're trying to run a chippy this is going to run into problems... but when you're untested and seemingly haven't done anything and are just asking for cash for a 'plan' people get very skeptical.

    What was it you were planning to do, if you dont mind me asking?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    but when you're untested and seemingly haven't done anything and are just asking for cash for a 'plan' people get very skeptical.

    If it's a good plan there's nothing that says they will be skeptical. ;) If you sell your idea well enough you don't need anything to start with, the investors will be happy enough to lend you the money despite the known risk because they think you can earn their money back with nice interest. :)
    Plans is usually how businesses get started.

    But it is a good advice to start small if the idea allows for it and see how well it'll be received.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't forget these people.


    And you can Google for other youth enterprise services.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, i would of course need to do all the business side of it.

    With the what have i been doing?, I would like to ask the same question, i had poor exam results and feel no one would want me (GCSE C+ etc). I live with my mum, no money, no gcse (even went to 6th form but didnt do nowt to me) and dont have the confidence to go out and look/work in a bar etc.

    I wont go into detail of the idea, but its a website, would need to be professional and alot of work
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yea, i didnt mean because you didn't have a job, what I meant was if you can contribute so much towards it without the money... for example build the website or preliminary design, or a placeholder, or do some marketing, or whatever, and say in your business plan you've done this already then they're much more likely to take you seriously.

    Biggest mistake is if you haven't done anything but just have an idea, and go for the money straight away. Because then they don't know how you've justified your costs.

    Anyway, I hope it works out for you :) best of luck, do let us know
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, i would of course need to do all the business side of it.

    With the what have i been doing?, I would like to ask the same question, i had poor exam results and feel no one would want me (GCSE C+ etc). I live with my mum, no money, no gcse (even went to 6th form but didnt do nowt to me) and dont have the confidence to go out and look/work in a bar etc.

    I wont go into detail of the idea, but its a website, would need to be professional and alot of work

    The setup costs associated with a web site are fairly minimal, providing you know, or are willing to learn how to, knock out a half decent e-commerce site.

    Getting yourself ranked on search engines can be a little tricky. If you read up on it though you should be able to perform few easy steps to search engine optimization.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the website would be on the scale of Youtube and more, alot of coding and things i wouldnt have a clue about :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the website would be on the scale of Youtube and more, alot of coding and things i wouldnt have a clue about :)

    then it is going to cost you a hell of a lot to hire programers and site designers to do that for you.

    then your going to need a lot of server space to run it from
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A single person by themselves has no chance of creating something like YouTube without some serious money and some serious spare time behind them.

    A good friend of mine is a contractor developing a myspace-style website for a company, and the amount of money that is costing is unreal. And that's before they start paying for the bandwidth.

    Internet commerce is not a pot of gold- the only things that make money are google, porn and sex toys.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Without meaning to discourage you, I think it's very likely that you'll be better off adding more hours to your work week and earn your money that way than start a business similar to YouTube.

    Without thousands, you cannot start on that big of a scale. It's even less likely as you seemingly haven't got a clue what is involved in creating and running a site like those. Are you ready to run a debt that could amass for months before you even see something resembling a revenue? -Meanwhile you will constantly need to pay somebody their salary, pay for bandwidth, etc.

    This would be possible if you had any knowledge and started small, that's how a lot of the big sites got started afterall, but as you aren't a programmer I think you need to study a lot more before this becomes an option.

    If this truly is your passion, why don't you try to learn some programming and play around with it? You do seem to have some spare time on your hands so if this really is your drive, learning more about how to make this come true would be time well spent I should think.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the website would be on the scale of Youtube and more, alot of coding and things i wouldnt have a clue about :)

    To be fair, you need at least one of three things, hopefully all three. A cracking, brand-new idea, some excellent design and programming skills, and a bathtub of money.

    Even if you had all three, it'd be difficult as hell. Designers and programmers - people who know what they're doing, cost a lot of money. Everything takes more time and money to do unless you are capable of doing it yourself.

    Don't do anything that has been done before, unless you can improve upon it dramatically. There will be 100 other people out there developing the same idea as you, if it already exists and creates a profit.
    Kermit wrote:
    A single person by themselves has no chance of creating something like YouTube without some serious money and some serious spare time behind them.

    A good friend of mine is a contractor developing a myspace-style website for a company, and the amount of money that is costing is unreal. And that's before they start paying for the bandwidth.

    Internet commerce is not a pot of gold- the only things that make money are google, porn and sex toys.

    There is money to be made on the internet. Google was created by just two brains. It's taken a lot more to make it what it is today, but it was damned good in the early months and years. I made a site in my spare time for my - now ex - girlfriend. We became quite big, receiving free consoles and accessories, and loads and loads of games. Our comments were even published on the back of the cases - considering we spent at most £300 on the whole site, it did really, really well. Through a series of arguments and a lack of time, I eventually ended up with complete control of the site, and closed it down at our peak, when I returned to university. I was offered over £7000 for the site - which I turned down, because it would have gone downhill. But that's another story. The guy who I eventually sold the domain name to has spent over a grand on the design and implementation before the site even gets off the ground.

    Money can be made on the internet. The great idea is the simplest bit. Skill and money are - generally - needed in huge amounts. If you have the skills required, then it'll cost you a LOT less money.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As Miffy pointed out, the Princes Trust and youth enterprise services are an excellent starting point. My friend who is without a job is taking a 6 month workshop with a local business enterprise agency. They offer help with everything from producing a business plan to insurance issues, they cover the lot and it's well worth doing.

    Your YouTube idea isn't a good one because for starters it's to unrealistic. YouTube is a giant in it's class and there isn't going to be anyone that can really come close to matching it, especially now that Google own it.

    With companies like YouTube you have to be the first of it's kind because trying to copy it will just cause you losing a lot of money and a lot of time and effort. There are dozens of sites like YouTube that try and leech off it's success but will never become more than a fringe company because they do not have the power or money to compete.

    The best thing you can do is research your more realistic ideas to see if it's viable. Once you found something that you know a little more about head on down to see your business advisor (like the one you should be offered with an enterprise agency) and run it past him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To get money out of the bank you absolutely must have a well thought out business plan. This will need to include marketing startegies, research, likely costings etc. Unfortunately at 18 with no assets (eg a house) banks are unlikely to be kind to you. It might be worth reading up on the people behind Innocent Smoothies who started out young and are now worth millions. Best of luck!
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