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Drunken Cheating?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 6/7 weeks now. Although its not that long it seems quite serious, we spend a lot of time together and it seems to mean a lot to both of us.

On friday night though,I found out he might have cheated on me. He said he was really drunk on thursday night (I wasn't there) and was talking to this girl who we've argued over already - one night a few weeks ago he spent almost the whole night flirting with her and hardly speaking to me. He says on thursday he remembers dancing with her and nearly kissing her but then stopping. But he can't remember anything after this. The next morning he got a text from her saying 'we were naughty last night!' He was really nice to me on friday but then told me this late on friday night and I don't know what to think. He says he'd remember if he kissed her, but I don't see why she'd send a message like that if they were just dancing (although thats bad enough). He's been very apologetic about it and seems like he means it. He said it was just because he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing, but I dont know if I should break up with him or not, as I don't know if he kissed her or not? He's texted her and asked what happened but had no reply. I want to trust him again becuase theres a possibility nothing happened..but I know that if he goes out without me then I'll be wondering if he's going to cheat on me. He might not have kissed her..should I give him another chance?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    to be fair, if he was drunk and didnt know what he was doing, to be honest it seems to me he's trying hard to cover his tracks. by sayin he didnt no what he was doin then hes not sayin he didnt cheat on you. but whats to stop him "not knowing what he's doing" next time? not sayin he did cheat on you. but it seems like dodgy ground to me and imo you'd be better off out of it. i think you are in danger of bein taken advantage of.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just to back him up, people never believe that I have complete black outs when I'm drunk but I swear to god I do, my ex never used to believe me and used to think I used it as an excuse but he could well be telling the truth.

    He does seem guilty about it and the fact he's trying to make it up to you surely says something. Also the fact that he was honest with you about it, he could have said nothing. But then like has just been said, he could see it as a way out. Only you can make the decision, he does seem quite sorry though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im not sure about the part where he ignores you, from experience the more drunk ive been the more i dont want to be in anyones company except my girlfriends, but thats just me.

    i would be prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, not let him get away with it lightly of course, but i wouldnt let it end a serious relationship. Take into consideration the likelyhood it would happen again though, maybe it could have been worse if you werent there?

    do you know the girl in question, seems a bit out of order her still texting him the next day.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    erm..7 weeks, byebye!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, his attitude would never be acceptable in any relationship, let alone as short as yours. Get out before you are in too deep and get really hurt.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It sure is convenient that his memory loss starts right after they almost kissed. I doubt I would swallow that line.

    To be blunt if he's going to go out, get slaughtered and not be able to control or remember who he has been dancing with or - possibly - getting off with then I think you would be in a constant whirlwind of anxiety and mistrust everytime he went out on the lash without you. To add into the equation the fact that he would chat her up when you are there makes him sound like a total bellend, I'm amazed you didn't tell him to get gone after that little performance!

    I'm very cynical about this kind of situation these days, and there definitely are other people on here who would be more willing to give the benefit of the doubt... but if I were you or if I was advising any of my friends then I would say dump him and don't look back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi's right - get out while you can without getting too hurt. even if nothing did happen, you aren't going to be able to trust him again any time soon, are you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Even if he was drunk, theres no excuse tbh.

    I remained 100% faithful to my ex of 3 years despite being in a long distance relationship (for the last year and half) and was out getting pissed all the time at Uni.

    My advice would be...get out of that relationship now. There are better guys out there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    briggi wrote:
    It sure is convenient that his memory loss starts right after they almost kissed. I doubt I would swallow that line.
    unfortunatley thats happened to me before. i remember talking loads to this guy and our faces being close but i don't remember anything after that. i had to have people tell me that i had kissed him because i had no idea. i got bollocked for it too because its someone i shouldnt have gone near..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldn't take that as an acceptable excuse.

    If you see this relationship going somewhere, then yeah, forgive him. If not, then time to end it, before it gets any further.

    Personally, I'd be very annoyed and probably get rid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have to add though that it is inexcusable really.. alcohol makes you do stupid things but i believe that the desire has to be there in the first place however small.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just how drunk does someone have to be before they don't realise that what they are doing is wrong?

    I mean, I've been seriously hammered on many occasions but I've never done anything without know what I was doing...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I mean, I've been seriously hammered on many occasions but I've never done anything without know what I was doing...

    Depends on many factors doesn't it. Your mood, your weight, if you've eaten etc.

    If your out drinking without eating before hand (like I normally do) and you really go for it, the chances are you'll not remember shit. For me, I'll fall asleep and not remember getting on the train home - Sure, you can remember touching/dancing with a girl, but you might not recall going that one step further (like having her tits out etc)

    Anyway with regard to the OP - If you've lost trust in this guy end it now. It seems he's being honest with you. Now whether the honesty is from fear of you finding out 2nd hand of the nights events, and him not being able to put a spin on the story, or from him being generally sorry, who knows? :confused:

    I do know I suffer from blackouts from drinking too much!! The most annoying thing is doing stuff with pretty girl and not knowing you've done it, cos you've been so pissed your mind can't function properly. :banghead: Flashback are also a right fucker! :shocking:

    I think give him another chance - least now your more aware of the risk. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have to echo the " drunk is no excuse " line aswell. It just isn't.

    It is your choice whether or not to forgive him and give hiim another chance, but by doing so you only give him yet another chance to go out and cheat on you once again and hurt you further.

    What he's done is break what trust you had developed and that's a hard thing to get back, everytime he goes out your going to think " i wonder ".

    It's a tough choice but ultimately one you have to make yourself.
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