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Keep getting diarrhea

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, last week went home cos I had it quite badly, was feeling faint cos I couldn't get any energy from my food etc. etc. and thought it'll go away in a few days. It kinda did, I got constipated but then passed a few normal stools.

Today, just now, bringing a little snack up from the kitchen I got that feeling in my tummy :( when you know if your bum isn't on the toilet in a matter of seconds it's going to be in your pants. Run run run, made it, painful, got a phoneacll in the middle (which i answered.. and told them id ring them back lol) and anyway.. now I'm upset.

I know to drink lots of water, but generally it'll pass with a few days. I know you can get antibiotics to speed it up, but it seems either I've been infected twice, have some kind of digestive disease (unlikely because no other symptoms) or have a long infection... normally I wouldn't go to the doctors for this but seeing as this is the second week with it (started thursday last week, went home for weekend and got better, now friday today I got it again) I dunno what to do.

I tend to agree with medical practitioners that too many people go to see the doctors when whatever it is will clear up by itself. Just I missed a fair few lectures last week because of it and don't want next week to be the same!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you being a bad fresher and not eating properly?

    Avoid dried fruit and OJ, and make sure you're drinking lots of water, not so much alcohol and lots of high fibre things like cereal, brown bread etc. Is it triggered by something you're eating? For some reason for me peppers are a killer, it suddenly clicked one day that there was a link.

    Lectures wise, it's worth thinking about the back row of the lecture theatre (depending on where the loos are), that way you still go but can nip out of needed.

    Do you have a uni health centre? Does it have a nurse clinic? Lots of uni type health centres have nurse sessions that are aimed at students who aren't really ill enough for a doctor but need some advice.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well the main carb in my diet atm is rice and pasta, mostly I either have something quick and easy (beans on toast and cheese) or a microwavable meal. OJ? Orange juice! I love the stuff!! But haven't had any this past week (but normally have 2-3 cups a day).

    I do have a fairly high intake of water as well, as I get bored so want something to eat but isntead will have a glass of water. I should be as fit as a fiddle but I'm not. :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good luck.

    I've had this for about 3 years. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    IBS flare up?

    It's not always a constant thing. I have it but can go months on end not feeling the effects, then it suddenly flares up, hangs around for a couple of painful months then goes away again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well the main carb in my diet atm is rice and pasta, mostly I either have something quick and easy (beans on toast and cheese) or a microwavable meal. OJ? Orange juice! I love the stuff!! But haven't had any this past week (but normally have 2-3 cups a day).

    I do have a fairly high intake of water as well, as I get bored so want something to eat but isntead will have a glass of water. I should be as fit as a fiddle but I'm not. :(

    Eat a green apple every day, recommend granny smith
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    xsazx wrote:
    could you get some over the counter tablets to slow it down whilst your body recovers?

    Don't do that, ride the wave and get some dioralyte. Better out than in, as they say!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    try not eating so much of the processed crap i.e. microwave meals.

    they're also often more expensive than making the meal yourself.

    also try and eat your 5-a-day.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    xsazx wrote:
    definatly lay of the orange juice then cause the excess acid isn't going to do a poorly tummy any good at all. Just keep your water intake up and stick to plain food (no processed additive full stuff for a while), could you get some over the counter tablets to slow it down whilst your body recovers? if not it could be a food intolerance or such like which may need a doctors diagnoses. Take care, it should disappear with time
    Saz x x x x

    I wouldn't get anything to slow it down cos most types of diarrhoea, with the exception of it being related to IBS, Crohns etc, are infected types. It's your body's way of dealing with the infection, and getting rid of it, so by slowing it down you are retaining the infection. The only thing we recommend at work is plenty of fluids, including dioralyte (although it tastes foul!!) as this wil replace the salts etc lost in the diarrhoea :thumb:
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