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How to approach him??

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Some of you may have read this problem before so apologies to you guys but for those of you that havent a little push in the right direction would be appreciated thanks.

Basically theres a guy i like at the local football club (he plays, i support). i was just wondering if anyone has any good tips on approaching him as i dont even have confidence to go and say hi. hes 22 and im 17, both just had birthdays so almost an exact 5 year age gap and thats quite a big bit of the lack of confidence on my part, would at 22 year old really look at a 17 yr old?? ive spoken to him once before when he came over to apologise and check i was ok after hitting me with the ball a few weeks back but saying 'im fine thanks' is about as far as its gone lol. so yeh just any help woud be great thanks.:thumb:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The only thing to do really is to bite the bullet and just go up to him after the match and comment about the game - compliment him on a good goal, pass or tackle, or commiserate about a lost opportunity. If you keep chatting with him every time you're at a match, then you'll get to know each other a bit and, fingers crossed, he'll decide he wants to get to know you more! I don't think the age gap is too bad, especially as it's not just a random guy in a club or something, you've got football in common. You should gather together your confidence and think "What's the worst that could happen?" Best case scenario, obviously you get the guy, even if he doesn't fancy you you could make a new friend, and worst is that nothing really comes of it - but if you don't make the first move and go over and chat to him, nothing will come of it anyway, and you'll always wonder what could have been. Good luck!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    would at 22 year old really look at a 17 yr old??

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    17 year old girl? You could have any guy you wanted...

    I have a friend who's going out with a 34 year old :no:
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