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about a friend

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
in the last sixth months my friends had alot of things happening, he split with with his girlfriend which has left him heartbroken (even though she's a spitful so and so) his mum is terminally ill and constantly in and out of hospital, and his auntie has just died. he lost his job because he kept bursting into tears, and feels completly worthless, the other week he tried to commit suicide but luckly we got there in time and talked him out of that, he's been to the doctors again and his depression score was 29 ? i've been told its usaully around 9 and this is extremely high, he's been given a high dose of anti-depressents, but they can take a while to work and a few pills aint just going to sort the problem out, has anyone got any advice, we all try our best in helping him, but he seems to take two steps forward and about six steps back, the main root of this is his ex girlfriend, he would do anything to have her back and one minute she shows a little bit of interest or they talk he thinks its going to be back to normal but the next day she doesn;t want to know and his horrible to him, and we're left to pick up the pieces. So thats why i don't like her, but he is neglecting his friends now for a chance to be with her or even just see her, we've had serious arguments over this, and he just doesn't see why we are so anit her ! has any one got any ideas or suggestions in getting him out of this state of mind ? thanks


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you have time, take him places and do stuff with him. You can take him out for a walk, go bowling, skating, to a café, etc. (I would advice against the movies, especially a soppy movie) Use your imagination! You can both notify him beforehand or show up telling him you are going somewhere.

    It's impossible for you to force him to change his way, you can only kick him out of the couch and help him get motivated to do it himself. You also have to accept that no matter how much you want to help, there is only so much you can do and you must make sure not to get dragged down with him.

    Best of luck, I hope he pulls through
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