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Molly better known as Misbah Iram Ahmed Rana



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    her father does want her to have contact with her mother.

    Yeah, by whisking her off to the land of the arranged marriage.

    I can see how much he cared about the mother's feelings.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Get a grip

    The choice that this girl is making is between her parents and her religion. At 12 years old most American courts will except her choice as her being old enough to make those decisions.

    All of you who are there talking about how Islam sucks need to study religion more. As well those who say that woman in Islam are treated like dirt.

    In Islam woman wear veils for the same reason a Christian woman doesnt wear a micro mini, its about self respect. In Islam a woman is a cherished beautiful thing. Yes, there are muslim men out there that beat thier wifes, there are just as many christian men who beat thier wifes.

    This girl is 12, she will be married to a man who is twice her age maybe, but he wont have sex with her till she is about 16 normaly. Till then, normally she will be a cherished girl in his house. She will never have a child outside of wedlock and be abandoned, she will not have to worry about the many things American teenage girls worry about. BTW, Christians did this for hundred of years, and in some places still do.

    Yes the thought of a man having sex with a 12 year old is sick, but it isnt likely to happen.

    As for her name, if you were born named Mark, and then one of your parents after a divorce decided at 12 to call you John, you would say your name was Mark too.

    It seems that most peoples issue here is the difference between a Christian woman and a Muslim man.

    Not all Muslim men are Osama, and not all Christian woman are Mother Theresa. She apperantly has a good father she loves, and an over zelious mother who is trying to make her change the knowledge of her entire life.

    In the same place, where would you be.

    BTW my muslim experiance is first hand, I spent a year in a muslim camp as a child, I have also studied Christianity among other religions.

    (a well studied Pagan)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    muirenn wrote:
    The choice that this girl is making is between her parents and her religion. At 12 years old most American courts will except her choice as her being old enough to make those decisions.

    Pretty irrelevant what US courts think as this is a matter between UK and Pakistan.

    Nor is the rest of your post on islam really relevant. The question is whether a 12 year old is capable of making the best long term well informed decisions over who or where she lives. I hold that she isn't.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    NQA wrote:
    Pretty irrelevant what US courts think as this is a matter between UK and Pakistan.

    Nor is the rest of your post on islam really relevant. The question is whether a 12 year old is capable of making the best long term well informed decisions over who or where she lives. I hold that she isn't.

    Your right, it is a matter between UK and Pakistan, as such most Islamic teachings say that a girl is considered to be of age at 9, that is when she starts wearing a scarf and is mature. So I would think that by Pakistany law she would be old enough to make that decision (think, not know)

    As for the rest of my post, when others out there are making this an issue on wether she should live with her mom or dad based on thier religious belifes (which most are) then the rest of my post becomes extremly relevent.

  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    muirenn wrote:
    As well those who say that woman in Islam are treated like dirt.

    Please point out the factual inaccuracies.
    In Islam woman wear veils for the same reason a Christian woman doesnt wear a micro mini, its about self respect.

    Not so. Christian women do wear micro skirts.
    In Islam a woman is a cherished beautiful thing

    How is a rape conviction secured under Sharia Law?
    It seems that most peoples issue here is the difference between a Christian woman and a Muslim man.

    Not so, it's about moral beliefs and the rule of law.
    Not all Muslim men are Osama

    Why bring him up?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    muirenn wrote:
    Your right, it is a matter between UK and Pakistan, as such most Islamic teachings say that a girl is considered to be of age at 9, that is when she starts wearing a scarf and is mature. So I would think that by Pakistany law she would be old enough to make that decision (think, not know)

    As for the rest of my post, when others out there are making this an issue on wether she should live with her mom or dad based on thier religious belifes (which most are) then the rest of my post becomes extremly relevent.


    Yes, but given she was living in the UK its UK law.

    And tbh what Islam says about whether a girl is considered to be of age at 9 is quite frankly bollocks.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    UK law says that this man has no right to take this child out of the country without the consent of her legal guardian. Even if he has joint guardianship it is still against the law- when I was taken by my dad to Australia for a holiday he had to get a letter signed by my mum and witnessed by a JP in order to do it.

    The father and the sister are guilty of kidnap, and should be punished as such the very second they return to UK soil. This girl is no more able to make her own decision than the 12-year-old who ran off with the ex-Marine she met on the internet.

    Her religion is irrelevant as to the morals of this case, but Islamic countries are not safe places for young women. That isn't because of Islam, you are quite right, it is because of the Islamic leaders who operate Sharia Law, and punish women who do not wear the "liberating" jilbab.

    You say yourself she will very likely be forced into a marriage with a much older man. Her UK passport will be valued, and I'm sure she'll attract a nice dowry for her "caring" father. What will then happen is that she will happily return to the UK, bringing along a whole new family of people who can't speak English and serve no economic progress. And that isn't me being racist, either, that is the opinion of Ann Cryer, MP for Keighley, who has done more for the Islamic community in West Yorkshire than just about any other politician, local pr national.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Iron Nic wrote:

    so it turns out that the girl wanted to get away from her mum!!!

    i knew something was wrong with the mother. ive always thought her performance in front of the media was somewhat ingenuine. using the forced marriage card of course will always be emotional, but she was ridicuolous. even though the mother is the legal guardian, i think Misbah should be allowed to stay with her father. mothers usually win the rights to custody of the child in divorces. if she could immediately jump into conlcusion and accuse the father of abducting the girl for forced marriage, its easy to see how possible it is for her to make a similar emotional plea in front of the courts.

    what do you think? should the girl be forced to go back to the UK?
    You would think that but truth is, lou is just devoted mother and anyone who actually knows her, knows that. It's so nice of you to make assumptions tho...... Surely anybody can see the nervous state of worry she was in, you cannot be a parent. Of course misbah missed the family but when you know what has happened......., its funny you think she is just assuming where she has gone too, surely when you have been married to someone for 15 years you know them pretty well, dont you think?
    I also think that if her big sister never got married then moved to pakistan then misbah wouldnt have wanted to leave her family in the first place.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And you know lou personally?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I hope tahmina does get done with abduction, she knew misbah would be excited to see her, funny noone seems to make anything of her father waiting in glasgow or the fact its the court in which place the child is currently living that decides where she stays, wouldnt have done to stay in london like they used to.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I do and i'm saying no more on the matter except your blind if you think she faked that. its disguting the fact you could think she would make it up and to go off on a tangent from one little newspaper article! of course she would miss her siblings. her mother is her legal guardian and it is with her she should remain.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *nat* wrote:
    I do and i'm saying no more on the matter

    Ah right. So you're a close personal friend of those concerned, and you just happend to stumble across this site and decided to put the record straight. Yeah right :rolleyes:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote:
    Ah right. So you're a close personal friend of those concerned, and you just happend to stumble across this site and decided to put the record straight. Yeah right :rolleyes:

    Don't see why not - if you know them you may well want to look on the internet to see what comes up and put in Misbah Iram Ahmed Rana and it comes up second on Google.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote:
    Ah right. So you're a close personal friend of those concerned, and you just happend to stumble across this site and decided to put the record straight. Yeah right :rolleyes:

    yeah so whats your problem, cant stand somone knowing you are wrongly slagging off another person? bet you were a big bully at school werent you?
    in fact, i found the site then noticed the shit you were speeling.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *nat* wrote:
    yeah so whats your problem, cant stand somone knowing you are wrongly slagging off another person? bet you were a big bully at school werent you?
    in fact, i found the site then noticed the shit you were speeling.

    Come on then big boy. Quote me from this thread, or shut the fuck up.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote:
    Come on then big boy. Quote me from this thread, or shut the fuck up.

    will do then - must of hit a nerve there. now your being nasty cos youve been told you were wrong, everyone is entiteled to there oppinions but yours was just a personal attack and its not fair or even well constructed, im not going to arque with you but there is no need for that.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Because you can't argue, because you have no basis for arguement. That was my first post in this thread. So crawl back under your little stone, put your toys back in your pram, and stop throwing out accusations you can't back up.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Who cares if this person knows them or not? Iron Nic's comments about the mother are completely unfounded and completely unjustified. I suspect the person does know this brainwashed child, but it doesn't really matter.

    I do think this stupid little girl did want to leave her family, Stornoway is very dull. But like the 12-year-old girl who voluintarily ran off with the Marine, she is not in a position to genuinely choose what is best for her.

    Of course the Pakistani court will side for the father, Pakistani courts always do side with men against women. That is because the culture of Islamic countries is vehemently anti-women, and Islam itself is vehemently anti-women. And unless someone is going to say exactly where Sharia law is about equality, they can shut up about "racism".

    As I say, she will be back soon, her new husband and all his family in tow, scrounging more benefits from us hard-working taxpayers. If this girl loves Pakistan so much her UK passport should be immediately and permanently revoked, as should any rights of residency her family enjoy.
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