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the reason why vague laws are stupid and scary

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
in russia at the moment, basically a law has been passed authorising the President a la Putin to order the 'search and destruction' of 'extremists' by the FSB(KGB) in and out of Russia

sounds a bit harsh but do-able as Russia has solid legal definitions of these terms

on a side note: a legal amendment was made a few weeks ago that added slander against the government as 'extremist' behaviour........

and they are hosting the G8 talks :mad:

this shows why having 'populist' laws that are only used against 'terroists' and 'yobs' are utter crap cause all you got to do is give a nice vague description in the law passed which then you can decide whom it applies to


  • Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,324 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    And from the ashes of the USSR, rose a man. Ex-KGB. He assumed power and set about seeking control with the skills he learned. It was easy, the world sat back and done nothing to Russia. To help or ail.

    Laws were made bringing back totalitarian control. Opposition parties were routinley raided and members arrested. The world sat back and done nothing.

    The Military and the Police were given more funding. More laws. More oppression. The world sat back. G8 was hosted there.

    What now for the seemingly untouchable man with a nearly Iron Grasp on power? He is untouchable by the rest of the world. Only his own people may now revolt against him - but that is quite illegal and the OMON are quite ruthless - but have been defeated before. Spetsnaz on the other hand...

    Either way. His rule is becoming steadily worse than the Soviet rule. Hence people in Russia pine for the old USSR... leading to many extremist groups bent on restoring it. With ever increasing support - through from WW2 Veterans to dissilusoned Students. A worrying development.
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