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Residential volunteering in the UK or France

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi everyone, I was wondering if any of you know of any opportunities for residential volunteering, that is, a long-term volunteer option where you live in the place you are helping. For a while now ('bout a year) I've been thinking about the option of going to Europe and study/live/work there. But studying for now is not an option since its too expensive and I'm too late this year to apply for scholarships. I'd love to work but as you know I don't belong to the EU so that's virtually impossible... So, what is left is to go and live there as a volunteer - but it'd have to be on a residential basis since I can't pay for living expenses. I have plenty of experience in volunteering so that doesn't worry me, I know I'd be fit for the work, plus I truly love it.

Thing is, the countries I'd most like to go to are the UK and France. Anyone know any options? I've checked out CSV but as Chilean I can't apply :(
I really have my mind set on this as I know I need a change of scenery and a change in my life... I know it mind sound contradictory to be a volunteer in two of the wealthiest nations of the planet... but it's what best combines my wishes.. plus I think I could learn a great deal about how needs are handled in developed countries.

Can anyone think of any options? (That I can apply as Chilean.. don't forget.. you wouldn't believe how we South Americans are discriminated :impissed: !!)


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