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Please can i get some help?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Please dont be put off by the amount of writing please help, im at breaking point

aaah i really shouldn't be typing this because it is disgraceful.. (im new by the way, hello! :wave: ) .. yeah but it's really hurting me so i think i need to express it and stuff.. so here goes.. dont judge me people! i am an 18 year old girl... and i am falling in love with my best friend's 44 year old dad...... aaah told you it wouldnt be pretty.. hes not like a disgusting old 44 year old, he looks (gorgeous) really young and acts young... and i am quite a mature 18 year old and enjoy the company of older people because you can have a meaningful proper conversation (sorry if im boring you :( ) and the story gets worse .. aah he has five kids, been married twice and has a live type in gilfriend who has a child froma previous marriage, they have been together for 8 years and she erm *Sophie* is really nice... i really like him and keep getting mixed signals from him...:confused:

i have liked him for a year when i went on holiday with them and i really got on with him and got to know him, since then things have just built up and now im at breaking point... up until recently its just been a simple crush that i could deal with... simple thing like driving past his work to see him.. hmm stalkerage! aah im soo stupid.. since the world cup has been on my best friend *Helena* and i have been going to the pub and slepping over at hers and when we get back he *Will* is there and we have just talked to him loads and ive stayed up talking to him when helena and sophie have gone to bed.. aah he's funny, he told me he thinks im funny, he's really cheeky, ahh he's irish! (i swear irish accent and im taken!) hes masculine, but sensitive, hes got a cuddly body, hes a drinker.. which is gd lol, we get on soo well, he told im gorgeous and stunning, (aah big head lol nah!) i think its sexy when he is all responsible lol weird.. we agree on most things.. ahh hes just a gorgeous sexy person... damn it...

on the day of the first match we slept (me and helena) around hers and (these arent actually their real names btw) he was in and first he got a chair and put it next to him and told me to sit down, he kept catchin my eye and smiling, he cuddled me and put his hand on my leg and was really interested in me, then he hugged me goodnight at touched mi bum .. he keeps giving me mixed signals, him and his gf argue all the time soo o well - i know this sounds wrong comin from the 44 year old dad of mi best friend but its fine he is more like my friend. he sed i was sexy and o god ive got it bad. he keeps lookin at me like.. i dont something could happen.. i really like but love helena and sophie too much.. aaah the confusion!

although in my head there are soo many pros to 'us' it would be soo impractical and we'd hurt soo many people and lose themforever and hurt ourselves .. god ! :banghead: i need to get over this, but i dont think this one will go as easy as my other stupid crushes.. this feels soo different i feel high when im around him, he makes my heart beat faster :heart: , just his voice and smell, i get butterflies and shivers thinking about him, and thats all i do think about him, it wont go away.. this (this whole feelin ive just blurted out sorry peeps!) makes me happy but sometimes also really depressed.. i worry about what he thinks of me.. not if he like likes me just if he thinks im nice, i cry about it alot, no matter what i do i cannot stop thinking about him, what is wrong with me. :(

this is the first of a kind.. this crush can absolutely not be found out by the people involved, all the others ive just been afraid of rejection, but now bloody hell, everything is to lose and pretty much everyone in the universe will get hurt. he keeps touching me not pervily just like in the pub, when i picked him up, with helena, he touched me waist and shoulders aaahhh the thing is there is nothing wrong with him. no turn offs even the age i can deal with ish... fuck, this is getting out of control, im soo jealous of him and sophie but i love sophie so much... grr

last night i went there and was talking to will and sophie .. helena was drunk so she fell asleep.. again he said i was stunning and pulled a chair close to him and said sit down... sophie had opened up a can of emotion filled worms and i started to cry, part drunkeness but i was having a big argument with parents and depressed and will gave me the hugest cuddle for ages.. my head was on his chest and he was sqeezing soo tight, for ages.. i didnt want him to let go.. well i did.. i couldnt breathe... hes soo brilliant i sooo love him aaahhh im gonna go cry lol nah

sorry and thankyou if youve bothered to read all of this... thankyou so much, i guess i =m just writing this because i would like advice... erm help.. erm to know what people think and to find out if anyone is going thru this or has in the past.. probably not.. im alone.. like always... this is killing me please help xxx

please dont hate for what i just wrote thankyou xx


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To me it sounds really wrong that a 44 year old would be interested in an 18 year old. For christ sake, he's old enough to be your dad...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its your friends dad, you will cause a massive rift.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Makoto wrote:
    Its your friends dad, you will cause a massive rift.

    :yes: If your friend found out, I'm not too sure she'd want to talk to you (or see you) ever again.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Brace yourself:

    This 'man' sounds like a total douchebag. His behaviour is disgusting, immature and irresponsible. His relationship history does him no favours either. He is in a relationship and at the same time giving you, what I can only presume for a 44yr old man, are intentional 'come-on' signals. Whether this is to boost his morale or start a fling with you, whatever, you are not ony many years his junior but also his daughter's friend and as such, shouuld be 'out of bounds'.

    While it seems apparant that he is an irresponsible arse, you must take responsibility for yourself. Your crush is already causing you heartache, and from the sound of your home life etc. you don't need more. I would advise you not to mention your feelings and the events to your friend and that you need to cut him out of your life, or at least form any situations where your crush will develop further. Can helena spend more time at yours rather than you being at her house? If not, what about you going up to her room when she goes to bed rather than staying up with this 'man'. Why are you driving by his work? What does that achieve? stop it... He might seem like an adonis now but in a few years time, you'll probably see him as something quite different...

    Good luck whatever you decide to do and welcome to the site :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thankyou for your responses (am quite drunk now lol) but need more dont like your responses lol but love you fopr sayin them... i dont want to cut him out of mi life cos ill miss him and be all (or even more) sad..... and as for driving past his work.. it makes me happy wen i see him and i hate mi house so it gets me out... he makes me feel better./.. although some people think im spoilt .. wel i am with money ish at bdays n stuff.. nu car.. sat nav.. diamonds etc im not supported emotionally and i know i am not whatr , my parents expected or want i am a total let down a failure, this crush is all thats keeping me alive at the moment cant take that aay... i understand where you're all coming form and if it is ;come ons' it is really pervy but i dont care... love is deaf and blind and i love him just want a be with him all the time i ,ove him/... aah tears are flowing now lol... tryna sound adultiest lol thnakyou for careing

    and im sooryy if i am shit and boring you my life isnt really important and i donmt think many ppl would miss me if i died lol... but i am popular, but they dnt really care... i shud stop talking please post more replies.. i appreciate every single one and take it all on board

    again thankyou.. ahhh stooopid teenagerss................ please tell me this all stiops when i turn 20 .. fuck...... ahhh more alcohol.. solves everything!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    First of all - welcome to The Site, it’s a cool place with cool people. Why don’t you stay a while?

    This is a bad situation and I'm really sorry you've ended up in it :( There can never be a happy ending here and to be brutally honest you're just going to have to accept it as a lesson that we can't always have the things we want to have. Think about it this way - if you were to get what you want, ie. Will breaks up with Sophie to get with you, you would lose your best friend and destroy your relationship with Sophie. So even though you'd be happy on one level, you'd be miserable on another, knowing how badly two people you love were hurting as a result of your happiness.

    I'm sure you know this already, so the question is, how can you get Will out of your head? Katralla has given you some good ideas but at the end of the day it's up to you to make the decision to stop thinking about him - you need to force yourself to realise that only pain can come of it, so there's no point carrying on. You said yourself that it makes you feel depressed as well as happy, well you don't deserve to feel depressed so you need to get yourself out of a situation that makes you feel like that!

    It will be very hard but the road you're on at the moment is leading nowhere positive, just towards more tears and sadness. You need to force yourself to turn off down a different path, and although at first you'll want to turn back to him, you'll find that the further you go, the easier it'll get to carry on and forget about him. Stop spending time at Helena's house and if you do go round there, avoid spending time alone with Will. It's the only way to get your life back on track and find the happiness you deserve!

    I promise you that you're not alone - there are many, many people out there who've been in love with someone they can't have, for whatever reason. At the end of the day, you have to take responsibility for other people's happiness as well as your own, and if that means stepping away from someone you love, then that's the way it has to be. I've recently been through this too so I understand how hard it is, and wish you the best of luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    aint confused.com that car insurance place?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote:
    aint confused.com that car insurance place?

    yep... smart sniff sniff maybe...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    confused.com tis tis indeed (no im not a sales person lol).. thankyou... yeah i know this is all going to end in tears... yeh you're all right i just needed to tell someone you know? cool thankyou xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes this is a deep crush, but if this guy really liked you he shoudnt be giving you any mixed signals. And look up limerance in the dictionary.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sounds like a difficult situation, but wildchild makes very good points and ideas.
    Sounds cheesey, but if you love somebody that much you've got to let them go. If they come back itll be forever, but if they dont it was never meant to be.
    Sounds like he gets bored easily in relationships, although i may be judging him too quickly. Even if things did go further, how could you ever trust that he wouldnt do the same but with someone else?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I would help, but the amount of bad spelling put me off. Is it really that hard to type 'my' instead of 'mi'?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i was drunk.. lol sorry... my... yeah i know we wouldn't be able to have a full on relationship... i guess we'll just have to stay friends and i just have to get over it.. and i know what limerance means.. i'm not obsessed.. yeah i guess i would be worried all the time if he would cheat on me... thanks for all your help, xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lucky forty four year old bastard ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lucky forty four year old bastard ...
    Too right. I hope 18 year old girls are still after me when I'm 40.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lucky forty four year old bastard ...

    haha lol xxxx
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