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Rupert Murdoch switching loyalties again?

The owner of The Sun, The Times and their Sunday counterparts in the UK, plus the owner of MySpace (so the rumours were true, after all) has very few fans on the boards. I'm not amongst them. This, after all, is the man who gave up his Australian citizenship to buy American media - hardly the act of a patriotic Australian who loves his country.

I was unsurprised to see him moaning to a newspaper a few days ago. He said some stuff about how he'd been a "very big supporter of Tony on big issues". How long until he's on first name terms with "Call Me Dave" Cameron? And why can't I imagine him going to LibDem HQ and greeting their leader as 'Ming'?

Here's the link.

OK, but answer me this, Mr Murdoch. As I said, you're not a man who thinks much of loyalty, especially not when your country of birth is concerned. You're now a US citizen, and will be until you see the development of the next superpower. So, why do you feel the need to interfere in the editorial decisions of British newspapers? Why don't you keep your nose out of something that doesn't affect you?

Over to the rest of you. Especially Aladdin, who I'm sure, will have many kind things to say about his friend Rupert... ;)
Beep boop. I'm a bot.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Murdoch's influence is exaggerated. Murdoch himself would obviously want Conservatives in power here, a Republican in the White House and a Liberal Prime Minister in Australia. The Murdoch press supported New Labour in 1997 and subsequently not because Murdoch sincerely wanted a Labour government - but because Murdoch had correctly predicted Labour will win. From the perspective of the Sun it's better to support Labour and try and influence it on key issues than support a Conservative Party that will lose. As soon as the Conservatives look like a viable opposition and it appears that they will win the election Murdoch will support the Tories again. It's a myth that it was 'the Sun wot won it' in 1992, the Sun and Murdoch himself do not determine elections. The Sun itself reflects the views of its readers and adapts as their views change, as shown by the paper switching from the Conservatives to Labour in 1997. Although, slightly contradicting everything I've just said it would be fantastic for the Conservatives if the Murdoch press and in particular the Sun solidly supported the Conservatives.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Like Dis has said the 'It Was the S*n Wot Won It' claims are rubbish. Murdoch is simply a rat ready to jump ship- and then pretend the party that won the election did so thanks to him, so he can continue his blackmailing and manipulation.

    I'm not sure whether he will switch this time... certainly not yet. But he cannot lose by indicating he's toying with the idea of switching... it will make Tony listen even harder and send a message to Cameron that he will want to hear the 'right' things before he pledges full support.

    The man is truly powerful and dangerous, make no mistake.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    I'm not sure whether he will switch this time... certainly not yet. But he cannot lose by indicating he's toying with the idea of switching... it will make Tony listen even harder and send a message to Cameron that he will want to hear the 'right' things before he pledges full support.

    The man is truly powerful and dangerous, make no mistake.
    OK, so you're still mates, then? ;)

    Notice that Stooge Blair is going to meet him later this month, doubtless before he goes on yet another freebie holiday that you won't read about in The Scum. I wonder what Gordon Brown makes of all this...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    murdoch owns myspace?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "Murdoch doesn't give a shit about anything but profits" shocker.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    The man is truly powerful and dangerous, make no mistake.

    I don't think he's that powerful, he's certainly not dangerous. And I don't really think he's that harmful, The Times is a decent enough paper. Sky News isn't bad either. And despite all the criticisms I don't see any problem with Fox News. Fox News has an open right wing bias and makes no secret of it - unlike the BBC which portrays itself as impartial but has a subtle liberal bias. Fox News is basically a TV equivalent of talk radio, most of the time it's a shouting match between a 'liberal' and a 'conservative' - which in itself is balanced but Fox often feature stronger conservatives who can argue their case better against weaker liberal opponents.

    Anyway neither Sun or Times readers, Sky News viewers or myspace members vote as a bloc, they're not going to base who they vote for on the Murdoch line - the ever eloquent 'The Sun Says' or anything else. Murdoch has ample competition in the UK and USA and it's almost impossible that he could ever amass anything like the dominence Berlusconi has in Italy. And it's a tad patronising to say readers/viewers of the Murdoch media simply form their opinion from Murdoch media outlets, for the average Sun reader for instance they probably face far more exposure to the BBC - and for some Sun readers the Sun is simply reflecting their views and for others they buy The Sun for gossip and a light read. The Sun certainly isn't brainwashing anybody.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    what a hard working man.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think he's that powerful, he's certainly not dangerous. And I don't really think he's that harmful, The Times is a decent enough paper. Sky News isn't bad either. And despite all the criticisms I don't see any problem with Fox News. Fox News has an open right wing bias and makes no secret of it - unlike the BBC which portrays itself as impartial but has a subtle liberal bias. Fox News is basically a TV equivalent of talk radio, most of the time it's a shouting match between a 'liberal' and a 'conservative' - which in itself is balanced but Fox often feature stronger conservatives who can argue their case better against weaker liberal opponents.
    :lol: I love Fox News, it's hilarious. There's this one crazy religious woman who goes protesting at peoples funerals and weddings and things, with stuff like "God Hates America" and "Homo's are Going to Hell" (not direct quotes, buy the way). There always seems to be clips going round the internet. The last one I saw, the presenter said "You are going to hell, you are the devil.":lol: Taking Fox seriously would be like calling Jerry Springer a serious relationship advice programme.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think he's that powerful, he's certainly not dangerous. And I don't really think he's that harmful, The Times is a decent enough paper. Sky News isn't bad either. And despite all the criticisms I don't see any problem with Fox News. Fox News has an open right wing bias and makes no secret of it - unlike the BBC which portrays itself as impartial but has a subtle liberal bias. Fox News is basically a TV equivalent of talk radio, most of the time it's a shouting match between a 'liberal' and a 'conservative' - which in itself is balanced but Fox often feature stronger conservatives who can argue their case better against weaker liberal opponents.

    Anyway neither Sun or Times readers, Sky News viewers or myspace members vote as a bloc, they're not going to base who they vote for on the Murdoch line - the ever eloquent 'The Sun Says' or anything else. Murdoch has ample competition in the UK and USA and it's almost impossible that he could ever amass anything like the dominence Berlusconi has in Italy. And it's a tad patronising to say readers/viewers of the Murdoch media simply form their opinion from Murdoch media outlets, for the average Sun reader for instance they probably face far more exposure to the BBC - and for some Sun readers the Sun is simply reflecting their views and for others they buy The Sun for gossip and a light read. The Sun certainly isn't brainwashing anybody.

    Rupert Murdoch is an ultra right wing, ultra neocon, god-bothering, tax-dodging nasty piece of work who wasn't born or lives in this country yet he feels the country should be run as he pleases.

    His Fox channel is the single biggest joke in media history. A worthless, lying, manipulating network of lies, myths and propaganda doing the worst of the dirty of work of the neocon movement and about as interested in 'fair and balanced' journalism (or come to think of it, of journalism of any kind) as King Herod was about child welfare.

    Elsewhere, the Dirty Digger has various degrees of influence in the editorial line of his newspapers. But it dictates them all. Funny how every single one of his 144 newspapers were fully supportive of the Iraq war...

    The Times, being a respected broadsheet instead of the garbage rags he prefers, has some degree of independecy. Some. Murdoch will still dictate which political party the paper is to support, and even demand that the paper is never critical of China because that could harm his multi-billion Pound business interests there. Remember the scandal that broke out a few years ago?

    When it comes to the Scum, the control excersided by the Dirty Digger is absolute. The S*n is an ultra right wing, homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, semi-racist despicable, blackmailing hypocritical evil piece of fucking shit. A truly abhorrent and worthless rag that should be blown to pieces by a guided missile, preferably with its staff still inside the building.

    It is through the S*n that the ugliest attributes of the Dirty Digger shine with pride. The man is actually a strong social and religious conservative. That doesn't stop him from plastering tits and nookie all over his red-top tabloids. He also loves to rant about benefit cheats and scroungers... forgetting to declare the fact that he himselfs deprives the country of hundreds of millions of Pounds every single year through dodgy tax-avoidance scheme. His persecution of child sex offenders and hard talk about 'evil paedos' is relentless... while at the same time happily sexing up children and publishing insinuating pictures and comments about them so S*n readers can knock one out over them.

    He's one of the most evil men alive. Simple as.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The paper simple follows public opinion, but it does have right wing alliances.

    To suggest the paper has any power is laughable.

    Put it this way, we have the choice to buy his newspapers and watch his tv, but we don't have the choice to not pay the tv licence so that the BBC can publish it's left wing labour bias.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The paper doesn't have as much power as it claims, but Rupert Murdoch himself does.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    murdoch owns myspace?
    Rumours have circulated on the Internet for a while now on this. They have never been denied by Rupert Murdoch, News International or any of his other companies.
    Aladdin wrote:
    The Times, being a respected broadsheet instead of the garbage rags he prefers, has some degree of independecy. Some. Murdoch will still dictate which political party the paper is to support, and even demand that the paper is never critical of China because that could harm his multi-billion Pound business interests there. Remember the scandal that broke out a few years ago?
    Very questionable, to say the least. I read The Times almost every day. It comes across as a "right-of-centre" paper to me and their writers criticise China's human rights record regularly. Only last week, articles were printed about the truly evil Chinese practice of foot-binding. This is when young women, whose feet are still growing, are ordered to wear tiny shoes all day long, leaving them in total agony, in pursuit of some nonsensical "ideal" that they have tiny feet. China's human rights record can't be condemned enough, and The Times certainly aren't doing Murdoch's bidding in this respect.

    No chance of reading about China's human rights record in his other daily publication, with The Sun preferring to lead instead on Lea from Big Brother's breasts, gypsies swamping the countryside, immigrants taking over the country, and other such drivel.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In that case he has given up on that issue but as recently as 5-6 years ago the paper was being rather benign in its coverage of China, and a whistleblower from within the paper said there were orders from high above to ensure that was the case.

    In fact chances are he had to let the paper do its job only because the policy was uncovered.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    In that case he has given up on that issue but as recently as 5-6 years ago the paper was being rather benign in its coverage of China, and a whistleblower from within the paper said there were orders from high above to ensure that was the case.

    In fact chances are he had to let the paper do its job only because the policy was uncovered.
    I've got to ask, simply out of temptation. Do you read any newspapers yourself? And if you do, do you trust what you read in them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I do an online paper round of the S*n, Guardian, Telegraph and Indy more or less daily. I don't usually buy papers during the week as I commute by bike.

    On Sundays I buy the Observer and on occasion the Times... and sometimes (take a seat ;) ) I read somebody else's Mail on Sunday. Reading the latter is my personal descent into hell but I do it to remind myself of how ugly the human race can be and how much work is there to do to combat bigotry and hatred.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    I do an online paper round of the S*n, Guardian, Telegraph and Indy more or less daily. I don't usually buy papers during the week as I commute by bike.

    On Sundays I buy the Observer and on occasion the Times... and sometimes (take a seat ;) ) I read somebody else's Mail on Sunday. Reading the latter is my personal descent into hell but I do it to remind myself of how ugly the human race can be and how much work is there to do to combat bigotry and hatred.
    Whatever would you do without the Internet, eh? You'd have to go out and buy these papers! I can just about imagine you reading up in The Sun about Big Brother or maybe taking a look at Page 3... ;):p

    Only once have I ever bought The Observer myself, and I never read half of it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I usually buy the Observer for current affairs/politics. The Sunday Times is great for sport and supplements though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I get The Times on a Monday during the football season, but other than that, I don't really buy papers. Thought I'd mention it now the thread is officially off topic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    I usually buy the Observer for current affairs/politics. The Sunday Times is great for sport and supplements though.
    You probably know this already, but Rupert Murdoch founded his media empire on sport, particularly football. Hence why so much football is shown on Sky, and why it's so prominent in his newspapers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Murdoch is a brilliant Businessman, thats what he does, makes money, thats his job, he does it well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sadly he's many other things as well- things that have nothing to do with his business life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sophia wrote:
    Being a good buisnessman is about slightly more than just making shitloads of money anyway, imo. There's such a thing as ethics in buisness and social responsibility, neither of which are his strong points.
    Not really. That's called being a good person. Business is about making money and nothing more.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He is a reasonably good father, though not husband, but never the less he has balanced part of his family life well. He doesnt do charity work or anything like that but then again, neither do i. I work solely to make money, if i had lots of money i wouldnt bother working, but i dont care about ethics if i can make more money.

    If i was Bill Gates id probably throw a few billion dollars at animal charities and saving the rainforrest, but thats all.
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