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getting back together?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok heres the story, i have been going out with this girl for bout 3 months i thought everything was going dandy but she went on holiday for a couple of days with a bunch of mates and think she met someone else (though really don't know the full details, some say she did, some say she didn't) and when she came back she was quite off with me and things got worse, and we kept arguing and she suggested a break saying 'her feelings are changing towards me' and 'not sure what she wants'. (btw im 17 years old, so is she)

The other night I called her up while drunk and said i think we should end it, she was crying down the phone and stuff but for some reason we didn't end the relationship that night, partly cos she didnt want to. But things didn't get better and after more difficulty with her i said 'i thinks its best if we end it' but made it clear to her i really didnt want and she sorta reluctantly agreed we should end it. That was all about 3 days ago and im missing her quite bad, i only had to end it cos she said she didn't know how she felt about me and she was also being quite rude and REALLY bitchy towards me.

Think there's any chance of getting her back? should i leave it for a while and talk to her next time we're both out? or just forget about the whole relationship? I just couldnt understand why she suddenly didnt like me, just before she left on holiday we had the best night, fooling around in pool and she looked into my eyes and said she loved me so much.... girls eh :rolleyes:

btw im only thinking like this because i believe the relationship is worth saving, cos we really did get on well with each other and had some great times and laughs.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Those great times are gone now, the way I've looked at it my experience. Now, if she really cared that much she would have begged you. She wouldnt have hooked up with another guy on holiday. - calms - ok. In my opinion, I don't think she's responsible or ready for a relationship which requires a commitment. She might be a fun person, but I think there are some people who struggle at times to be a one man / one woman person. I think she's at a stage like this where she cares about you but probably wants attention from other people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Those great times are gone now, the way I've looked at it my experience.

    Yeah, that's the bottom line in my opinion, too.

    Even if you do salvage some form of relationship, it's never going to be the same and I can't imagine that it would change in a positive way after hearing about the way she's been acting towards you and that you pretty much know she has cheated on you (I would suggest getting to the bottom of that one, though, if you do decide to try and win her back).

    That said, if you called her up and sort of suggested ending things and she agreed then I think that you need to look at why you did that - rather than just chucking her, or trying to talk things through (soberly). I would tend to think that you were either hoping for her to try and convince you otherwise, or hoping she would assert herself in the other way... i.e. end things with you. But obviously you know the way things lie better than anyone else. Either way, it seems like neither of you are particularly sure of the relationship and its direction or purpose. I wouldn't recommend trying to get back with her right away; can't you just leave things as casual friends/accquaintances for a while? Just until you both sort your heads out, and figure out what it is you want. If you don't give yourself time and space to scope out your feelings and allow her to do the same then you'll end up back in the relationship, but more than likely with an even more upsetting and complicated ending the next time around. The relationship may have run its natural course, but then again it may just be that you need a breather and a fresh perspective on things.

    Give yourself some space, think about your motivation for the break-up and wanting her back. I'm sure you'll come to the right decision for you, and I'm sure given a bit of time to think she'll realise what she wants too. Good luck with it all, and chin up eh :)
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