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Is this weird of me?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So, im talking to my Ex, not my most recent Ex who i was in a long-distance relationship, but my last Ex before her. Basically she was still at university and i was working having finished and she got a new boyfriend so we just didnt hang out or talk as much. We have both been busy.

So we are together talking and she tells me how she has been going to her families holiday caravan all summer since she finished university with her friend. She also went on about how she has been getting drunk loads. Now i wasnt that bothered, but then she went on about how she is now cheating with random sex partners when she is at the caravan holiday park and has been drinking. This is after breaking up with me a while ago to be with her true love, who she dumped, to be with someone else, who she is now cheating on. And after making a huge thing to me about not been a cheater or a slutty person, she is now cheating all the time. And even talked about the dirty pics and videos she has been making :eek2:

I mean...what the fuck has happened to her int he past year? She has gone from, be a loose girl who was with me, to a "good girl" with a guy and back to a loose girl.

Thing is, should i be bothered by any of this? We are friends but we rarely talk. We are Ex's but from a year ago. Why am i even bothered at all?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Her life. Her choices. Leave her be, if she wants to shag around it's her business.

    Just thank god she isn't with you and doing this!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Very True!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nothing wrong with being worried about a friend but it sounds like your worried for the wrong reasons. The above is true it is her life and she can do with it what she pleases but if you think she is 'acting out' because there is something wrong then you should try to help. But if she is just having fun in her won way then you should let it go and try to have some fun of your own
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