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think somethings wrong with me

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi, some of you may have seen my posts about girls that interest me. Read this for background information. Here. Unfortunately, I dropped the thought of ever getting together with her, because I got a weird vibe from her (which I got a lot, mainly because I can't even see her and I probably misunderstand her feelings). I felt pretty bad for awhile, and thought about her a lot. I went through some attempts at relationships (I don't know why, but I liked someone new every month. I feel/felt bad about it.)
oddly enough, she sent me a message (2 months or so later) asking me how I was doing and why I never talked to her anymore. I was confused, because I thought she was through with me and not interested. I got all excited and felt like things could happen again. Well, they didn't, simply put. She still wasn't interested in me and the message really messed me up.
Time went on, I thought about her ocassionally, and had thought that I screwed up my chance with her. I removed her from my Buddy list on AIM, and decided against any contact with her to make me forget about her. It seemed to be working for awhile.
Recently though, I found messages/emails that I forgot to delete. I felt the spark of interest and hope again. I wanted to talk to her and explain everything to her. I started talking to her a couple days ago on AIM, and told her that I couldn't get rid of the feeling that she was the one for me. Of course, she had a boyfriend, but still accepted my feelings wholeheartingly.
Now that thats covered, I'll explain the current dilemma (there always seems to be one...) I think the problem is me though, because I am way obsessed with her. I sign on just to talk to her, and when shes on I only talk to her. nothing else even comes close to the interest she stirs in me. So whenever she doesn't say hi, or doesn't talk, or doesn't say 'love ya' (we still say it) when I say it to her, or talks about her great relationship (which I bring up, trying to be nice), I take a hit to my self-esteem; even though its probably nothing. I constantly think about whether or not she really likes me back at all.
I don't know, I keep getting the feeling that this will collapse again and I'll feel led on. Why does she keep losing interest?I try my best, still can't flippin drive, and ask if she wants me to come visit(she says yea, but I can't drive; working on convincing my friend to drive me up). It's really the little things that keep adding up, making it feel like a one sided conversation. I don't know. all in all, the main questions are: why am I so obsessed and how can I get rid of the obsession? and Is she even interested, or is she just talking to me because shes not doing anything else important?; should I bring up this stuff to her even though she has a bf and I already talk to her a lot (this could freak her out) ?

I know this may seem a little naïve, but please help, I'm delusional when it comes to this stuff. I don't want to come off as a stalker or anything, I just worry and get nervous.
questions or comments are well appreciated. thanks


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My first thought was that she probably loves the attention and I highly doubt she has even considered leaving her boyfriend for you. You're probably nothing more than an ego boost.

    Your wrong move was to contact her again and keep talking to her after you found out she had a boyfriend seeing as you like her as more than friends. Maybe it sounds a bit harsh, but the truth is that right now you are doing yourself damage by wasting so much of your time on her.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Muroku wrote:
    oddly enough, she sent me a message (2 months or so later) asking me how I was doing and why I never talked to her anymore. I was confused, because I thought she was through with me and not interested. I got all excited and felt like things could happen again. Well, they didn't, simply put. She still wasn't interested in me and the message really messed me up.

    why am I so obsessed and how can I get rid of the obsession? and Is she even interested, or is she just talking to me because shes not doing anything else important?; should I bring up this stuff to her even though she has a bf and I already talk to her a lot (this could freak her out) ?

    My ex started texting me again a couple of months after we split up. The relationship had ended pretty badly. And she cut all contact. Which actually did me a lot of good. Gave me the distance to see we weren't right for each other. But we'd always said we'd be friends. So when she started texting me again I was v happy, until, after a few days, she cut all contact again for no reason. :(

    After that I can see she's bad for me. That I shouldn't have anything more to do with her. But still can't quite get out of my head. Grr.

    Best advice is to move on. Forget about her. Just wish there was somebody I liked enough to ask out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Alright, even if it is the best move for me to forget about her and move on... how do I do it? I can't just cut connections like that again, I want to talk to her about it. but then again she probably doesn't care because she has a boyfriend. and what if I'm wrong?
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