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LDR blues

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I know there have been loads of long distance relationship posts already but I am not really looking for advice, just wanting to rant/put down my feelings today...

I have been 'seeing' this guy for a few months now and he lives in a different country to me. We chat pretty much every day either by msn, voicechat, or phone but we only see each other around once a month (so yes, we have only seen each other in person 3 times since we started 'going out').
I would like to see each other more than that too but it is a matter of time, organisation, and money. I would happily save up money and spend it flying to see him (expecially since some of these cheap airlines mean it doesnt always have to cost much) but our work schedules dont match and it is just a mission to arrange a time that we can both be off work for a few days :S

I really really like him and when i am with him, I have the most fabulous time and I am so happy :heart: and generally, with it being a fresh new rlship, I am happy and excited about it all :yes: .
Its just that today, i am feeling so down about it all... :crying:

It just sucks so much that i cant see him! I see couples around me everywhere and I am happy for them, really I am, but also so insanely jealous and if one more of my friends complains of 'missing' their boy/girlfriend after not seeing them for a couple days, i'm afraid i will rip their head off :impissed:
There's only so much that my friends want to hear about how much i am missing him too, i can see in their heads them thinking 'well what did u expect with someone in another country'. Even if i am telling them about how great it is with him, the inevitable question is 'so what next?' and i dont have the answer to that. its not like we can think of moving countries to be with each other after only a couple months of going out...

I dont know what to do, i try calling more often so that i hear his voice and feel more connected which is great but also makes me miss him more. And it seems that half our conversations now are 'i miss you' and 'wish you were here' which is just plain depressing.
thought i might try the opposite and back off for a while, that maybe i am obsessing too much over him and i need to take a break from him and just remind myself of how much i do have right here with friends and things even if he is not here to share it with me.... hmm, i dont know..

I love him to peices and i dont want to give up, just today it feels like this sucks so goddamn much :(

sorry for being so long and rambling, thanks for listening
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