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issues with food



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ballerina wrote:
    well they kinda go hand in hand
    well go see a doctor.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gedd-E-Lee wrote:
    You're paranoid. And a freak! :yippe:
    You, sir, are a cunt.

    Ballerina, I think at some point it would be worth tackling this with your GP, but in your own time. For now, why not try chatting to your mum about cutting some food out? Maybe you could offer to help prepare your meal if it's going to be different - maybe that would help you be sure it's prepared properly, too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do you really want to get over it?!
    i suppose really it can only come down to one thing if you do, and that is that you must confront your fear. eat meat, (- cannot believe i just said that), or eat out or whatever - and afterwards make a point of noticing that you are not sick... i guess if you did that often enough it would confront your fear to such an extent that your fear would become trivial to you.

    except of course in the rare and very unfortunate event that you do get sick... which might just magnify your fear further...

    if you give into fear. it has control and it rules you. it then magnifies itself and gets bigger and bigger and bigger... the ONLY way to make it stop is to force the issue and confront it. i mean, you could go and see your gp or go and talk to a c*untsellor but in the end i'm sure they will just tell you the same thing... that the only way out is through. you need to face your fear.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    otter wrote:
    if you give into fear. it has control and it rules you. it then magnifies itself and gets bigger and bigger and bigger... the ONLY way to make it stop is to force the issue and confront it.


    simple as that, really.

    for someone with a phobia, you have two choices. either you strap your balls on and fight it, or you let it snatch away your life, piece by piece. i do things every day that scare the shit out of me, but i do them because i want to not be scared by them, and every day they get less scary. i have been dealing with this fear for as long as a lot of people on this board have been alive, and in my opinion, if i had been taking the steps i take now when i was your age, i would not still be dealing with it. act now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thats what i was tryin to say!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    otter wrote:
    i don't see "thinking meat is gross" as being a problem with food tbh.
    i'm sure nearly all the vegetarians and vegans in the world would think similar. :p


    After I started questioning the fact that my meat had veins and bits of cartilage, I became a vegetarian about 6 years ago. I've been a vegan for about 8 months, and as a student, its very difficult. I cant just pick up any old snack or sandwich, the evil cheese and milk monster is everywhere.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kaffrin wrote:

    simple as that, really.

    for someone with a phobia, you have two choices. either you strap your balls on and fight it, or you let it snatch away your life, piece by piece. i do things every day that scare the shit out of me, but i do them because i want to not be scared by them, and every day they get less scary. i have been dealing with this fear for as long as a lot of people on this board have been alive, and in my opinion, if i had been taking the steps i take now when i was your age, i would not still be dealing with it. act now.

    That kind of attitude is difficult to get from just reading a post. People with these sorts of problems need prodessional help. They also need to read about their problem, and find out the information to help themselves.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've been a vegan for about 8 months, and as a student, its very difficult.
    it can be hard, i know. at least at first. it gets easier!! ~ sometimes just doing little things like making your own vegan sandwiches and taking them with you. so you don't have to rely on pre-packed or what they are serving in the union cafe's. grab a couple of cartons of soy milk. and carry them in your bag, it can make a world of difference. so when you are hungry... healthy vegan food is easily avaliable! most supermarkets keep lists of all food which is suitable for a wide variety of diets, inc. vegan - makes eating at home and doing your shopping easier when you can see the variety avaliable to you. eating out can be kinda difficult, as can having a decent pint! - i understnd where you are coming from. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    help themselves.
    that is the most important thing of all!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    otter wrote:
    that is the most important thing of all!

    True, its like a person who lost loads of weight and goes to the gym everyday, who then tells an overweight person how easy it is, all they need to do is to eat right and exercise.

    To me, these sorts of experiences seem unique to the person. You have to experience that moment of clarity, when you realise how silly you've been. Someone else can’t do that for you. But other people can point the way.

    After having read otter's posts, I realise that a lot of good points were made.
    eat out or whatever - and afterwards make a point of noticing that you are not sick
    That is a classic psychological technique.

    Again, I'll say that reading about your own problems can be a way to improve things, but sometimes we all need some guidance. If the original poster is worried about their dad's reactions, why not talk to a GP and get Referred to a psychologyst.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That kind of attitude is difficult to get from just reading a post. People with these sorts of problems need prodessional help. They also need to read about their problem, and find out the information to help themselves.

    I have "this sort of problem" and have had for 17 years, so I feel qualified to talk on the matter.

    professionals didn't understand and their help didn't work for me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kaffrin wrote:
    professionals didn't understand and their help didn't work for me.
    also its probably worth saying that most professionals don't take problems with food very seriously. if you can 'get better' on your own, i think you are a lot better off doing that tbh.

    however i do believe that having problems with food is a psychological / mental health problem and should be taken very seriously by people who are supposed to help treat the problem ~ but alas that is never the case.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My girlfriend is like this, especially with chicken, not sure what to advise apart from speaking to your GP or maybe trawling the net for some forums specific to it.

    Whoever tried saying this is like fat people being unable to lose weight though is wrong! lmao - If you put yourself in a calorific deficit you will lose weight.. its not hard! Unless you have medical disorder like overactive thyroid which lets face, not many people do, and the doctors will hook you up if that's the case! bit off topic sorry! :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Whoever tried saying this is like fat people being unable to lose weight though is wrong! lmao - If you put yourself in a calorific deficit you will lose weight.. its not hard!

    maybe you should read my whole post properly before making a comment. Infact your comment actually supports my point. A thin person telling people how easy it is to lose weight just makes me laugh.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unless you have medical disorder like overactive thyroid which lets face, not many people do, and the doctors will hook you up if that's the case! bit off topic sorry! :thumb:

    Can i just say not to be picky but it's and underactive thyroid which causes weight gain not over. Plus it's not just as simple as putting someone on tablets and hey presto you should be able to lose weight.
    Putting someone on thyroxine doesn't make them back to how every other "normal" person works. It's hard to explain.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I eat refried beans on a daily basis. There is very little that will get into that stuff. Nothing will eat it because it has little nutritional value, except for protien and fiber. I've never gotten sick from it and I go through two cans a day. Very little fat, little calories, no cholesterol, a decent amount of sodium, and some protien and fiber.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why don't you cook your own food, at least that way you will know its cooked properly and to the way you like it. I'm very fussy about chicken and meat but i know if i've cooked it then i've done it properly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can't really see the problem i'm afraid, you have a phobia of being sick - well phobia or not you will be at some point, it is impossible for anyone to go through their life without being sick at least once so i'd try not to worry about it. As for certain foods causing food poisoning, its not so much the food that does it but the bacteria that breeds on food. uncooked chicken, eggs, pork (and probably a few others i cant think of) are mainly noted as cause for concern because these contain the most dangerous kind of bacteria which could make you ill, all are perfectly fine to eat however when cooked and it is pretty easy to tell when it is. for example cooked eggs are white and solid not yellowey and runny (im talking about the egg white here not the yolk - that is supposed to be yellow and runny/solid depending how you like it). Chicken is cooked when if you cut it open there are no pink bits inside and its cooked all the way through. Previously cooked food can be as bad as uncooked food though if it is left in the wrong conditions which is why it is best to freeze things as soon as possible to stop bacteria getting at it (they dont like really cold or really hot conditions which is why freezing or cooking gets rid of it) hope this has helped!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    icey wrote:
    I can't really see the problem i'm afraid, you have a phobia of being sick - well phobia or not you will be at some point, it is impossible for anyone to go through their life without being sick at least once so i'd try not to worry about it. As for certain foods causing food poisoning, its not so much the food that does it but the bacteria that breeds on food. uncooked chicken, eggs, pork (and probably a few others i cant think of) are mainly noted as cause for concern because these contain the most dangerous kind of bacteria which could make you ill, all are perfectly fine to eat however when cooked and it is pretty easy to tell when it is. for example cooked eggs are white and solid not yellowey and runny (im talking about the egg white here not the yolk - that is supposed to be yellow and runny/solid depending how you like it). Chicken is cooked when if you cut it open there are no pink bits inside and its cooked all the way through. Previously cooked food can be as bad as uncooked food though if it is left in the wrong conditions which is why it is best to freeze things as soon as possible to stop bacteria getting at it (they dont like really cold or really hot conditions which is why freezing or cooking gets rid of it) hope this has helped!
    i already know all that, but it doesn't make things any better tbh. I can't really explain.
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