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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
So...uh...I'm seeing this girl, been almost 10 months now. Love her alot, but, for about the last few months, she's been down and moody, etc, and complains about parents, asshole guys, etc.

Today, she was acting wierd, and wrote me this huge note and gave it to me, because she didn't know how to say exactly what she wanted to say...

And she basically told me that she exaggerates things for attention all the time almost when she tells me and her friends about problems. Like, she acts down all the time because she wants attention, even if nothing is really wrong. I almost beat up a guy not too long ago because of things she said he did, such as "grab her ass and say rude things and make rude gestures." but apparently what he really did was say she was hot and stared at her ass during class...

She also exaggerates about her parents, which had me almost a wreck, i wasn't even sure if she was still of right mind as much as she complained and was down. Apparently she did things, such as if her mom told her she was selfish, she'd tell me that her mom called her a 'selfish bitch' and doing things such as that so I'd feel bad and comfort her.

She says that she just takes even small things that happen as big deals, and feels like if she doesn't exaggerate them, that anyone she tells will think she is dumb for being down or upset...

But anyways....so she says she feels really bad, and has been crying all day, and I told her I'd forget it, if she'd promise not to do it anymore... and I mean, I guess as long as she doesn't it's okay...but... I'm really worried now, I mean, will she lie about other things, or continue exaggerating to the extent of lying like she is now?

I just don't even know how to take it, like we went to her house and had a night together, eating pizza, movie, etc, and it feels alright, but I'm just dumbfounded on what to do or how to appease the back of my mind.

I just have this wierd feeling of un-easyness in the back of my head, I love her, but...I'm scared to death at the moment honestly...

Any help would be great right about now... :nervous:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the way I see it, is, that she either have the "princess bitch" syndrom, meaning "me, me, me, me, me and onle me" or she is acting out because she is really not doing welll and it's her way of crying for help... You said it just appeared recently and since she has been down, so sounds like she might be a bit depress and require your love and support more than ever... What things that is important is to find out why she feels down... Have you got any ideas? Did something in her life change recently?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    some people get like that when the only time theyve really had attention in their life, especially their childhood, was when they had a big drama going on. Maybe the rest of the time she felt ignored. It sounds stupid, but maybe giving her less attention for the more dramatic stuff, and playing it down, yet give more positive attention the rest of the time when things are easy, might make her realise that it doesnt always have to be a big drama and you still love her.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Erm, i think the root of this problem might run deeper than you think. Like someone said, lack of attention during childhood or something like that could be a possibility. If she has been doing this for a while, i don't think she's suddenly gonna stop. Not trying to be extreme, but have you considered the possibility of professional help?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, she seems to be happier and less down since we talked about it the other night. I'm wondering if maybe she like, wanted attention so played things up, and kept doing it because it worked. And then started feeling bad about doing it, but didn't know how to stop or to tell me about it..

    Like, today, she seemed really fine, and happy...amazingly.

    So, hopefully it's over and done with...I hope...so much..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mate personally my sister used to lie to people. Some people crave attention. In this world their is people that want all the attention and others that just get what their given. me personally i'd have to have a long discussion with her. You need to have the conversation and make sure its a serious one...make sure she breaks down every reason why she lies about things.

    My sister used to do stuff like this..she used to tell her mates that my mum lost a baby? she wasn't even pregnant. she also told people that my grandad had died..hes still alive today at 75 (shes now 21 and she said stuff like this at the age of 15)

    How old is she??? maybe its just part of her adolescence.|

    Hope i've helped a bit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    She just turned 17.

    It's possible, but I think the talk we had, and that she got it off her chest helped alot.

    Since the discussion, she's been MUCH happier, and seems more 'in love' than ever. Hopefully everything has been taken care of, and she hasn't said anything outlandish that sounds anything like exaggerating as of yet... SO...

    Hopefully all is well.

    Thanks for the help!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Satai wrote:
    She just turned 17.

    It's possible, but I think the talk we had, and that she got it off her chest helped alot.

    Since the discussion, she's been MUCH happier, and seems more 'in love' than ever. Hopefully everything has been taken care of, and she hasn't said anything outlandish that sounds anything like exaggerating as of yet... SO...

    Hopefully all is well.

    Thanks for the help!

    Cool, glad to hear it, hope it goes well and good luck :thumb:
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