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guys: going out with a friends ex girlfriend

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
what do u other guys feel about going out with a girl that went out with 1 of ur m8s a few months ago?

One of my m8s was going out with a girl for about a year, and just after they split up, me and his ex-girl told each other that we liked each other. They split up in january.

Now she ses she wants 2 talk about me and her going out, but i'm not sure wot ppl will think if i go out with a girl 1 of my m8s went out with. Do i really want his 'used goods'? (excuse the phrase, i dont mean to call girls 'objects' or nething, but i talked about it with my mum and even she sed: "do u really want his used goods?"

Also, she has given him a blowjob, so i think i would feel a bit uneasy about kissing her if his dick has been in her mouth. one of my other m8s is going out with one of his other ex-girls, and she gave her previous b/f a blowjob, and every1 is laughing at him cos he kissed her (i'm not sure if he knows about her giving her previous bf a blowjob). So i think ppl would laugh at me too.

wot does every1 think?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by anyone:
    Also, she has given him a blowjob, so i think i would feel a bit uneasy about kissing her if his dick has been in her mouth.

    I'm sure she's cleaned her teeth at least once since January....

    I'm sure the regulars are going to put you right about your 'little hang-up', though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Karla:

    I'm sure she's cleaned her teeth at least once since January....

    I'm sure the regulars are going to put you right about your 'little hang-up', though.

    lmao! KARLAAAA!!! that's my job to remove the goldwater!!!!!

    and no, i wouldn't laugh at u for kissing her, i would laugh at u for being worried about it. i mean, really, if the people u hang with are like that, i pity ur friends (and u) in later life. "oh no, this girls done stuff b4, god help me".

    cmon mate, grow up. how old r u, neway? i'm guess about 14 by the sounds of things.

    as for going out with a mate's ex - don't worry about it. they're thru, fini, over, gone, the end. she's a free girl and if she happens to like u, go for it. if u mate has a problem with that, talk to him about it. tell him that if he still likes her, then u'll leave her alone. but it's not really any of his business.

    so yeah, my 1 million indonesian dollars.

    Look into these tired eyes. See something you might recognise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree wit wot Turtle has said.
    Who gives a damn about wot she has done wit other ppl?!? It don't matter!! When u are a lot older u can't miss out on goin out wit sum1 just coz they've given sum1 a blow job!?! Think how stupid it would sound, 'i can't go out wit u coz u gave so & so a blow job & i can't kiss u!!'
    But ne way back 2 the prob i think u should talk 2 ur mate bout it. Tell him u like her & she likes u & ask if he is fully over her coz u would like 2 go out wit her.
    I think he would appreciate ur honesty & this would make sure u didn't fuck up ur friendship wit him!
    Good Luck!
    Helen xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I feel sorry for you. Your friends are sexist pigs and it looks like you're following their sorry lead.

    I bet your friends would think you were cool if you had sex with a lot of girls. But they think a girl is dirty because she's given one guy a blowjob. Do you see the double standard?

    You should go out with a girl because you like her and because she's a good person, not because of what your friends think. Don't judge her by her past. There's nothing wrong with it! It's good that she has experience, she'll know what she's doing!

    Forget your friends. If you like her, go for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it shouldn't be any problem at all. I mean, if you like the girl, that should be all that matters, and if your friend gets mad at you for dating his ex, tell him to quit his bitching and suck it up.

    Blessed Be
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