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WTF are the Israelis up to now?


So a Palestinian called Ahmed Saadat had been accused by Israel of killing an Israeli cabinet minister in 2001. Of this there is no proof of course, but the killing was in direct response to yet another Israeli assassination of a Palestinian militant/politician (it would seem that the so-called democracy of Israel can bypass all concepts of justice and fair trial and muder people at will from the safety of an Apache helicopter, but others can't).

Anyways. Saadat was eventually jailed in a Palestinian prison under the supervision of British and American monitors. This was agreed with the Israelis after a stand-off a few years ago. But now it seems that the Israelis have broken their side of the deal.

The British and American monitors have deserted the jail, and the Israelis have illegally crossed into Jerico and attacked the jail. Quite why nobody is sure, other than the Israeli government being nasty twisted scum of course, and the fact that there is an election coming. :rolleyes:

The Israelis have said they will kill anyone who doesn't surrender (nice!). The Palestinians have attacked British and American interests in Gaza, and yet another bloodbath in the region is in the making.

How long before someone finally sums up the balls to stand up to the barbaric actions of this despicable regime and to impose sanctions until they start behaving like human beings?
Beep boop. I'm a bot.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    in that bbc article it says US and UK troops were withdrawn for "security reasons", which basically means they knew Israeli troops were about to storm the prison, and didn't have the balls to do anything, or even to bother informing their palestinian jail guard buddies, how nice of them....
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmm interesting timing.......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    The Palestinians have attacked British and American interests in Gaza

    Given the gigantic aid that the US and Britain generously provide to the Palestinians they have a nice way of showing their appreciation...It’s about time that the essential aid stops until the Palestinians dismantle their terrorist groups and the Hamas leaders that they have elected renounce terror.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Given the gigantic aid that the US and Britain generously provide to the Palestinians they have a nice way of showing their appreciation...It’s about time that the essential aid stops until the Palestinians dismantle their terrorist groups and the Hamas leaders that they have elected renounce terror.

    Stop trading with it both sides imo, until they wind up back in the stone age where their lunatic religious and statist beliefs belong.

    Let's face it, both sides are intellectually backward and violent and lack the civilised traits they need to live in the modern world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Given the gigantic aid that the US and Britain generously provide to the Palestinians they have a nice way of showing their appreciation...It’s about time that the essential aid stops until the Palestinians dismantle their terrorist groups and the Hamas leaders that they have elected renounce terror.
    Given that Israel has received over the years arguably the biggest economic and military aid in human history, and that it has consistenly used much of those resources to support its continuing occupation of other people's land and the oppresion and human right abuses of an entire people, it's about time all aid was stopped and Israel was hit with the harshest economic sanctions possible until it agreed to fulfill its obligations.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Given that Israel has received over the years arguably the biggest economic and military aid in human history

    What do you mean by military and economic aid, are you talking about the Americans and British providing for them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just the Americans in fact. To the end of 1997 the total amount in military and economic aid stood at an incredible 85 billion dollars:


    They're probably gone past the 100 billion dollar mark by now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You know, we could just nuke the region off the face of the planet, kill every body on both sides, leave enough radiation so no one could live there again for centuries. I mean it would deal with the never ending violence of the two sides and all the hatred in the rest of the world that is divided between one side or the other. And it would take the concept of "The Holy Land" out of the equation, wouldnt be that holy with all that radiation...

    Oh wait, is that a little too perminant a solution? Is it maybe too much a "Final Solution" ???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    BBC says they just caught him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aladdin wrote:
    Just the Americans in fact. To the end of 1997 the total amount in military and economic aid stood at an incredible 85 billion dollars:


    They're probably gone past the 100 billion dollar mark by now.

    With a little help from their friends
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    America also gives massive amounts of aid to Egypt and the Palestinians. Polls have found most Americans would generally support cutting the $3 billion a year in aid but lets consider the context of aid to Israel, beginning from when Israel faced a grave threat from surrounding Arab states with significantly larger armed forces Israel was extremely vulnerable. Indeed, to an extent that’s still the case; the Arabs and Iran outspending Israel militarily by 5 or 6 times. And the hatred has not disappeared – Iran’s ‘President’ after all promising to ‘wipe Israel off the map.’

    US aid to Israel is complex, it’s a mutual arrangement to an extent with co-operation between Israeli and American businesses; particularly in research and development. In defence, there are shared projects and Israel spends most of its military aid on US equipment. That said, Israel is not completely autonomous for as long as it is receiving large amounts of aid – and as a fairly rich country it should progressively reduce its dependence on aid. Of course – absolutely no country in the world is going to ask for the $3 billion a year it receives to be cut so the initiative would have to come from the US.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The individuals in the alleged "US" could withdraw their support for the idea that Israel has the right to exist, when it obviously has no such right.

    Wiping it off the map is a pretty good idea, along with all notions of jewishness etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    The individuals in the alleged "US" could withdraw their support for the idea that Israel has the right to exist, when it obviously has no such right.

    Wiping it off the map is a pretty good idea, along with all notions of jewishness etc.

    It’s long been evident that you’re a bit of a loon but I wasn’t aware that you were a fanatical anti-Semite intent on the destruction of Jewish culture and Judaism which is what your hatred for any notion of a Jewish identity translates to. Further, if your support for wiping Israel off the map is meant in a literal sense you are advocating genocide – as the President of Iran has done in regard to the Jewish state.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It’s long been evident that you’re a bit of a loon but I wasn’t aware that you were a fanatical anti-Semite intent on the destruction of Jewish culture and Judaism which is what your hatred for any notion of a Jewish identity translates to.

    Jewsishness is an idea that has no support from material evidence. You can believe in it all you like, but you abandon all pretense at reason if you do so, just as if you would like to talk about Santa and his elves.

    I can't be anti semitic because that would assume that there were such a thing as a semite, which there obviously isn't. If you have some proof that would pass scientific muster or empirical evidence I will happily change my position. You haven't, because there isn't and so i must pity you as holding onto spooks and goblins from a fable that should be long dead.

    The fact that you are willing to support those who would impose such lunacy onto others at the end of a gun means you also abandon all hope of any moral argument, being a supporter of murder in the name of fiction.

    It's you who wishes to plant insanity in others minds, not I.

    As for wiping Israel off the map, it's pretty easy to do, because that's the only place that it exists anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    As for wiping Israel off the map, it's pretty easy to do, because that's the only place that it exists anyway.

    :lol: owned.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    Jewsishness is an idea that has no support from material evidence. You can believe in it all you like, but you abandon all pretense at reason if you do so, just as if you would like to talk about Santa and his elves.

    I can't be anti semitic because that would assume that there were such a thing as a semite, which there obviously isn't. If you have some proof that would pass scientific muster or empirical evidence I will happily change my position. You haven't, because there isn't and so i must pity you as holding onto spooks and goblins from a fable that should be long dead.

    There is a distinctive Jewish culture; the Yiddish language for Ashkenazic Jews for instance. Some holiday observances even amongst most secular Jews, specific foods associated with Jewish culture. Yiddish is unique to Ashkenazic Jews – unless you’re saying the Yiddish language does not exist. While Judaism is not a race since race is something that you can’t change, people can and do convert to Judaism. If you’re saying Jewishness, a religious and cultural identity does not exist do you also reject the notion of people identifying themselves as Christians? Is there nothing distinguishing a Mormon from a Catholic?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is a distinctive Jewish culture;

    What's it's weight? It's colour? What does it sound like? What is it's distinctive smell?
    the Yiddish language for Ashkenazic Jews for instance.

    And only they can learn to speak it? :rolleyes:

    No, of course anyone can, so it's no more a dostinctive feature than having eyes is.
    Some holiday observances even amongst most secular Jews, specific foods associated with Jewish culture

    So if I copy the actions perfectly I become Jewish? Are they jewish when these actions aren't being performed? How? Is it possible that your proof is working backwards, that you have the empty concept "jewish" and you are filling it out rather than admit it's a load of crap like all other religions?
    Yiddish is unique to Ashkenazic Jews – unless you’re saying the Yiddish language does not exist.

    No it isn't. Put a "chinese" child with them from birth and they will speak it perfectly. Go figure. It's not like a cricket rubbing their legs together, is it?
    While Judaism is not a race since race is something that you can’t change

    Some objective proof of a race would be good, as opposed to an empty concept you fill up after you thought of it.
    If you’re saying Jewishness, a religious and cultural identity does not exist do you also reject the notion of people identifying themselves as Christians?

    Oh good lord no. I fully appreciate that people identify with their beliefs, I am only saying that those beliefs are fucking loony and pathetic and have no basis in material reality. The local cider shool bloke talks to his long dead brother because he believes he is really stood next to him in the town centre, does that mean I have to pretend like his brother really is there, or that the guy is rational?

    I mean, please........yiou believe in things that aren't real. That's great, your irrational and possibly mentally damaged, I have no inclination to pander to your insanity or any need to tiptoe around it. You believe in nonsense and are willing to support the death of others for it. This makes you dangerous, more so because your myths are real to you.
    Is there nothing distinguishing a Mormon from a Catholic?

    Their behaviour is different because the nonsense they believe in leads them to different behavioural conclusions. That is, their heads are filled with two different types of crap. To say that insane, irrational actions prove that the thing that is believed in exists is poor logic at best and apologist fucktardry at worst.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    What's it's weight? It's colour? What does it sound like? What is it's distinctive smell?

    Feelings and emotions are not tangible, do they not exist? Prejudice does not have a weight or colour – does it not exist? Do you think something has to be touchable to exist?
    klintock wrote:
    And only they can learn to speak it? :rolleyes:

    No, of course anyone can, so it's no more a dostinctive feature than having eyes is.

    Of course anybody Jewish or not can learn to speak Yiddish, however culturally it’s something pretty unique to people who identify themselves as Jewish. Anybody can go to a service at a synagogue – but funnily enough most people that do are Jewish. There are certain things that connect people identifying themselves as Jewish, these quite clearly exist. In the same way, people identifying themselves as communists share a loose political ideology or Christians share a binding belief that Jesus was the messiah. These don’t automatically make these things accurate but they display a distinctive identity – something you cannot recognise.
    klintock wrote:
    So if I copy the actions perfectly I become Jewish? Are they jewish when these actions aren't being performed? How? Is it possible that your proof is working backwards, that you have the empty concept "jewish" and you are filling it out rather than admit it's a load of crap like all other religions?

    There are people I guess who are not legally Jewish – in the sense that under Jewish law their mother is Jewish or they have converted but they might call themselves culturally Jewish. Anyway I'd suggest you speak to a Rabbi if you want to discuss 'legal' Jewish identity.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It’s long been evident that you’re a bit of a loon but I wasn’t aware that you were a fanatical anti-Semite intent on the destruction of Jewish culture and Judaism which is what your hatred for any notion of a Jewish identity translates to. Further, if your support for wiping Israel off the map is meant in a literal sense you are advocating genocide – as the President of Iran has done in regard to the Jewish state.

    How can a religious group have a rightful claim to land which, by the very doctrines of their faith, can only be re-settled when the messiah arrives?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sanctions for both sides until they start to behave themselves. If they want to behave like children, treat them like children. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am not going to get anywhere, because you have abandoned reason for imaginary rubbish and I pity you for it, but here goes anyway.
    Feelings and emotions are not tangible

    Yeah, they are. The clue is in the words "feelings". if you can't sense them then how the fuck do you know they are there? :)
    Of course anybody Jewish or not can learn to speak Yiddish, however culturally it’s something pretty unique to people who identify themselves as Jewish.

    Meaningless drivel. Lets have some evidence for these wacky assertions.
    Anybody can go to a service at a synagogue – but funnily enough most people that do are Jewish. There are certain things that connect people identifying themselves as Jewish, these quite clearly exist.

    Proof please?

    What is it? Sympathetic vibration? Microwaves? Or looking at a group you want to put together and then finding links afterwards rather than admit the shabby truth that you've been lied to by all your family and friends since birth not because they are evil or anything, but because they are a bit dim?
    There are people I guess who are not legally Jewish – in the sense that under Jewish law their mother is Jewish or they have converted but they might call themselves culturally Jewish. Anyway I'd suggest you speak to a Rabbi if you want to discuss 'legal' Jewish identity.

    I'd want proof of his status as a Rabbit first, with material real evidence, other wise I am a Rabbi and every single human is a Rabbi, because theres no difference in me saying it than anyone else except the credulity of those who listen to me as opposed to a "real" Rabbi.

    As you admit you don't know what Jewish really is, because only Rabbi's do, you don't even know if you yourself are jewish. If you do asset that you are jewish, can I have your evidence procedure?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well, i took a closer look at this event. It appears that British and American monitors were unhappy with Security and so requested tot he Palestinians to increase their security. The Palestinians refused to do so, as a result the British and Americans decided to withdraw the monitors for their safety. As part of the agreement in place both the Palestinians and Israelis had to be informed of this action. Once informed the Israelis put into action their contingency plan for such a withdrawal and began their assault to capture this known terrorist group leader in Palestinian custody.

    Seems that the withdrawal of monitors was the the trigger for the events.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    How can a religious group have a rightful claim to land which, by the very doctrines of their faith, can only be re-settled when the messiah arrives?

    The modern day Zionist movement was fuelled largely by the Russian pogroms and fairly secular in nature. And many of Israel’s supporters express their support through secular arguments.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I'd want proof of his status as a Rabbit first, with material real evidence, other wise I am a Rabbi and every single human is a Rabbi, because theres no difference in me saying it than anyone else except the credulity of those who listen to me as opposed to a "real" Rabbi.

    Recognition of a Rabbi broadly relates to their ability to interpret Jewish law and act as a teacher on religious Jewish issues, the word ‘Rabbi’ means teacher.
    klintock wrote:
    As you admit you don't know what Jewish really is, because only Rabbi's do, you don't even know if you yourself are jewish. If you do asset that you are jewish, can I have your evidence procedure?

    Under Jewish law somebody is Jewish if they have a Jewish mother or if they converted.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Recognition of a Rabbi broadly relates to their ability to interpret Jewish law and act as a teacher on religious Jewish issues, the word ‘Rabbi’ means teacher.

    I can do that. I am crap at it, ofc, but like every other human being I can do it. "All Jewish law is just opinions written down" see, just did it, "All jewish law is the best thing Evah!!!" there, I did it again.

    So, i am now a Rabbi?
    Under Jewish law somebody is Jewish if they have a Jewish mother or if they converted.

    You haven't answered the question, you've just moved it back a generation. If you convert, there must be an evidence procedure for it, and there must have been a first Jewish mother and therefore an evidence procedure for that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You're barking mad klintock.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The modern day Zionist movement was fuelled largely by the Russian pogroms and fairly secular in nature. And many of Israel’s supporters express their support through secular arguments.

    Those secular arguments being...?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Those secular arguments being...?

    :rolleyes: Have you ever bothered to read on any contentious issue concerning Israel? With the exception of a few evangelical Christians supporters of Israel generally express themselves through making political arguments – as in non-religious statements. Generally you won’t even find the most diehard Zionist groups using any particularly religious language. In the same way I don’t think I’ve seen any of Israel’s critics, at least in the West express their opposition to Israel through religious arguments...

    And I don’t think I’ll give a rehash of every single secular argument generally supportive/defending Israel. Although if you wish to look into it further the Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz has a book, The Case for Israel which you might want to take a look at.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    klintock wrote:
    I can do that. I am crap at it, ofc, but like every other human being I can do it. "All Jewish law is just opinions written down" see, just did it, "All jewish law is the best thing Evah!!!" there, I did it again.

    So, i am now a Rabbi?

    Really, klintock for about the first time ever I think I'm in total agreement with Blagsta... :lol:

    No, you’re not a Rabbi because nobody recognises you’re a Rabbi. A Rabbi is not a Rabbi because he/she has a piece of paper saying that they’re a qualified teacher on Jewish issues and on interpreting Jewish law – it’s largely imo that they are recognised as having that position. But to be recognised by the Jewish community to have that position you’d obviously need those qualifications. I’m not an expert on any religion but I’m presuming that this is largely the case with Rabbis, Priests and Imams.
    klintock wrote:
    You haven't answered the question, you've just moved it back a generation. If you convert, there must be an evidence procedure for it, and there must have been a first Jewish mother and therefore an evidence procedure for that.

    There’s essentially disagreement here I believe among different Jewish movements. If say your mother was Jewish but you were raised a strict Catholic with no Jewish education – Orthodox Jews would say that you are still Jewish. However, in the same scenario in the Reform movement I don’t believe you would be seen as Jewish since you would have had no Jewish background.

    Anyway I really can’t be bothered to discuss the intricacies of Jewish conversion and Rabbinical recognition since I don’t know much more about it than what I’ve already said and there are other people you can speak to who can answer your questions better than me. With persistence I’m sure you can find a Rabbi patient enough to correspond with.
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