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Trouble meeting girls.....



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You forgot to mention actually listen to their answers. There's nothing worse than asking a girl something, and realising that she told you five minutes ago. :blush:
    Good point :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well Eminem used to have fist fights with his wife, though she used to be just as bad and as much as I deplore domestic violence, I still am an Em fan.

    Roy Keane deliberately took out Alf Eng Haaland's leg and ended his career as well as attcked his own fans.

    Russel crowe is constatntly getting into fights and beating on people.

    Hardly great role models of behaviour, but your right, 2 of them haven;t been known to hurt women so.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Walkindude wrote:
    Well Eminem used to have fist fights with his wife, though she used to be just as bad and as much as I deplore domestic violence, I still am an Em fan.

    Roy Keane deliberately took out Alf Eng Haaland's leg and ended his career as well as attcked his own fans.

    Russel crowe is constatntly getting into fights and beating on people.

    Hardly great role models of behaviour, but your right, 2 of them haven;t been known to hurt women so.
    Oh I agree, they're all wankers, but they still (I imagine) treat their wives/girlfriends right. All I'm saying is that some girls find the 'bad boy' image attractive. Only some girls mind you. Johnny Depp seems to be one of the favourites at the moment, and he has a more arty, sophisticated image. It's just horses for courses. Different people are attracted to different things. It can be frustrating to see a complete tosser with a really attractive girlfriend, when you're not seeing anyone, but would you really want to be with a girl that finds that type of guy attractive anyway?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It can be frustrating to see a complete tosser with a really attractive girlfriend, when you're not seeing anyone, but would you really want to be with a girl that finds that type of guy attractive anyway?

    How'd you know hes a complete tosser to his girlfriend though?

    I've been with some blokes that make out their bad to everyone else and act it, but to me they're nice!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LacyMay wrote:
    How'd you know hes a complete tosser to his girlfriend though?
    Well he might not be. But if he's a complete tosser to everyone else then it's annoying that he actually has a girlfriend in the first place. Of course it's entirely about being bitter that he's got a girlfriend and you don't. The fact that he's a tosser just give you an excuse to bitch.

    The worst ones though are if you're hanging out with someone who's constantly putting their girlfriend down in front of everyone. That's when you actually know he's a tosser who she'd probably be better off without. I get a bit pissed off even if I do have a girlfriend at the time, if I see a girl with a guy like that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    The worst ones though are if you're hanging out with someone who's constantly putting their girlfriend down in front of everyone. That's when you actually know he's a tosser who she'd probably be better off without. I get a bit pissed off even if I do have a girlfriend at the time, if I see a girl with a guy like that.

    Well i agree with that one, although i can't help but think a girl is not with a bloke like that through choice. Seeing as they are the ones that can act the nicest to begin with. Probably over time destroyed any self esteem they ever had.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LacyMay wrote:
    Well i agree with that one, although i can't help but think a girl is not with a bloke like that through choice. Seeing as they are the ones that can act the nicest to begin with. Probably over time destroyed any self esteem they ever had.
    Most likely.

    It's the same deal with anything. It's annoying to see someone you think is a tosser with a nice car or lots of money. Then it can get to the stage where you assume almost everyone with lots of money is a tosser. And why do they deserve all that money when I'm much nicer than them? Envy: one of the 7 deadly sins. :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    fist fights didn't make him "hot|" money and fame made him hot.
    Well obviously the higher their status, the more attractive they become, but I was giving examples, I'm not exactly going to use the bloke who works in the local chippie. But it still stands that the bad boy image does attract some girls. Why do some girls find marines or bouncers attractive, just because they're a marine or a bouncer? It can't just be the uniform. Or bikers, for example? It's the whole protection crap isn't it and also partially the idea of 'taming' him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    fist fights didn't make him "hot|" money and fame made him hot.

    Jack osbourne got laid by hot girls and look at the kip of him with his glasses and the stupid curly afro thing goin on. He's not even badboy.

    What ever makes you think badboy means beating women, that's fucked up.

    Yeah it just so happens that Eminem is also :yum:

    I think some people through their own inadequacies can't get a gf, therefore come up with the arguement that no girls like nice lads, and theyall like bad boys. Therefore making themselves feel better and that girls are at fault not them. When in reality it's more likely that people make their decisions based on an individual as whole, not just whether they're bad or good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's the whole protection crap isn't it and also partially the idea of 'taming' him.


    It's the "He's a complicated man, no one understands him but his woman..." syndrome, to be honest.

    The idea of a bloke who's a bit of a tough-nut but treats his woman right is something that's psychologically understandably attractive to women. I'm not sure how "healthy" it is but it's easy to see why a woman would find that alluring.

    It is a giant leap from that to an abusive partner, absolutely.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In matt's post in t'other thread he posted, he mentioned a bit of poking fun. (nice guys can poke fun if they know how and where to set boundries so as not to be making personal attacks!) I think that's a great one- make someone laugh and they'll associate feel-goodness with YOU. Make them laugh by poking fun and you've established that you're close/perceptive enough to know where the boundries are. Poke a little fun at yourself too and you'll show you're not up your own arse- just don't go too far here coz no one wants a self-confessed loser. The first few steps are all about being attractive nad not that much to do with a relationship, you're trying each other out for compatability first...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    me jane, you tarzan. if I wanted me jane you janey- I'd date a girl init!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    "the whole protection crap?"

    How is it crap?
    Well I was just using the word crap instead of stuff, but now you've responded, it made me think. It's because it's unnecessary now. Okay it's still attractive to girls because that sort of thing doesn't change, but the days when a wild animal or rival tribesman was going to try and attack your girl is long gone. I still walk girls home after dark and stuff, but I don't think they need my protection 24/7. If some other guy tries something on a night out, I actually believe my girlfriend can deal with it herself, because I don't think she's a little girl who needs my protection all the time. It's the sort of thinking that stops you getting into fights over meaningless stuff.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think most girls find the ability to protect them attractive, but don't like you to actually use it (i.e. it would be much more attractive for a huge guy to ask someone to apoligise for touching his girlfriends arse, than just punching him in the face).

    Of course some guys (i.e. the nobheads of this world) have ego's to boost and need to beat someone up every now and then. But because they have all of the other protective qualities, they have a girlfriend, which rightly or wrongly, pisses people off that don't. It's still about shifting focus away from your own flaws and blaming someone else though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yup...it's about the psychology. Hence the profusion of books about this.
    The girls have a demand for men like this, you just gotta find out what her demand is and supply her :hyper:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I never said bad boy means beating women. At all. It is one behaviour though, like alot of other behaviours like cheating on their gfs, or promising girls one thing to get in bed then treating them like shit the next day, treating girls like shit in general like putting them down and such, being inconsiderate, being hooligan that beats on peopl efor no reason.

    I guess not all are like that to the letter, and even I can admit the bad boy image is cool but like some1 mentioned it can go for tossers as well, or rich arrogant tossers.

    the oint is the women go for the image or the extra of whats around them or what they have rather then who they are which is annoying as hell.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Walkindude wrote:
    I never said bad boy means beating women. At all. It is one behaviour though, like alot of other behaviours like cheating on their gfs, or promising girls one thing to get in bed then treating them like shit the next day, treating girls like shit in general like putting them down and such, being inconsiderate, being hooligan that beats on peopl efor no reason.

    I guess not all are like that to the letter, and even I can admit the bad boy image is cool but like some1 mentioned it can go for tossers as well, or rich arrogant tossers.

    the oint is the women go for the image or the extra of whats around them or what they have rather then who they are which is annoying as hell.

    Oh cos we all go for guys that are gonna cheat on us/beat us/put us down.

    You ain't got a fuckin clue what your chatting about :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Walkindude wrote:
    the oint is the women go for the image or the extra of whats around them or what they have rather then who they are which is annoying as hell.
    And men go for tits and arse over who they are. That's life. Get over it. The fact is that both sexes go for someone based on how they make them feel. You don't make a logical choice about these things. Women are attracted to the aforementioned qualities, it makes the feel good to be with someone like that.
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