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School that lets bullies get away with it scot-free says it has "no bullying problem"


Oh dear.

Is it about time that there is a criminal offence of bullying, and that people convicted of bullying should be imprisoned for their actions, and in addition be expelled from the entire school system?

I certainly say it is. If these people cannot behave like human beings, then they should not be treated as human beings. If you cannot go to school and not bully other pupils, then you should be prevented from going to school for the rest of your life. You should be denied access to all benefits. You should have the book thrown at you, and then have the floor mopped with you. Your parents should have all benefits stopped to them.

And for the headmaster to come out and say they "dion't tolerate bullies" is utterly preposterous. If the headmaster and his staff cannot guarantee the safety of his pupils in the school, then he should be immediately dismissed from his position, along with the senior management and the governors at the school.

Only when teachers and pupils suffer in the pocket for bullying will it cease.

The actions of the headmaster, Mr Malcolm England, mean an innocent girl is being denied her education. The people responsible, on the other hand, are not. If Mr England cannot guarantee the safety of this girl, then he should be immediately dismissed, and be barred from working in any teaching capacity for the rest of his life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personal issue much?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    No, if teachers cannot guarantee the safety of the people in their care then they are not fit for the job. And the buck stops with the head.

    For him to come out and say his school has no problem is disgusting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:

    Oh dear.

    Is it about time that there is a criminal offence of bullying, and that people convicted of bullying should be imprisoned for their actions, and in addition be expelled from the entire school system?

    I certainly say it is. If these people cannot behave like human beings, then they should not be treated as human beings. If you cannot go to school and not bully other pupils, then you should be prevented from going to school for the rest of your life. You should be denied access to all benefits. You should have the book thrown at you, and then have the floor mopped with you.

    And for the headmaster to come out and say they "dion't tolerate bullies" is utterly preposterous. If the headmaster and his staff cannot guarantee the safety of his pupils in the school, then he should be immediately dismissed from his position, along with the senior management and the governors at the school.

    Only when teachers and pupils suffer in the pocket for bullying will it cease.

    The details aren't known - it's a sketchy report. Sacking the entire management because of one complaint isn't a feasible suggestion.

    It could be a false claim anyway. Someone at my school went to the papers claiming she was getting beaten up and pelted with missiles...all over the press for a while...the girl's mother was a headcase, and it was all total bullshit.

    She should be taking karate lessons or something like that. A quick right hand to the jaw should sort her problems out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with Kermit. I was bullied at school for 4 years and the teachers seem interested at first but then after a 'word' with the bullies doesn't have any effect they give up, and the bullying continues. Bullies are selfish twats and I hate the way it is dealt with, or not as the case so often is.

    ETA: that was in response to the OP, not to Spliffie, who posted while I was still replying, just to clarify.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    She should be taking karate lessons or something like that. A quick right hand to the jaw should sort her problems out.

    In my experience it normally results in the bullied kid being punished, and excluded, for being violent.

    Which is always the way- the retaliator always gets punished.

    If the school management won't sort out the bullies properly, then they should be dismissed from their job as they are clearly incapable. They should be excluded as a danger to children.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    In my experience it normally results in the bullied kid being punished, and excluded, for being violent.

    and if you start shouting at the people who are bullying you, in the middle of a lesson because you've reached breaking point, you are the one who gets told off for making a scene in the classroom, while they sit there in the corner pointing and laughing at you behind the teachers backs. Retaliation doesn't work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:

    No, if teachers cannot guarantee the safety of the people in their care then they are not fit for the job. And the buck stops with the head.

    For him to come out and say his school has no problem is disgusting.

    Totally agreed here.

    On & off since secondary school, I've been bullied and the teachers NEVER did anything about it. I remember one time being bullied (hit, punched, etc) right in front of a teacher (I also screamed, I think) and she just stood there doing nothing... :rolleyes:

    Thankfully, when I was getting bullied at the start of Year 12, the teacher (different teacher) reacted quite differently.

    I've also found that if I tell a teacher that I'm being bullied, they tend not to do anything about, no matter how serious it is...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No, if teachers cannot guarantee the safety of the people in their care then they are not fit for the job. And the buck stops with the head.

    Teacher's can no more stop bullying than the police can stop crime. What happens afterwards is the bit that you rightly point at.

    My sister had a case of bullying a few months back. She's a straight "A" pupil but has been routinely picked on by some members of staff!* Has any of this happened as far as they are concerned? Of course not. Starngely, I still have a very pissed off sister, who must have imagined the whole thing. :rolleyes:
    Only when teachers and pupils suffer in the pocket for bullying will it cease.

    I agree with this 100%.

    Do they have to face up to their responsibilities? No, because they are getting paid anyway. Same problem as with all people who are paid from the public purse. they might do a good job, they might do a bad one, they get paid regardless. Add to that the two main sort of people attracted to such positions, those who want to help and those who want to dominate and you have the perfect set up for this kind of hand washing.

    As for the pupils that bully, it's often a case of monkey see, monkey do. Teachers pick on pupils, pupils copy them. Schools are designed to make you into a failure. That's what they are made for. They are designed to take a thinking, feeling human being and turn him or her into fodder for corporations, factories or the forces.

    *The asking of the awkward questions is, how shall we say, a family habit?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    In my experience it normally results in the bullied kid being punished, and excluded, for being violent.

    Which is always the way- the retaliator always gets punished.

    If the school management won't sort out the bullies properly, then they should be dismissed from their job as they are clearly incapable. They should be excluded as a danger to children.

    If they fail to take action available to them such as suspension if it reaches a certain level then yes, the management are at fault.

    Why would a school refuse to take action against someone for fighting back against bullies, yet fail to do anything about someone being pushed down a flight of stairs?

    The person in question should go the police and see about an assault charge in any case. The fact she's gone to the press makes the whole thing a bit dubious imo.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Why would a school refuse to take action against someone for fighting back against bullies, yet fail to do anything about someone being pushed down a flight of stairs?

    Who knows why they do that, but I can put my hand on my heart and say it does happen. A lot.

    Though every so often it doesn't. I got congratulated by a teacher for stabbing one of my bullies with a compass. He fucked off after that. So it goes.

    You are right, fighting back is the best way of stopping bullies. But schools don't see it the same way, and the people who fight back oh-so-often are the ones who get the book thrown at them.

    Look at the "innocent" kid who got stabbed in a Tyneside school. The girl was being bullied by him, and had been assaulted by him, but she was still the one dragged before the court.
    The person in question should go the police and see about an assault charge in any case. The fact she's gone to the press makes the whole thing a bit dubious imo.

    She has, the police are investigating.

    I don't think it makes it dubious at all. Quite often the only way of making a school do anything is to create as much of a scene as possible. Otherwise they ignore you. My sister-in-law has SEN because of her heart, and the school do fuck all until we get the LEA in to enforce it.

    They ignore you unless you fling mud. And putting the story on the front page of BBCi is flinging a lot of mud.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bullying is a subject I'm very concerned about. At school, I was bullied extremely badly. On several days, I would often come home having been beaten up. I still remember when I was seven, I was in the changing rooms after PE. I was kicked in the back by the school bully, who was wearing football boots. And considering they are studded, it hurt like hell. I spent hours crying my eyes out. My mum didn't find out until two days later. I was taking off a shirt, when she asked "what's that stuff under there?" She demanded I take my top off. There were blood stains all over my back. I felt embarrassed, humiliated, like I had deserved to be kicked in the back.

    I also used to get extreme verbal abuse, which was unspeakably nasty. As I'm now an adult, I hope to do everything that I can to prevent and stop bullying in all its forms in its tracks. Quite simply, it is something that no one should have to put up with. That is why I fully agree with Kermit, and commend him for posting this thread.

    The headteacher in question is unfit for office, and should be sacked immediately. A person who is more concerned with the image of themselves and a school than with dealing with thugs and bullies should NOT be in office.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Who knows why they do that, but I can put my hand on my heart and say it does happen. A lot.

    Though every so often it doesn't. I got congratulated by a teacher for stabbing one of my bullies with a compass. He fucked off after that. So it goes.

    You are right, fighting back is the best way of stopping bullies. But schools don't see it the same way, and the people who fight back oh-so-often are the ones who get the book thrown at them.

    Look at the "innocent" kid who got stabbed in a Tyneside school. The girl was being bullied by him, and had been assaulted by him, but she was still the one dragged before the court.

    She has, the police are investigating.

    I don't think it makes it dubious at all. Quite often the only way of making a school do anything is to create as much of a scene as possible. Otherwise they ignore you. My sister-in-law has SEN because of her heart, and the school do fuck all until we get the LEA in to enforce it.

    They ignore you unless you fling mud. And putting the story on the front page of BBCi is flinging a lot of mud.

    Fair enough. What makes me dubious about the whole thing is the involvement of the press - which will make her a figure of ridicule in school. if she's contacted the police then it would make sense to leave it at that for the moment...it's the publicity which makes me skeptical, considering the baseless attention-seeking that went on to make the news on TV.

    Violence is the solution amongst boys, i would recommend that fully, but i will admit it's a different situation for girls. Throwing someone down the stairs for no reason is well out of order though, deserving suspension at least.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Best way to beat a bully-get a group of boys/girls and beat the shit out of him/her.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    Best way to beat a bully-get a group of boys/girls and beat the shit out of him/her.

    Yeah, we've just been through that. Read the whole thread.
    Spliffie wrote:
    What makes me dubious about the whole thing is the involvement of the press - which will make her a figure of ridicule in school. if she's contacted the police then it would make sense to leave it at that for the moment...it's the publicity which makes me skeptical, considering the baseless attention-seeking that went on to make the news on TV.

    She's been off since November, its now February. They've hardly gone straight for the nuclear option, and they've given the school plenty long enough to sort it out.

    Different experiences and all that, but I know with the sister-in-law that schools ignore you and all your needs unless you get the LEA and either the press or the lawyers in to fight your corner. And the press is cheaper.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:
    Best way to beat a bully-get a group of boys/girls and beat the shit out of him/her.
    This solution is stupid beyond belief. Unfortunately, I can understand why you're suggesting it. Schools will not deal with the problem, so pupils themselves have to "take the law in their own hands", as it were. Often, this is more of a cry for attention, to show the problem exists when authority pretends otherwise. So, I condemn the idea, but don't condemn you for suggesting it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im with Kermit on this one and most of the rest of you too. Bullying is far too bad, getting worse infact. In my school a teacher in my history class, who was a terrible teacher to begin with, didnt have a clue what was going on with people. Then he confronted a "bully" infront of everyone to make a point and nearly had his head knocked off! The bully was like 6ft2 and the teacher about 5ft8 by the way. anyway he took him outside, had a "word" and then came in all smug that he had sorted it, but did the bullying stop, nope!!! The teacher just ignored it from then on. I was glad to be sat at the back of the room with my head down at that time.

    It may seem a little bit extreme compared to what some of you think should be appropriate punishment, but i have always liked the idea of sending these kind of people, criminals with them infact, to warzones as a sort of "Human Sheild" for soldiers! Seems like the way to punish them and set an example...but thats just me!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The other problem is that kids who are being bullied often don't have a huge gang of mates of family to go in and twat someone.

    And if they do, bullying is a shameful and disgraceful thing to have happen to you. You feel an inch high. You hide it. You don't tell your family, or the friends you do have.

    Though I agree fighting back is often the best way to stop bullying, it doesn't always work. I couldn't fight back against five or ten people, though stabbing one of them did alleviate a bit of hassle as I was more difficult to bully than lots of other boys. But it didn't stop anything.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    subject13 wrote:
    It may seem a little bit extreme compared to what some of you think should be appropriate punishment, but i have always liked the idea of sending these kind of people, criminals with them infact, to warzones as a sort of "Human Sheild" for soldiers! Seems like the way to punish them and set an example...but thats just me!

    That's a bit extreme, and I'm quite capabale of being right-wing when it comes to punishment!

    Personally, I get satisfaction from knowing I'm better than them now. It was most distressing to see one my bullies at the train station with a hideously ugly girlfriend, and then to notice she was pregnant. I was so distraught.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    The other problem is that kids who are being bullied often don't have a huge gang of mates of family to go in and twat someone. And if they do, bullying is a shameful and disgraceful thing to have happen to you. You feel an inch high. You hide it. You don't tell your family, or the friends you do have.
    I agree with you. I was always a fairly lonely child. That was one reason the bullies targeted me, because I had no one else to go to. Because they knew there was no chance of them being beaten up.

    I've since met some of the people who used to bully me at school. They are well and truly pathetic figures, every single one of them. Two of them are now crack addicts, one is an alcoholic, and another is an unemployable failure of a man. I just looked at them with pity. I'm the one who's on the up, whilst three of them are heading for early deaths. And I won't be shedding any tears when the local papers report about them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    This solution is stupid beyond belief. Unfortunately, I can understand why you're suggesting it. Schools will not deal with the problem, so pupils themselves have to "take the law in their own hands", as it were. Often, this is more of a cry for attention, to show the problem exists when authority pretends otherwise. So, I condemn the idea, but don't condemn you for suggesting it.

    It's not. People get bulled because others think they'll take it and do fuck all.

    Offering someone out after school sets a precedent, even if you get done in your honour is still intact and people will have respect for you - including the bullies. Show that you won't take it and people won't give it out. That's the way it works.

    It's not a cry for attention either, it's the natural reaction. I hardly think i was "crying for attention" when i fought with people at school. It's instinctual.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    It's not. People get bulled because others think they'll take it and do fuck all.

    Offering someone out after school sets a precedent, even if you get done in your honour is still intact and people will have respect for you - including the bullies.

    It depends. Do it the first time and you're probably right, after that it gets harder. And I've found that losing did make things a bit worse, although probably not in the long term. If you fight and lose it still gives them the hassle of a fight, I suppose.
    It's not a cry for attention either, it's the natural reaction. I hardly think i was "crying for attention" when i fought with people at school. It's instinctual.


    I don't think talking only with your fists is the best way, but there's always a time when a fist is the only way of getting someone to fuck off. It's not normally a good idea to be the aggressor though, let the nobhead try and throw the first punch and the old bill can't touch you for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    all i can say is hurt the bullies, sod the consequences
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    You are right, fighting back is the best way of stopping bullies. But schools don't see it the same way, and the people who fight back oh-so-often are the ones who get the book thrown at them.


    You can get the bully outside of school. And you're talking shit about how the people who fight back are always the people who "get the book thrown at them." Did you live under a big rock in school? Bullies don't go to teachers, they don't snitch on people who retaliate. You haven't got a clue but yet again you take the moral highground and assume you know how terenagers behave, well I'm sorry if you got a hard time but I know it doesn't work that way, anyone that gets bullied, just get a load of your mates and kick the living shit out of the bastard and I tell you what, he won't come near you again. Fact. And this is coming from a former bully.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The 'beat them up out of school' response doesn't apply in all cases though anyway. Young children in primary schools get bullied too, and the lack of action from schools happens here too so there needs to be better protection and at LEAST acknowledgement (sp?) from the school that it's happening.

    For instance, my sweet-as-honey six year old was being bullied by some older girls at school. At first it was by whispering nasty comments to her, then it was encouraging her friends to not play with her for fear of the same treatment. The playground staff had been made aware of this by myself and by my daughter but did NOTHING. The thing I found disgusting is that, on the last day of christmas term I opened her book bag to find letters written by three girls apologising for 'hiting, pinching and KICKING' her but the teacher/headmistress/playground assistant hadn't thought it necessary to tell me in person that this incident had occured!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Disgusting!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Spliffie wrote:
    Offering someone out after school sets a precedent, even if you get done in your honour is still intact and people will have respect for you - including the bullies. Show that you won't take it and people won't give it out. That's the way it works.

    At our school, when someone wanted a fight with you, you knew his mates would be getting involved as well. So if you were being bullied and probably didn't have any hard mates, then you'd be taking on a few people by yourself. And get your head kicked in. So people would usually avoid it if they could.

    Since leaving school I've seen a lot of people who used to be complete and utter twats back then. Now they'll say hello and be all normal. It's a very strange situation. I suppose some people don't grow out of it though - bullying at work still hapens doesn't it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote:
    The 'beat them up out of school' response doesn't apply in all cases though anyway. Young children in primary schools get bullied too, and the lack of action from schools happens here too so there needs to be better protection and at LEAST acknowledgement (sp?) from the school that it's happening.

    For instance, my sweet-as-honey six year old was being bullied by some older girls at school. At first it was by whispering nasty comments to her, then it was encouraging her friends to not play with her for fear of the same treatment. The playground staff had been made aware of this by myself and by my daughter but did NOTHING. The thing I found disgusting is that, on the last day of christmas term I opened her book bag to find letters written by three girls apologising for 'hiting, pinching and KICKING' her but the teacher/headmistress/playground assistant hadn't thought it necessary to tell me in person that this incident had occured!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR Disgusting!!!


    You think 6 year olds don't know how to fight?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think my six year old doesn't, and that she shouldn't have to learn how to because the playground assistant can't/won't intercept bullying.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Put the bullies in Iraq. Without training or guns. :D

    I don't know the solution myself. But it would be nice if they TRIED to solve the problem.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    katralla wrote:
    I think my six year old doesn't, and that she shouldn't have to learn how to because the playground assistant can't/won't intercept bullying.

    Well she should...I think children should learnt self-defence from a very early age.

    Yes it will...beating a bully up will stop the hurting...it's a fact...bullies usually have problems of their own...they take their anger out on vulnerable kids...if that kid fights back...the bully will stop.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    turlough wrote:

    You can get the bully outside of school. And you're talking shit about how the people who fight back are always the people who "get the book thrown at them." Did you live under a big rock in school? Bullies don't go to teachers, they don't snitch on people who retaliate. You haven't got a clue but yet again you take the moral highground and assume you know how terenagers behave, well I'm sorry if you got a hard time but I know it doesn't work that way, anyone that gets bullied, just get a load of your mates and kick the living shit out of the bastard and I tell you what, he won't come near you again. Fact. And this is coming from a former bully.

    reminds me when i was year 11 some boys from my year mugged a year 10 boy out of school

    next day he is VERY pissed off and starts on all 7 of them at once with "im not going down without seriously hurting all of you look" he gets a couple of hits on one, then one of the boys from my year pulls out a police trundgeon, and the year 10 boy ran across the playground and came back with a huge baseball bat and started chasing them

    thankfully i saw when he caught up with the mouthy one :D was good to see someone exacting revenge

    he got suspended for 4 weeks, but if i were him id be darn proud
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