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CV Builder

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study

For my portfolios at college I have to have a CV in the front.... I've just reread mine today and realised how much is absolute rubbish on mine! It was stored on Connexions CV Builder, but for some reason it wont work or let me log in to it. I would just start a new one, but if it doesn't let me change that one when I need to I'm a bit stuffed.....

Does anyone know a good CV builder online that I can create a decent enough print off from? I would create one from scratch but it's just for my portfolio to show grades and work experience etc, not for employment, so it really doesn't need to look the bees knees

Any help would be great :)!
Post edited by JustV on


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