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types of contraception?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Could you guys help me out here and answer the following questions? (i'm a guy by the way, hence my naivety)

1. Does the "pill" need to be taken every day by a girl?
2. Does it make girls put on weight? or is this a wives tale?
3. Does the pill stop periods?
4. I know condoms are like 98/99% full proof, and the pill is like 99%. What are other forms or combinations which really reduce the chance of pregency? (i.e. condom + pill would be a good combo).



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Look in here for the facts: http://www.thesite.org/sex/pregnancy/

    There are also helpline numbers in here, so you can ask a nurse or an advisor in confidence.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    1. Does the "pill" need to be taken every day by a girl?

    In all the courses I know of if it does, skipping days is risky.

    2. Does it make girls put on weight? or is this a wives tale?

    The Pill does have side-effects, not sure if the weight-gain thing is one of them.

    3. Does the pill stop periods?

    No, a lot of girls report having heavier periods whilst on the pill, but its effective against pregnancy

    4. I know condoms are like 98/99% full proof, and the pill is like 99%. What are other forms or combinations which really reduce the chance of pregency? (i.e. condom + pill would be a good combo).

    Condoms are about 99% if used correctly, same with the pill... Girls can also have a pill injection which is taken 3 times a year (I think) and I've also heard of both a male pill and injection. Girls can use the female condom (cap) and have a coil fitted.
    If a girls on the pill and you use a condom your not only avoiding pregnancy but also helping stop the spread of STDs.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey hey ppl!!
    heres a few facts i knoe about the pill. uve to take it every day, cant misss one at all. the week u are havin ur period u dont take it but as soon as u frinish u start again. this way ur taking it 4 about 3 weeks per month. it does have sside effects. these are different for everyone. it can cause weight gain, cause lighter or heavier periods...it depends. ur boobs can get bigger too(always a bonus`!!).....o yeah im not sure about how reliable it is as contraception. u usually use condoms too against stds and stuff like that.

    just on this topic now, i know a girl who wa on the pill 4 about 8 months. she came off it in october and now she gets her period 3 times per month. she is loosin too much blood so she is in hospital 4 tests.they think she has gone anemic. never heard of this happening b4 tho. alot of ppl take it and have no probs!

    hope i have enlightened sum o u a bit!!! <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im not a bloke...hence the name. but i do know some facts about the pill, so here goes.

    ans 1. Once a girl starts taking the pill, she will have to take it about the same time every day. a few hours late wouldn't really matter as long as she remembers to take it a.s.a.p. then take the next one at the regular time she normally takes it.

    ans 2. It mite put some weight on the girl. some girls may not get any wieght gain at all. however, it normally does - not that much though! (this is only one of the many side effects, there may be mood swings, headaches. but every girl is different.) at the end of the day, i think it's a small price to pay.

    ans 3. It doesn't STOP periods in the way ur thinking off! God, that will be some problem i think!! LOL Each month, the girl takes a 7 day break from the pill...and this is replaced by her period. after her period, she continues to take the pill.

    ans 4. There are a lot of other forms of contraceptions. injections, the female condom etc. however, the most common used is the combo of the pill and condom. u sud always wear a condom anyway unless it was both ur first times to avoid any transmitted diseases. together, the effectiveness is about 99.8%. plus, it wouldn't kill guys to give them a bit of responsibility!!

    hope that helped ya!!! oh...and have fun!!

    virginity is like a balloon, one prick & it's gone 4ever.
    sex is like a tub of pringles, once you pop, you can't stop.
    life is like a dick, when it's hard, FUCK IT!
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