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Cant let go of HER past!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the only way the relationship will end is if you keep being so insecure and if you start getting paranoid ur gf will start getting paranoid as she will think you feel there are problems in your relationship and it will all go to pot. if you love her and she loves you then she'll just tell you your being silly and give you a kiss and cuddle and explain that the other 2 guys were dickheads who only wanted her for sex but its different with you. meh. well this is what i did. (the relationship hasnt broken up if you're wondering, my bf is too wonderful just a wee bit sensitive and insecure)
    it's not as simple as just switching the insecurity and paranoia off. im speaking from experience. RudeBwoy, youre lucky enough to have had relationships and finally had one go well -- i have never actually had anyone understanding enough to get that far. if your girlfriend loves you as much as you say she does, then she should be understanding of your insecurities so long as she is aware of them. if she thinks youre just being possessive and jealous then things most likely will fall apart. i suggest you talk to her about it. dont talk about her past, cos she may go on the defensive. just explain to her that youre feeling inadequate and are very insecure about your place in her life. i hope that helped. you can PM me if ya want...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have told her before that it pisses me off when she talks about her ex like that but shes like "dont be silly i love you not him", nut its not the point.

    Hi Schnook. My previous relationships have lasted no more than 3 weeks and have got nowhere at all so you could say this is my first actual succesful relationship so far. If i did explain to her that i feel inadequate and insecure i rekon she will be understanding. The thing is shes not one for discussion, i will go into a speech about how i feel and she will be like "well i love you and thats all that matters, i dont want anyone else. so what we doing 2moro?", she will just change subject.
    ...And dont worry Schnook, you will find someone one day and it will be the best feeling in the world. For now, try to enjoy being you. Thank you for your advice :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RudeBwoy wrote:
    Well Kermit I must say that was a good reply and you are very to the point.

    I think its sometimes misread as being nasty, and I'm not.
    She talks about her ex a lot mainly when her girl mates are with us, her mate will bring up the ex and they will discuss how gorgeous he was and how "huge" he was while im sitting there and it really gets to me. Like shes boasting about him or something.

    That is a bit of a shite thing to do, but at the same time I think you are over-reacting somewhat.

    When the wife is with her mates, who've known her since she was 12 or 13, they all have a laugh about exes- who was the cute one, who was the nobhead, and so on. It's just a giggle with them, and if he was a cute lad with a big cock its something else to giggle about. Just as lads will talk about an ex who was really fit and a right goer in bed, so will girls. It doesn't mean she doesn't like you, or thinks you inferior.

    I sometimes giggle about girls I've been with before, saying they had a nice arse and lovely boobs, or whatever. It's just a laugh and a joke, although of course there is an element of bragging- people are proud of pulling stunners, even if they don't actually like them at all.

    As you say, she says she loves you. He is the ex. You need to concentrate more on that, and less on the fact he was good looking and with a big cock.

    If you've asked her to be more considerate (at least do it when you're not in the room), and she isn't being, then I think that's a bit off really. I don't think she's being a bitch, but she could be more considerate of you and your feelings.
    I do know exactly why im feeling hung up about things. Thing is, I dont really want to post any details on a public message board because its personal to her and it would be very disrespectful.

    That's fine. I don't really think it would be appropriate either.

    If you know what it is that upsets you, then you are some of the way to stopping it being a problem.

    I would also add that if the problem is that she was a bit of a player for a while, then I think you are being very silly for being upset by that. You've been together a while now, if she was going to play away she would have by now.
    Also its not exactly something i can openly discuss with her because she will probably get defensive and i dont want to start an argument.

    Do you know that, or suppose that?

    If it is something that if causing you a lot of bother then you need to discuss it like adults. Relationships will not succeed unless the two partners are willing and able to communicate with each other openly and like adults. Don't be accusative and argumentative, say that you are upset by her bragging about her exes all the time, and you'd rather she did it when you weren't there. And broach the subject of what it is that is troubling you, and explain why it is troubling you.

    You are over-reacting and being daft and silly, but if you don't talk about it with her it will cause problems.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldnt mind her talking about her ex, but like you said id rather i wasnt there.
    Its not that she was a player its other things that i cant really say.

    I know i should talk to her about it but its not the kinda subject thats easily approached or discussed. I dont want to upset her by turning it into a problem but i dont know how long i can go by trying to ignore it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RudeBwoy wrote:
    Wow i ask for some friendly advice and just coz Kermit says something to piss me off everyone has to follow?!
    Believe you me, I wouldn't "follow" Kermit if my life depended on it. I just happen to agree with him in this case. Which is odd.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote:
    Believe you me, I wouldn't "follow" Kermit if my life depended on it. I just happen to agree with him in this case. Which is odd.

    Fair play i guess.
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