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You and Europe

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I appear to be one of those too, although I am becoming more and more annoyed with the EU in general.

    Its a good idea poorly carried out. I like European people though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Like bong I consider the EU to be a good idea generally but that it needs to be done better, but I am sure it will be...........

    One problem I think is the rush to constantly expand. I would prefer it if it were just left for a while so that the focus could be on the role that it has and the best way to achieeve that, at the moment I don't think many people have a good understanding of its current roel or what it should be.........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Apparently I'm Mr Chiantishire too.

    And like everyone else, I like the aims and intentions of the European Union, but I think because of Britain's political stances we have allowed the EU to become a Franco-German cabal. We could quite easily split the Franco-German cabal if we put our mind to it, they only agree because they are forced to, and we could be the leaders of the EU. But the right-wing nutters don't want to lead Europe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm not even sure I like the aims anymore, economic links are more important to me than the other stuff, because we cant mess up free trade that much.

    Did you hear about the coffee packet story?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mrs Chiantishire here. Maybe they got bored in thinking up 'catchy' results and thought, "Sod it, no one will notice"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mr Costa Del Sol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The economics is most important but I think it is a good idea to back that up with some common laws, cooperation on anyhting with transnational effects e.g. fishing and other ecological issues and i think a joint defence force is a good idea also............
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Toadborg wrote:
    The economics is most important but I think it is a good idea to back that up with some common laws, cooperation on anyhting with transnational effects e.g. fishing and other ecological issues and i think a joint defence force is a good idea also............

    Again, good in theory, but look at the CAP.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    and textiles.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well yes there are some bad polices, just like any governing body........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No surprises realy... Mr Costa Del Sol - wants Europe for trade and holidays only...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Europe is a good idea and a great tool for bringing greater prosperity to the European nations, but it is being carried out all wrong, mainly because of the French. I'm beginning to dislike the French (government) more and more. They don’t really do much in world politics, they just disagree with everything and add layers and layers of bureaucracy. The problem with France is that they are not the powerful nation they once were. Their economy isnt too good, they have very little military capability and their general attitude is wrong. Basically, they have a loud mouth but no power to back it up with. They see Europe as their only escape, they are a proud people and want to have influence on world affairs, and think that making *their own* Europe, run by them, will give them that. The fact is, Britain and Germany are the only European powers to have great economic wealth and Britain is the only nation in Europe to have a powerful and full spectrum military machine, as well as a good relationship with the US. This means that we have a lot of influence and weight, unlike the French, therefore Britain could easily run the EU if we wanted to, but our government is scared of doing so, and to be honest, with good reason, I mean at the moment its not a good package that we may be taking on.
    At the moment, everything about the EU is bureaucratic, frenchified nonsense. The idea of a EU military is stupid, because the EU would never, ever commit them to anything (even it required to), and it would be horribly ineffective, with this large group of diverse nations that mostly don’t have a clue of warfare and little military might to contribute, expect for the UK (and sort of France). Not only that, but the force would be mainly British servicemen/women anyway (as is the current European rapid response force at the moment), again its just more bureaucracy, we might as well just do the job ourselves.
    This is the thing about the EU, its so forced. Its like everything is about giving every nation its part to play, regardless of need or ability. This is done to create a multi-national feel to everything and its purely political. Let me give you an example. Take the new airbus. Now this is a very poor and weak example, because its actually a fantastic piece of engineering, but anyway, you'll know what I mean. The new Airbus A380 is built by several nations throughout Europe. Britain makes the wings, Germany makes the fuselage, Spain makes the tail etc. etc. and it all comes to together in France. Now why do all these different nations make all these parts? so they can give it an international feel and let everybody have a piece of the cake, this is all well and good, but it sacrifices efficiency and makes the whole process more and more complex. This is what Europe is all about, its not a natural process, but a forced, and as stated in an earlier post, a rush to bring Europe together. This carries with it great economic, social and democratic problems, and its all because a few guys in Brussels have a vision of a new country called Europe. The whole thing needs to be overhauled, and soon. Britain is the ONLY one that can do anything about it. So far its been run by the Germans and French, and the rest of the nations are just puppets, who are quite happy to jump on the band-wagon and take their small economies and little influence (no offence to them) into this because it can only benefit them, of course at this will cost them their democracy, sovereignty and in some ways national identity. Not mention that the smaller countries of Europe will hold back the big ones.
    Europe is the greatest continent on earth (in my humble opinion), if you think of the scientific and technically achievements and the great minds and artists etc. etc. that have comes out of Europe its unfathomable, its practically shaped the world as it is today. BUT its going into the wrong direction, its gonna become this big bureaucratic joke, run by the spineless French.
    If it continues in its current state it will be a danger to world peace (yes, you heard me right), because instead of actually acting on things it will spill out directives and slap on the wrists, which do nothing. I mean remember Sadam? he used laugh at the constant directives he got from the UN. And while countries like China grow and grow, and rogue states like North Korea do what they like. In the future there will be two main hyper powers; China and Europe, with the US as a second rate superpower along with India and eventually Russia. Europe is gonna need some teeth and pair of balls if its gonna make sure the world stays safe. Europe is good, but its going in totally the wrong direction.
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Aladdin wrote:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Europe is a good idea and a great tool for bringing greater prosperity to the European nations, but it is being carried out all wrong, mainly because of the French. I'm beginning to dislike the French (government) more and more. They don’t really do much in world politics, they just disagree with everything and add layers and layers of bureaucracy. The problem with France is that they are not the powerful nation they once were. Their economy isnt too good, they have very little military capability and their general attitude is wrong. Basically, they have a loud mouth but no power to back it up with. They see Europe as their only escape, they are a proud people and want to have influence on world affairs, and think that making *their own* Europe, run by them, will give them that. The fact is, Britain and Germany are the only European powers to have great economic wealth and Britain is the only nation in Europe to have a powerful and full spectrum military machine, as well as a good relationship with the US. This means that we have a lot of influence and weight, unlike the French, therefore Britain could easily run the EU if we wanted to, but our government is scared of doing so, and to be honest, with good reason, I mean at the moment its not a good package that we may be taking on.
    At the moment, everything about the EU is bureaucratic, frenchified nonsense. The idea of a EU military is stupid, because the EU would never, ever commit them to anything (even it required to), and it would be horribly ineffective, with this large group of diverse nations that mostly don’t have a clue of warfare and little military might to contribute, expect for the UK (and sort of France). Not only that, but the force would be mainly British servicemen/women anyway (as is the current European rapid response force at the moment), again its just more bureaucracy, we might as well just do the job ourselves.
    This is the thing about the EU, its so forced. Its like everything is about giving every nation its part to play, regardless of need or ability. This is done to create a multi-national feel to everything and its purely political. Let me give you an example. Take the new airbus. Now this is a very poor and weak example, because its actually a fantastic piece of engineering, but anyway, you'll know what I mean. The new Airbus A380 is built by several nations throughout Europe. Britain makes the wings, Germany makes the fuselage, Spain makes the tail etc. etc. and it all comes to together in France. Now why do all these different nations make all these parts? so they can give it an international feel and let everybody have a piece of the cake, this is all well and good, but it sacrifices efficiency and makes the whole process more and more complex. This is what Europe is all about, its not a natural process, but a forced, and as stated in an earlier post, a rush to bring Europe together. This carries with it great economic, social and democratic problems, and its all because a few guys in Brussels have a vision of a new country called Europe. The whole thing needs to be overhauled, and soon. Britain is the ONLY one that can do anything about it. So far its been run by the Germans and French, and the rest of the nations are just puppets, who are quite happy to jump on the band-wagon and take their small economies and little influence (no offence to them) into this because it can only benefit them, of course at this will cost them their democracy, sovereignty and in some ways national identity. Not mention that the smaller countries of Europe will hold back the big ones.
    Europe is the greatest continent on earth (in my humble opinion), if you think of the scientific and technically achievements and the great minds and artists etc. etc. that have comes out of Europe its unfathomable, its practically shaped the world as it is today. BUT its going into the wrong direction, its gonna become this big bureaucratic joke, run by the spineless French.
    If it continues in its current state it will be a danger to world peace (yes, you heard me right), because instead of actually acting on things it will spill out directives and slap on the wrists, which do nothing. I mean remember Sadam? he used laugh at the constant directives he got from the UN. And while countries like China grow and grow, and rogue states like North Korea do what they like. In the future there will be two main hyper powers; China and Europe, with the US as a second rate superpower along with India and eventually Russia. Europe is gonna need some teeth and pair of balls if its gonna make sure the world stays safe. Europe is good, but its going in totally the wrong direction.
    Learn how to paragraph and summarise. :eek:

    I'm Costa del Sol apparently. But that sounds a bit too foreign to me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mr Chiantishire. Bit of a shock.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mrs del sol apparantly, which is about right actually
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ms Costa Del Sol. Which is quite accurate.
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