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How to tell...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I think this is most suited to health. I'm interested in knowing if anybody has any ways to tell if your drink has been spiked or not or if simply you drank too much.

I'm worried that last night my drink was spiked, but i'm not completely sure. I've been drinking for a few years now and whilst i normally drink sensibly and don't go above my limits, there are a couple of times when i've gone over the top and paid the consequences.

Last night i didn't drink more than i normally do, nor did i drink anything out of the ordinary. I had a martini, a tequila, a couple of small cocktail shots, 2 bottles of breezer and a vodka coke. My friend and i were then bought a vodka redbull each. That was my last drink, but it was after that one that things started getting out of control.

I was being sick last night, could barely walk and this morning i'm feeling really week and dizzy, i've not been out of bed all day! just been drinking lots of water etc. If it was just this i wouldn't be so worried that my drink had been spiked, but as i also have huge memory gaps, ie several hours worth, then i think it may have been. Even if i have gotten really drunk i can normally remember everything that's happened, maybe some things only vaguely but i still remember them!

Another thing that makes me think it might have been a drugged drink is that my friend who i was out with drank less than me, but was in as bad a state as i was, infact worse as she was passed out on her bed completely out of it. She also has no memory of a lot of things.

I know that a few of the people i was out with had taken some drugs, but i don't know if any of them would have slipped anything into our drinks. I hope not, but they're only my coursemates not my friends.

So that's the background information. I'm glad that it's over but i'm just curious as to whether this actually was drink spiking. Cos i was quite scared! Luckily it all turned out okay but it is not something i want to be repeating.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hi, im so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience!! Sometimes tell tale sings that you've taken drugs the night before can be massive pupils, aching jaw, loss of appetite or not being able to eat very much at all, feeling really down/moody (known as a come-down)... but thats just from experience of doing pills when i was younger.... and obviously there are a number of things that you may have been spiked with and the effects the next day will vary...

    but if you are feeling a few of the things i just mentioned then its possible you may have been spiked with xtc or even pure mdma, however i dont think you'd really get memory loss from it... not sure i've been much help to you here actually lol! sorry!! hope you feel better soon anyway! xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Maybe not maliciously spiked, but you could have bought a dodgy brand of alcohol. It's not unknown that methanol is found in cheap spirits, and that would certainly make you feel rough.

    Be careful.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks welsh, i don't really think i've got any of them, all i've been feeling is exhausted! Not really been hungry, but then when i ate dinner i was starving lol.

    Most of the alcohol came out of bottles that were the same brand as what i drink in england,although that doesn't necessarily mean that what's in the bottle is what it says on the outside, but it could well have been the vodka. I've been talking to another few people who were out last night, who were drinking stupid amounts and they say that they've also got a bit of a memory loss, so leans towards the alcohol, as i was fine until i drunk the vodka redbull.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's best to buy the branded alcohols if you can, and if you have to drink ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was all branded alcohols but i think that maybe the vodka was a brand i didnt know. I tend to be more careful over here but i've also been a bit homesick etc, which may have lead to me not caring so much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't think it was Ecstacy, you rarely be sick and lose memory on ecstacy, still though, shouldn't discount it and don't drink too much water if you think you've taken it, there's a possibility you could die. Though thats taking really huge amounts.

    It could have been GHB or a similar drug, mixing it with alcohol cause you to be dizzy, weird vision, sickness and memory loss, though with the amount of alcohol taken you should have collapsed so it was probably dodgy alcohol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was all branded alcohols but i think that maybe the vodka was a brand i didnt know. I tend to be more careful over here but i've also been a bit homesick etc, which may have lead to me not caring so much.
    I know what it's like, but you should make the most of being away. You've got the rest of your life to be stuck in England, but only 12 months to enjoy China!

    Being away from home in strange land surrounded by foreign things is disorientating and you will inevitably crave home comforts and familiarity. Ex-pats generally react in two ways - form cliques with other expats and try and forget that they are away from their homeland; or try and mix with the locals as much as poss and get on with life as if you are at home.

    As for alcohol, it only takes one dodgy drink to make you feel rough.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yep i've decided to make the most of being here, it's only me that can make this experience worth it, and i'm feeling a lot better now that im following that than i was a couple of weeks ago!

    I'm mainly craving home foods lol. altho i agree i am also craving the familiarity and the ease of being in England, China is still a developing country and whilst it's a quick development, it's still so far behind what i'm used to!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hi, im so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience!! Sometimes tell tale sings that you've taken drugs the night before can be massive pupils, aching jaw, loss of appetite or not being able to eat very much at all, feeling really down/moody (known as a come-down)... but thats just from experience of doing pills when i was younger.... and obviously there are a number of things that you may have been spiked with and the effects the next day will vary...

    but if you are feeling a few of the things i just mentioned then its possible you may have been spiked with xtc or even pure mdma, however i dont think you'd really get memory loss from it... not sure i've been much help to you here actually lol! sorry!! hope you feel better soon anyway! xx

    What on Earth are you talking about?! Her experience does not tally with MDMA in any shape or form. That and MDMA is very very bitter tasting and would be hard to get anyone to swallow without knowing.

    It could have been a sedative (lets not debate on which, we dont know) but I think the more likely option is dodgy alcohol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i dont drink alcohol but as my name suggests i love to party, and there have been 2 occaisions where things havnt felt right, i felt sick, had an instant upset stomach (Maybe dodgy ice in my drink or unwashed hands?), or i had a headache and i just needed to sit down, the room was spinning, i just felt unwell and i had to just stop. This is unusual for me as i have a high tolerance to any of the drugs ive tried (Es, weed, coke) which is why i dont take them - no point really, and I am a very hyper person I can dance all night and go to work the next day, so something had slowed me down.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Iluv2party wrote:
    (Maybe dodgy ice in my drink or unwashed hands?).

    Ahhh! Thats another thing, I was forgetting your location, they re-use straw's and so on, I wouldnt get ice (unclean water) or straw's.
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