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how many

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi, please dont think im a freak or anything you lot- im not honestly, thing is iv'e been really depressed lately, i dont know why- i cant even put my finger on it myself. Anyway i took an overdose about 5 months ago with 50 paracetemol, i didnt die (obviously) i jus woke up the next morning and was being sick all day and then i was fine, anyway a few weeks back i took anotherone and i wanted to make sure that it worked- i had been drinking vodka all night and then i took the tablets, there were about 160 odd all together, paracetemol, asprin and ibroprufen, cant quite remember what happened straight after cos i must have fell to sleep, but i woke up the next morning sunday (to my surprise) and was just sick from then untilluntill the following wednesday i couldnt even get out of my bed literaly i couldnt walk, but i just want to know how come that didnt kill me? will there be any long term affects, i feel much happier with my life now and i couldnt do it again if i tryed because i physically cannot take tablets anymore as i will throw up just looking at them. Do you think ive damaged myself permantly or anything? please dont throw insults at me, just good advice
thank youxx :heart:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It depends how much you took of each type of tablet.

    Aspirin and ibuprofen can damage your stomach.

    Paracetamol overdoses usually affect the liver.

    Tbh, I'd go to your GP, explain the situation and get checked out. You don't want to risk being unaware of any adverse affects.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah I'd go see your GP sooner rather than later. Chances of long term liver damage is hard to tell if you haven't been checked out.

    In the mean time aviod alcahol and real fat/greasy food.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have a friend that I've know for eight years now. She took about 60 ibuprofen as a suicide attempt on two occasions, and survived both times. Today (five years later) she has very sensitive digestion, and her liver has been compromised to some degree. Taking that many painkillers is fairly unlikely to result in death, but the odds of it causing some long-term damage is there. Seeing a GP sooner than later may help prevent future complications.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah. I have to say that on the back of paracetamol packets it recommends immediate medical advice due to the risk of serious delayed liver damage. You should make an appointment asap.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im no expert but i find it very strange that if you took 50 paracetemol you arent dead.
    As little as 15 can do liver damage and even 20 can be fatal.
    I'd expect with that and the 2nd lot you took there'll be some damage somewhere.
    The ibupfrofen and aspirin can give you stomach ulcers, and the paracetemol wrecks your liver.
    Go to your gp, he/she will probably take some blood and do liver and kidney function tests.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When you do go and see your GP about your liver, also ask about councilling/therapy and/or any other type of Psychiatric help.

    You obviously have a lot to deal with, and instead of wrecking your liver, try talking to someone about your problems. You'll find that by actually seeking help relieves a lot of that weight that's on your shoulders, and you'll find that the urge to overdose diminishes.

    I hope everything works out for you. Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't mean to scare you, but please go to the doctors to get checked out. 50 paracetamol could have seriously damaged your liver. And the other pills could have done damage to other parts of your body. You need to get it checked out because the sympotoms of liver damage can be delayed and can be serious. The earlier you get it checked out the better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    veryangry wrote:
    hi, please dont think im a freak or anything you lot- im not honestly, thing is iv'e been really depressed lately, i dont know why- i cant even put my finger on it myself. Anyway i took an overdose about 5 months ago with 50 paracetemol, i didnt die (obviously) i jus woke up the next morning and was being sick all day and then i was fine, anyway a few weeks back i took anotherone and i wanted to make sure that it worked- i had been drinking vodka all night and then i took the tablets, there were about 160 odd all together, paracetemol, asprin and ibroprufen, cant quite remember what happened straight after cos i must have fell to sleep, but i woke up the next morning sunday (to my surprise) and was just sick from then untilluntill the following wednesday i couldnt even get out of my bed literaly i couldnt walk, but i just want to know how come that didnt kill me? will there be any long term affects, i feel much happier with my life now and i couldnt do it again if i tryed because i physically cannot take tablets anymore as i will throw up just looking at them. Do you think ive damaged myself permantly or anything? please dont throw insults at me, just good advice
    thank youxx :heart:

    Paracetamol overdose is one of the most excrutiatingly painful deaths you can imagine.

    You do not slip into some blissful sleep and then pass away.

    Most times, the person appears to be fine up to 24 hours later and is usually remorseful of their actions during this time and are relieved they are not dead.

    Then you liver starts to pack up.

    As you steadily feel worse and worse, feeling sick and immense pain, there is NOTHING that the doctors can do to help. They cannot give you enough pain killers to take away the pain because the required dose would be so great that the painkiller in itself will kill you.

    Your family will have to sit there in hospital with you, watching you turn yellow, writhing in agony, screaming etc for days on end as your liver shuts down.

    By the time you are dead, days later, you have permanently scarred your friends and family through the stress and ordeal of watching their loved one die.

    Please don't ever consider this again.

    Apart from seeing your doctor to establish what damage you may or may not have done to your body, you need to get counselling. You may feel great now but if you have not resolved any issues hidden away in your psyche, you may find yourself in trouble again.

    You may feel embarressed about raising this with your doctor but you are worth it and loads of people who love you are depending on you to make the right decision. Suicide is never an answer for those you leave behind. They will spend the rest of their lives wondering why they were never loved enough by you to be given the chance to try and help you .... I know this because I have been in that situation.

    Good luck and I hope that your health is unaffected.

    *huge hugs*
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