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psychiatric referral

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hey all

Ok, so I was wondering if anyone could give me any help/advice/reassurance.

On Tuesday I went to see my therapist, and she advised me to get an urgent referral to see the psychiatrist at my local hospital. I did this yesterday and have been given an appointment which is coming up soon.

I'm really scared and don't know what to expect - can anyone with any experience/knowledge shed any light on what might happen in the first appointment? I'm scared they're going to take me in as an in-patient.

Thank you in advance

Love cavegirl


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is the person who referred you a counsellor or a psychotherapist? Where were you referred from?

    When I was referred by my GP into the mental health unit to see a consultant, it was basically an interview. They do an interview when you're firts referred to assess you, basically. I filled in a load of forms beforehand, and then I went in for two one-hour interviews. We just talked about stuff, she asked me questions about my background, how I felt, how I harmed myself, why I harmed myself, and so on. At the end she said that she suspected I had Borderline Personality Disorder, although it wasn't an official diagnosis after two hours. She did a lot of work to find me a place as an out-patient as she thought I was a serious risk.

    When I was referred on from there to see a psychotherapist as an out-patient it was the same. I went in, had a natter with her, agreed on a programme of treatment, and then started it a short while later.

    How likely you are to be taken in as an in-patient depends on who is referring you, and for what. They don't tend to treat people as in-patients unless intensive out-patient treatment is not working.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm pretty sure they can't take you in as an in-pateinet against your will without a Section 2/4 Order under the Mental Health Act. This only ever really applies when there is a serious threat to your own health or those around you. So I wouldn't be worried about being taken in as an in-patient really; from what I know from friends who have had experiences with psychiatrists etc. they're usually very concerned with how you're feeling and will go to a great lengths to make sure you're ok.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote:
    Is the person who referred you a counsellor or a psychotherapist? Where were you referred from?

    Hi Kermit and Jem

    Thanks both for taking the time to reply :)

    I've been referred by a psychotherapist - I've been seeing her on and off for two years, had to start going back again just recently after I hit a very bad patch. To put it bluntly, my GP has been rubbish, she reffered me to their in house counsellor who just gave me breathing exercises and told me not to beat myself up... :banghead:. So I went back to the original lady I'd been seeing.

    Basically, I've become so low that I've been planning to do something stupid. I told the therapist this and she referred me on. She is also concerned because I've lost an enormous amount of weight and whilst I know I am too thin, I feel that food is the only thing I have that I can control to stop me feeling so bad - but it obviously isn't working, because I feel worse.

    She did tell me maybe to expect to be taken in as an in-patient (because of the weight).

    But thank you both for replying to me, I really appreciate it.

    Any other experiences/info from anyone else would be fab.

    Love cavegirl
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you have suddenly got worse then do expect in-patient treatment to be considered.

    They can't force you without being sectioned, but they can persuade you quite strongly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My experience was different. I was referred last year for a psychiatric assessment thing. The appointment took 4 months and lasted 20mins. He asked a load of general questions about where i live, where id been to school and college, what i was planning to do now, who i live with etc etc, then said i dont need medication i just need to learn to handle my feelings better.
    Wish id never been.
    I think it depends how you come across really. I do everything i can to appear fine, which was my mistake.
    My referral was because medication and psychotherapy wasnt having the desired effects. It wasnt an urgent referral like yours(and Kermits i assume) is/was.

    A little while ago my therapist suggested going for a hospital assessment because i was having a bad time. I think if id have gone theyd have been deciding if in-patient treatment was the best thing, but unless you'e a danger to yourself or someone and refuse to be admitted voluntarily then they wont section you.

    Ive found the best person to be my GP.

    Good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jem wrote:
    I'm pretty sure they can't take you in as an in-pateinet against your will without a Section 2/4 Order under the Mental Health Act. This only ever really applies when there is a serious threat to your own health or those around you. So I wouldn't be worried about being taken in as an in-patient really; from what I know from friends who have had experiences with psychiatrists etc. they're usually very concerned with how you're feeling and will go to a great lengths to make sure you're ok.

    You can be voluntarily have treatment as an in-patient with out a being sectioned. A section is only needed if you are deamed to be a danger to yourself and others and are also refusing treatment.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the weight thing might possibly make them consider in-patient treatment, but only really if you refuse to eat. it's seen in a similar vein to suicide, as you obviously need food to live.

    if you are still willing eating, just not enough, i doubt they'll force you to do anything against your will, but if you are not eating at all, i imagine they quite possibly will try to take you in.

    it's difficult to know, though, as there is a difference between disordered eating and eating disorders.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cavegirl wrote:
    I went to see my therapist, and she advised me to get an urgent referral to see the psychiatrist at my local hospital. I did this yesterday and have been given an appointment which is coming up soon.

    I'm really scared and don't know what to expect - can anyone with any experience/knowledge shed any light on what might happen in the first appointment?

    presumably, although i'm guessing - the psychiatrist will assess you to see how best to treat you. your "psychotherapist" can probably only offer you a space to talk. a psychiatrist can offer you drugs, section you if necessary, assess your mental health, diagnose psychiatric disorders, and come up with a treatment plan to make you better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Wyetry wrote:
    You can be voluntarily have treatment as an in-patient with out a being sectioned. A section is only needed if you are deamed to be a danger to yourself and others and are also refusing treatment.

    yeah, hence the "against your will part". You can still get hospital treatment as for anything else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey all

    Just to say, had my appointment this morning.

    I've been diagnosed with severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, severe depression and anxiety.

    I'm not going in to hospital 'as yet' although it may happen in the future. I've been prescribed Anafranil which is a tricyclic anti-depressant and have to go back and see the psych in 4 weeks time.

    Panic over for now. Ish.

    Love cavegirl
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you for the update. Keep using this place too and let us know how you are getting on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Im pleased you've had some answers and have got treatment and follow up care etc. At least you know what you need to deal with and will get the support you need.

    I notice your in the north west, you definately arent in the same part of it as me coz you'd have got nothing at the one i went to!!!!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sikorah wrote:
    Im pleased you've had some answers and have got treatment and follow up care etc. At least you know what you need to deal with and will get the support you need.

    I notice your in the north west, you definately arent in the same part of it as me coz you'd have got nothing at the one i went to!!!!!!

    Eek - sorry to hear that - but, you never know, we could be in the same part, lol cos I had to fight all the way to get my appointment, had to go privately as my Dr refused to put me on the waiting list for a psych or to get CBT...am not looking forward to going to see her to pick my meds up next week.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    your doctor refused? thats not very good!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yep, she said the waiting list was so long there was no point - she said the same about the CBT waiting list too...the waiting time round here is not far off two years. So I had to pay £150 to go and see the psych privately...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my god!!!

    I was lucky that i got to see a psychotherapist almost immediately, but had to wait 4 month for a psychiatrist appt and 2 years to see a psychologist.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I hate those damned breathing excercises. I kept second guessing the in-house psychologist and it basically made me cheat the system
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