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Feeling a bit down...

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Yeah, didn't know whether to post this here... but anyway.

Been a bit of a mess recently... in the past few months, say a year, a lot of stuff happened that upset me but I kinda ignored it all. Split up with my long-term boyfriend, trouble with jobs, Dad being in hospital, problems with my Mum, etc etc. Just ignored it all really.

Recently, I haven't been feeling too happy. So I thought I'd spend more time with my mates, which incidentally has meant I've been going out a lot more, getting stupidly drunk (yeah, I need to learn my limits) and just making arses of ourselves.

This weekend, it all seemed to get a little bit too much for me, and I've spent about 3 days in permanent tears. I missed two days from work where I was terrified of leaving the house - weird, eh? I think maybe it's just the accumulation of everything getting on top of me finally. Like, I had some pretty nasty texts from my ex which seemed to trigger it all off.

I'm not going to slag him off, we have it all sorted, but it just all seems to have kicked off inside my head. I went to work today and I just couldn't smile, felt like a robot and was absolutely desperate to get home. When I did get here, I went straight to bed and woke up crying.

This isn't normal, obviously... :p I just want to know if anyone else has ever felt the same way and if it was a short-term thing for them. I don't think I can hack much more. Naturally I'm a really bubbly, outgoing, strong type of person and I just feel so hopeless right now.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right now, I am going through a phase of being down - been like this for ages now. What makes it worse is that I have a habit of taking out my personal problems on someone else. (The problems do sometimes involve him, but still...)

    And particually in the last few weeks, I've been in a right mess but then again both of my parents have been having a go at me...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    From personal experience I'd suggest trying counselling? I find it really useful, because whoever your counsellor is they're there to listen, nothing else. I rant at mine about what are silly things to most people but she doesn't care what I'm talking she justs listens and helps me figure stuff out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't have much to say other than hope you feel better soon x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Gutted pal <3

    See, no-one is being horrible to me or anything. My Dad and brother have been more than understanding, I couldn't ask for anything else. Yet, I don't feel any better.

    I've never felt at all like this before... ever. It's so horrible and weird and I can't shake it off.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As said talking it through with someones who's there to listen can really help. Even if there's nothing really to talk about.Just whatevers on your mind.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    From personal experience I'd suggest trying counselling? I find it really useful, because whoever your counsellor is they're there to listen, nothing else. I rant at mine about what are silly things to most people but she doesn't care what I'm talking she justs listens and helps me figure stuff out.

    I know what you mean. Being completely honest though - it wouldn't be any different from talking to my Dad. I can tell him absolutely everything and he gives me all the love and advice in the world. He's just great. And I wouldn't feel comfortable talking to a stranger I don't think. I can rant and rave at Big Al (my Dad) and he just understands.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It sounds like you're suffering from stress, I've seen people who've been through a lot and they've seemingly held back any form of, well, negative emotion and then all it takes is one small thing and everything does come on top of them. I've been there too, it sucks like hell and it can last a while. For me, I suddenly woke up one morning and realised that things had changed (after a particularly messy break up). I have to say that talking to someone works wonders, it helps so much when you realise that you're not the only person who feels down and you'e not always gonna feel like it.

    It's good to have a cry and release all your emotions too, and you feel better for it later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You told him how you're feeling? Sounds like he's really there for you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You told him how you're feeling? Sounds like he's really there for you :)

    Yeah, he knows it all. We've been through a lot together as a family (me, my brother and my Dad) and we get on like no other. I count my lucky stars sometimes... he's my Mum, Dad and best mate rolled into one.

    He thinks it could be that I'm stressed and it could maybe be a bit of mild depression - I think he's probably right, when I look back over the past, say, 3 years, the amount of stuff thats happened and I haven't really got any emotion out of my system. I should have been expecting this.

    You know, I just feel like I need to shake it all off and I can't. I just end up crying. My mind races about things I've done and things that have happened and it's neverending. I don't know if this is how I'm meant to feel, if its normal or what - because it's never happened to me before.
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    JsTJsT Posts: 18,268 Skive's The Limit
    If you haven't been letting it get to you it can be the straw that breaks the camels back, and it all hits you.

    I dont have much advice to give, just hope you feel better soon. xx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a similar problem to this not too long ago, where i just felt down and miserable all the time, the only difference was i couldnt explain or think why the hell i was feeling like that, after all i didnt have it as bad as some people, and certainly didnt go through as much stuff as you mention. The only time i was feeling happy and cheery like my normal self was when i was out on the razz with my mates, as you say. In the end i decided to take some time off work (a week was enough) and just chill the f out, didnt do much apart from hang round the house all day and potter around town etc... i really helped me calm down a lot and now i almost feel fantastic even tho i have some big problems at the moment, i seem to be able to handle it a lot better! Maybe as mentioned earlier its just stress, and it certainly appears it was stress for me.

    anyway! hope you feel better soon!! if theres any questions you have you know where the pm button is! x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Feeling similar to you, have been for quite a while. Problems in my family, friends annoying me, splitting up with someone, worrying about life in general. Crying is probably the best thing you can do, its better than holding back the pain. In the last few months i think i have cried more than ever before. Ive partied with friends too, which i think helps, but at the same time i can find it is a way of covering up the real feelings. But i guess it releases some tension. At the beginning id drink a lot. I find just chilling with my old friends the best thing. I guess you cant let one person get to you. I think im gradually starting to feel better as the days go on. You will probably feel okay soon! Just try and do things you enjoy!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sorry to hear about that, I feel the exact same way as you, I don't want to steal the linelight or nothing but my dad's an alcoholic, gonna drink himself to death, my aunty and grandad killed themselves over drink and alll this other shit in my life happening now, the only thing i can say is keep your chin up and just take every day as it comes.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    its shit that all you can do, is the best that you can you, and it still isnt enough, but hugs are all i have, hope they help
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i went through a period of that a few months ago when my anxiety problems kicked in, though i was pretty depressed and stressed from school and i self harmed abit. I had councelling, it did help having an hour break from the day to just sit and talk, but it wasn't really any different from talking to say a best friend. I still might be having more councelling but outside of school.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It feels good to know that its not just me feeling like this! But, obviously not good, because none of us should have to. ;(

    I've been trying to spend more time with my work mates recently, they're a few years older than me, but I seem to be more on their wavelength... my best mates are girls I went to school with and they just don't seem to have grown up as quickly as I have - no offence to them, I love them all to bits - but I've been working since school and they're all still in full time education and I just seem to have grown up faster. I feel a bit better than I did this time last week, and I think this has been a biiig factor. My best mates are mad into partying and it just felt like I was being dragged down and I hated the drunk, stupid person I seemed to be when I was with them.

    Really, I'm just trying to ignore it and shake it off - talking to my Dad and having a good cry when I need it. Take each day as it comes, hey?!

    turlough - I know where you're coming from - my Mum is an alcoholic, she left home 2 and a half years ago, but she lives just around the corner... we don't speak and she's always trying to stir the shit with me and my brother (who does still talk to her) she's remarrying next month... My dad has suffered heart attacks and had a heart bypass in the last 2 years, all of which has been super stressful... I had a nasty break up with my ex about 4 months ago after 2 and a half years... it's a load of bollocks. It just all seems to accumulate. We'll be OK pal, we just need to try and get over it all. Hard, but we'll do it. <33
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think everything does just accumulate at some stage! My year has certainly been the hardest yet! Can only make you stronger though. My friends keep helping me out! Its so good having people to talk to. Even people i havnt known long are helping me out and recomending others to talk to. I just feel so lucky at the moment to have such a bunch of great people in my life! Everyone has their bad stages, have to look to the future! It can only get better from here! *Hugs* I know how you feel!
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