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A personal q about 'down there'

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Bit of a personal question - maybe more of a lady related thing but still. :blush:

Ok here goes, basically, for the first time ever I had thrush (was a good few months ago now mind you). I first realised I had it - as I had no other symptoms as such, when I tried to have sex - it was immensely painful and left me incredibly sore and almost a burning sensation afterward. So, went to the doctors and was given the pessary (sp?) treatment. I hated doing it but obviously it worked, but sex was still slightly painful. Found using a condom helped as there was lubricant on them which stopped the painful friction. So yeah, still found myself to be a little sore now and again. Began having sex without a condom again for a while.

Went away on holiday - developed the really painful sensation again - considered due to too much time in wet swimsuits and a little bit of rough nookie, when I got home, I tried the Caneston Oral tab. Followed instructions, attempted to have nookie after 4/5 days and was in pain. Thought "that didn't work" and read the packet, said you could only attempt to use another thrush treatment after 7 days. Waited - did the pessary again.

Basically, unless we use a condom, then I get quite a bit of soreness - almost like I'm severely bruised down there. Even with a condom, it's a tiny bit sore, and if he attempts to insert fingers - well it hurts - like he's rubbing his finger against like an open wound - a little raw. And after one bout of nookie, I can't really cope with the idea of going a second time due to the soreness. It's building up to a fear of sex - though I usually enjoy it, it's now a sore experience that I'm getting frustrated by and try to lead away from.

I'm just wondering if peoples think this on-going soreness, is related to the thrush and such or whether there's something more going on.

Sorry for the long and personal thread. I seemed to highly embarrass the female doctor I went to see on first developing thrush, because I mentioned sex and that it hurt to have it. She made me feel a bit dumb for being able to openly talk about my bits and such, which I'm getting a little tired of tbh.

Thank you for any replies

Malt x :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ive never had thrush before so i cant really help you there, but sometimes when me and my ex used to have sex it could hurt, either him being to rough and not respecting my delicate lady parts or me just not being turned on enough.
    so to try stop it from feeling sore we just did loads of foreplay and got some ky warming liquid which was absolutely amazing, i suggest you try some, if you havent already....it helped us out a lot
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dinted wrote:
    ive never had thrush before so i cant really help you there, but sometimes when me and my ex used to have sex it could hurt, either him being to rough and not respecting my delicate lady parts or me just not being turned on enough.
    so to try stop it from feeling sore we just did loads of foreplay and got some ky warming liquid which was absolutely amazing, i suggest you try some, if you havent already....it helped us out a lot

    Thanks :) I have been considering lube but since I've had problems 'down there' I've been wondering if there's something more...serious going on if you catch my drift! Might try the KY mind you :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the warming one is like so strange but really really good. makes the whole experience way more fun!

    i think i got a sample to start off with from the ky jelly website, not sure if they are still doing it or not though! but its definately worth investing in!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dinted wrote:
    the warming one is like so strange but really really good. makes the whole experience way more fun!

    i think i got a sample to start off with from the ky jelly website, not sure if they are still doing it or not though! but its definately worth investing in!!

    You actually like it? The only phrase I can think of would be "it burns!!" :o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You actually like it? The only phrase I can think of would be "it burns!!" :o

    No more burning sensations down there please! :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i hatedthe warming one tbh, id go for normal KY to start off with, then if that fixes the problem you will know that maybe you are just one of those girls who don't produce enough naturally - i nearly always need a bit of help hun.

    Boots do their own version of KY too which is cheaper.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A year ago I had thrush, I gave it my fella and he didnt have symptoms. So it was a case of me giving it him, then him giving it me again and vise versa till my sis told me that she should get treated for thrush, then it went away! I aint had it since.... touch wood!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Briony wrote:
    A year ago I had thrush, I gave it my fella and he didnt have symptoms. So it was a case of me giving it him, then him giving it me again and vise versa till my sis told me that she should get treated for thrush, then it went away! I aint had it since.... touch wood!

    I was considering this might be the case. Thing is - we've nookied recently, and when he wears a condom there is no pain at all. Bare skin - sudden pain, burning sensations and after we had an unsuccessful attempt more poor bits hurt for an hour or so after. Would my bits hurt so quickly! Did you and is this more of a case of not enough lubrication. It seems exaggerated but the burning is pretty immense when we're 'together' as it were!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, I was going to suggest he sought treatment also as he can cause reinfection despite showing no symptoms, the male can be a disease reservoir. I know I had to apply some cream to my man parts when my girlfriend had thrush. As far as I remember we were also advised to avoid sex for two weeks to allow all the sensitive tissue to fully heal without aggrovation. I think you might still be a little damaged and you're hindering the healing process. If you're unsure though then you should be back to the doctors. Ask for a different person if you didn't like the last one, or go to the GUM clinic, they're more than used to it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if you had sex with him without a condom when you had thrush he will have thrush even if it hasnt shown any symptoms. get him to get stuff for it and dotn have sex till youve cleared up.

    its quite funny though because your situatio is sort of like mine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you have sex with a condom is there much chance that your partner could catch the thrush?
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