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Any effective ways to remove blackheads?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Are there any effective ways of removing blackheads from the face, I have some small onces around the nose area - difficult to see unless quite close. I know Clearsil use to do a blackhead remover strip but I couldn't find it when I looked in Boots/Superdrug.

Anyone got any good product advice or tips they could pass on please? :hyper:

Thank you.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally I've always squeezed mine but it's not recommended because it can sometimes make them worse, and are a bitch to get rid of from around the nose. Try checking the websites of clearsil etc. if you can't find that particular product, they might offer an online sales service.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    TomUk wrote:
    I know Clearsil use to do a blackhead remover strip but I couldn't find it when I looked in Boots/Superdrug.QUOTE]
    You cant find them becasue they dont work and noone buys them for that very reason.
    Try steaming you face: Get a large bowl of boiling water,hover your face over the steam then put a towel over your head so the steam cant get out.This should get some gunge out of your pours.After your done splash your face with cold water to close your pours.
    Isnt miraculous but after doing it for a few nights every week for a month or so you will see some inprovment ni your black heads.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Clearasil pore strips are cack, as are Biore pore strips. Although it's mightily satisfying to see the little white tubes hanging off the strip afterwards :yuck:

    I also tried Neutrogena Blackhead Clearing Cleanser. Waste of a fiver tbh.

    Steaming probably is your best option, or just plain popping.
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