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First love....

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

I recently got dumped by my boyfriend of 2.5 yrs, who was my first love and i havent spoke to him since friday. (he dumped me on thursday)

i feel so crap, im really fed up. We used to talk and see each other every day, he was a control freak and liked to know what i was upto all the time - which is part of the reason we split up.

i really don't want to go back out with him but i feel so weird being alone.

Does anybody have any good advice?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dont rush back into another relationship, take your time...chill out with some mates and just have fun being single again *cuddles*

    i know its hard when you break up with someone, but always think of the possibilities now :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah dont go into another r/ship for a while, thats for sure!
    have months to your self, you may be on the rebound but enjoy being single for a while.
    Im with my first love now, its only been 8months so I cant really say how to get over it as Ive never had a serious r/ship before now.
    Hang out with your friends, enjoy freedom and do what you want to do that he was always iffy about!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think i have gone off men for a while anyways!!!

    its just not like him to ignore me ever.

    its just such a huge shock. im stuck in the house most the day because i got made redundant not long ago. the joy!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    having ended a long term relationship myself a month ago, i know how u feel. surrounding yourself with other people who love you help ( i moan about my family but it has helped being with them for this), catch up with mates etc. i know you said you are stuck in the house but getting out and distracting yourself really helps - even if its just a long walk with music blasting your ears out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah, get out there, find another job if you can, and spend lotsa time with your mates.It hurt when i broke up with my first love, but now ive realised the love i shared with him was not real true love, more just that loved up feeling you get in a 1st relationship!
    sounds like you were well shot of him to be honest, so id make the most of it+do what YOU wana do :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Keep yourself busy! You can't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself! Find another job, go out with your mates, go to your local college & do a night course in something, or get a hobby! I know its hard right now, but if you can keep yourself busy, you may bump into your ex in a few months time & he could be impressed with how much you've moved on.

    Trust me, you'll realise how fun it is to be single again! Just try to concentrate on the positive aspects of being on your own & all the negative aspects of when you were with your bloke!

    Just keep strong, you'll soon get over the pain! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    *bexfizz* wrote:
    Keep yourself busy! You can't just sit around feeling sorry for yourself! Find another job, go out with your mates, go to your local college & do a night course in something, or get a hobby! I know its hard right now, but if you can keep yourself busy, you may bump into your ex in a few months time & he could be impressed with how much you've moved on.

    Trust me, you'll realise how fun it is to be single again! Just try to concentrate on the positive aspects of being on your own & all the negative aspects of when you were with your bloke!

    Just keep strong, you'll soon get over the pain! :D
    Yeh its best to keep yourself busy, as it's really difficult the first few weeks. Just go out and hang with mates, do things that you have been meaning to do and may have put off...pamper yourself. It's been around 5 months since breaking up with my ex, but I feel miles better now than I did in the beginning. And I know it's hard, considering that you spent so much time togther and that, but you really gotta just move on. Each day gets easier and easier, trust me.

    Good Luck :-)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Broke up with mine a few months ago. It has gone differently for me. In the first few weeks i was okay, really felt like i was moving on, was going out all the time, meeting new people, then it suddenly got worse. Guess it hadnt really hit me. Im up and down all the time, its crazy. I guess thats as ive spoken to him since though. Trying to attempt to get on with eachother now, which im not sure will be possible for quite a while really. I feel like someones stamped on my brain and smashed it! The worst thing is i must look really depressed sometimes as i keep getting people in shops asking me if im okay. Ive had some very attractive guys chat me up and ask me out, but it isnt the same. When i said goodbye to my ex at the bus stop the other day this guy was watching, he got on the bus and looked at me as if he knew what i was going through and gave me a smile. Made me feel a bit better wierdly!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    go out and find yourself again! i was with bf for 1.5yrs before the distance got to much (he moved away when we 1st got together)
    Yeah i was gutted as he was my 1st love 1st everything, i just had to find myself, go out with my friends, enjoy my freedom, make some stupid mistakes, then when he came up to visit.... we met up and now 5years on we are married and have a baby.

    but dont through urself into a relationship.... i made that mistake and learnt it the hard way
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i havent been fortunate to fall in love just yet, but when close friends of mine have been heartbroken a bottle of whiskey and 20 smokes goes down well, also a nice chat with someone close, helps reassure you that everything can be ok! I think for me the worst part would be the realisation that i had wasted so much of my time with someone and for it to be worthless in the end, that'd what get me.
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