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Your partners ex's!!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Why are ex's such a big problem????

My boyfriend ex girlfriend is a psychopath, i swear. I didn't know anything about her until i went to a party the other day. As soon as she walked in the room she was giving me dirty looks & you could cut the tension with a knife. I had no idea what her problem was until my boyfriend mentioned it was his ex. Now because i've became good friends with his mates, i keep seeing her everywhere & its the same everytime.
I dont know why she's got such a problem with me, she was the one who dumped my boyfriend by going to Uni without telling him & saying goodbye.

Grrrr! Has anyone else got any problems with their ex's or partners ex's???


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Never had a problem with partner's exes, but that's probably because they're either far and away or just not in the picture as I wouldn't be in the same social circles.

    This girl is probably pissed that her ex is moving on with his life and has found someone he is happy with. She may have been the one who broke up with him, but in the illogical world of the ex, this could mean that he's meant to be more miserable than her, or at least not found a partner before she has. Who knows? Or it could be that she's a sad act with nothing better to do.

    So she's giving you dirty looks - I know it's intimidating, but play her at her own game, and beat her - by flashing her a winning smile. She wants you to be uncomfortable, so do the thing that she least wants you to do - and be happy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    go_away wrote:
    Never had a problem with partner's exes, but that's probably because they're either far and away or just not in the picture as I wouldn't be in the same social circles.

    This girl is probably pissed that her ex is moving on with his life and has found someone he is happy with. She may have been the one who broke up with him, but in the illogical world of the ex, this could mean that he's meant to be more miserable than her, or at least not found a partner before she has. Who knows? Or it could be that she's a sad act with nothing better to do.

    So she's giving you dirty looks - I know it's intimidating, but play her at her own game, and beat her - by flashing her a winning smile. She wants you to be uncomfortable, so do the thing that she least wants you to do - and be happy.

    I'm thinking she's a sad act with what my boyfriend has told me. Its made me wonder why he actually spent a year of his life with her!

    And trust me, i totally beat her at her own game by giving my boyfriend a big snog right in front of her! Mwhahaha!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes there was this girl that my boyfriend had relations with before we started going out.. i wouldnt call it an actuall relationship because it was just casual sex a couple of times . anyway ever since I started going out with my bf, shes been talking to my friends about me and i asked her what her problem was and she wouldnt tell me.. and after that she was constantly calling and/or text messaging him , and i not so nicely told her to back off and that he didnt even like her anymore because she was a mistake to him.. and she got the hint and moved on. sometimes you have to be mean and confront them.. its the only way
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I HATE my boyfriends ex girlfriend.
    Even befor they started going out i never liked her. She's really niave and immature and she really thinks that going out with my blokey made her someone.It didnt.People ended up resenting her more for it.
    I have such an issue with her because i was good friends with my blokey befor he started going out with her and i found that she really manipulated him.He stopped hanging out with his mates and generally stopped doing a lot of things because she "didnt" like it.
    Me and my blokey didnt talk for over a year although he claims its because he thought i hated him i KNOW its because she was so posseive of him that she didnt like him being friends with girls.So therefore talking to me would have caused more aggro than necessary.
    I resent her even more since they split and i started going out with him because i feel i have to live up to some kind of holy matry act that shes left behind.Im not and i blatently refuse to try and live up to her.Im not proving that to his fucking mother or his friends.
    I have no idea how my man could spend 2 and a half years with her.Shes an absolute dog.Personality AND looks wise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Personally no, but then I'm not likely to be intimidated by any of my boyfriend's exes because they're all exes.
    A friend at work admitted his ex recently followed his present girlfriend into the toilets at a club and cornered her in a cubicle - before divulging all these intimate details....some people... :eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If I had the (mis)fortune of bumping into any of the wife's exes I'd probably just end up pointing and laughing at them, really.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    most ex's seem to hate me,maybe its just a natural instinct though im sure we've all got an ex whos new missus we hate abit.
    Heck i was nearly hospitalised by my last fellas psycho ex,till she realised she was pregnant and and it was probably a better idea not to come at me with a chair.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i was out with my boyfriend the other night and he said he'd just seen his first proper girlfriend who i've heard about from him but i didn't get the misfortune of seeing her. from what i've heard she's not very nice and not particularly attractive either! so wouldn't have bothered me but still, something i'd rather avoid. he's had i think 3 long term ish girlfriends, whereas he's my first boyfriend so he's got off lightly. though saying that, i know i have nothing to worry about and nor would he.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I havent had that happen to me, because of either his ex's live far away or we just dont dump into them! I've only ever seen one g/f, and that was on a photo!!

    My ex has gave my fella dirty looks and stuff. I think its the fact seeing your ex with someone else, moving on kinda thing!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you should try understanding them...
    i *just* broke up with my boyfriend after 4 years... (just...it was 6 moths ago but for me it's still just)
    it wasn't a problem of stop loving him or him top loving me... we're just both kinda mentally ill...
    all i know is that a girl is "chasing" him and if i see her, i'd probably hit her to death...
    it's not only jalousy, it's more than that... and in my opinion it's not imaturaty eather, it's more of low self confidence... and the fear of not finding as good as him and be left alone...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont have a real problem with exes, but then again, theres only one of his exes that I know at all, but she was from schooldays. I actually get on really well with her. Im not sure if she was a proper proper girlfriend though, im not going to start questioning him about it either. He did live with someone for 5 years before he met me, but ive never met her. My mother in law tells me that she never liked her, and mr Brite doesnt really talk about her but apparently she was a psycho (yes I know they all say that) and I know she cheated on him and that was the main reason they split. I did used to hate her even though id never met her, because Ive seen photos and she was absolutely gorgeous, she was a model, skinny, tall, long brown curly hair etc. I used to be a bit jealous because I knew how much he did love her, but i dont give a shit these days. It did bother me for the first year or so of the relationship though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont have a real problem with exes, but then again, theres only one of his exes that I know at all, but she was from schooldays. I actually get on really well with her. Im not sure if she was a proper proper girlfriend though, im not going to start questioning him about it either. He did live with someone for 5 years before he met me, but ive never met her. My mother in law tells me that she never liked her, and mr Brite doesnt really talk about her but apparently she was a psycho (yes I know they all say that) and I know she cheated on him and that was the main reason they split. I did used to hate her even though id never met her, because Ive seen photos and she was absolutely gorgeous, she was a model, skinny, tall, long brown curly hair etc. I used to be a bit jealous because I knew how much he did love her, but i dont give a shit these days. It did bother me for the first year or so of the relationship though.

    My fella's ex's botherd me for a year or so and it doesnt bother me as much now. I just disliked all of them!! One of them was his first love, but he says 'I thought I loved her' and all stuff! I'd hate this one he went out with for 2 years, I seen a pic of her, and she aint owt special, I dont like his sis having a pic of her - but they was really good mates. But now I think I've got him, and his ex's have got their fellas!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I HATE my boyfriends ex girlfriend.
    Even befor they started going out i never liked her. She's really niave and immature and she really thinks that going out with my blokey made her someone.It didnt.People ended up resenting her more for it.
    I have such an issue with her because i was good friends with my blokey befor he started going out with her and i found that she really manipulated him.He stopped hanging out with his mates and generally stopped doing a lot of things because she "didnt" like it.
    Me and my blokey didnt talk for over a year although he claims its because he thought i hated him i KNOW its because she was so posseive of him that she didnt like him being friends with girls.So therefore talking to me would have caused more aggro than necessary.
    I resent her even more since they split and i started going out with him because i feel i have to live up to some kind of holy matry act that shes left behind.Im not and i blatently refuse to try and live up to her.Im not proving that to his fucking mother or his friends.
    I have no idea how my man could spend 2 and a half years with her.Shes an absolute dog.Personality AND looks wise.

    Sounds exactly like what happened with my boyfriend and his ex, and how I feel about her. I know I'm "winning" at the end of the day because he's with me now and not her, but sometimes it still feels like a bit of a competition, simply because they were together longer than we have been, so far. He tells me *we* are so much more than *they* ever were, but sometimes it still gets to me.

    I've heard on the grapevine that she wouldn't want to see us together, but we all live in the same small town so it's gonna happen sometime. Am dreading the day.. :nervous:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sounds exactly like what happened with my boyfriend and his ex, and how I feel about her. I know I'm "winning" at the end of the day because he's with me now and not her, but sometimes it still feels like a bit of a competition, simply because they were together longer than we have been, so far. He tells me *we* are so much more than *they* ever were, but sometimes it still gets to me.

    I've heard on the grapevine that she wouldn't want to see us together, but we all live in the same small town so it's gonna happen sometime. Am dreading the day.. :nervous:

    Sucks doesnt it.
    At our school they were one of the "golden couples".Except i never saw them as that because i really thought they were a terribly ill-matched couple.Never the less alot of people still see them as that and im sure alot of his exe's friends dislike me immensly for stepping into her shoes.
    Up until recently she worked in a chemist and i wanted nothing more than to go in and buy condoms or the morning after pill off her.Im so very petty that way but i wanted to rub shit right up her nose because i know how frowning she is of me and her ex.
    Still havent seen her since ive started being with my bloke but if she gives me any shit or any dodgy looks then i will not hesitate to give her a good talking to or even better, a good slap!!!
    Actually the more i think about it the more i would like to.
    She is the appitamy of everything i would HATE to be.
    Just thinking about her makes me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Up until recently she worked in a chemist and i wanted nothing more than to go in and buy condoms or the morning after pill off her.Im so very petty that way but i wanted to rub shit right up her nose because i know how frowning she is of me and her ex.QUOTE]

    LOL My boyfriend's ex works in a photo developing shop and I'm dying to take a film of pics of me and my bf in to be developed! hehe
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    coralie wrote:
    you should try understanding them...
    i *just* broke up with my boyfriend after 4 years... (just...it was 6 moths ago but for me it's still just)
    it wasn't a problem of stop loving him or him top loving me... we're just both kinda mentally ill...
    all i know is that a girl is "chasing" him and if i see her, i'd probably hit her to death...
    it's not only jalousy, it's more than that... and in my opinion it's not imaturaty eather, it's more of low self confidence... and the fear of not finding as good as him and be left alone...

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had a bad break up, it must be really horrible for you.

    Call it ironic but if you beat that girl up for "chasing" your ex then you've just proved the point of the topic i do believe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my bf actually seems to mates with most of my exes, not like good mates, but says hello when he see's them, which makes things easier for me, coz then my bf doesnt get funny when i say hi. theres only two exes he doesnt like. the first one is because when i got with my bf, he went up and threatened him, warned him to stay away from me and if he ever hurt me, he would kill him, which i can see why my bf doesnt like him, plus the fact he was my mates cousin and always tried it on with me when i was round there, tryin to get me to cheat on my bf.

    the second, he doesnt like because he treated me like shit when we was together, then had the cheek to try and pick a fight with him, for no reason what so ever, my bf defended himself, left the ex with thick lip, the ex tried bullshittin to the cops to make the bf the bad one, tried pressing charges, but because i was the only witness and the cops realised the ex was lying, the case was dropped and the ex got done for wasting police time :lol:
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