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fear of illness

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Everytime i hear that someone i know has been ill, i worry to the point where i actually give myself half the symptoms!!

Its gettin silly now though, like if i think i might get a sickness bug, i tryand avoid work by swopping shifts, (if its from people at worK) i clean loads of the equipment, i avoid sitting next to someone whos been ill, and i hardly eat anything in case i do end up being sick!!

And cos im so worried im feeling sick any way then worrying whether its the illness or not!!!

I feel like such a weirdo, and the only person i can tell is my mum and my best friend (who thankfully does similiar things) but my mum just says im bein silly and im healthy and not likely to catch any bugs, and if i do they prob wont effect me to the extent they do a lot of people, which generally is true i dont seem to get anything as bad as anyone else!
Jus get soooooooo worried can hardly do anything!!

Anyone know what i should do....??
anyone else similar?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I used to start throwing up as soon as my sister got bugs... Usually I think it was just because I was expecting to get ill too because she was and if I heard anyone was unwell I'd feel really anxious like you.
    I don't really get that anymore (I've even slept in the same room as my mum and sister this year when they've had nasty bugs to look after them and been fine myself).
    I dunno how I got over this, but I desided to try and stop it and gradually it just sort of faded away... I think the fact that you've acknowledged it and want to do something about it is a step in the right dirrection but it does sound like you might be feeling slightly out of control with it.
    Sorry I havn't got anything sensible to suggest... just don't think that you're mad or anything because I think to a certain extent most people worry they're going to catch stuff off people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do you mean you're scared of getting ill in general, or specifically of being sick?

    if it's being sick, you might want to google 'emetophobia', it's something crazy like in the top ten most common phobias, and because of its nature, it can seriously affect your life.

    i have had it to varying extents for the last 14 years or so, and tried pretty much everything to shift it. doctors tend not to be very sympathetic, but if you are insistent (or lucky), they can help you out.
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