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flirting too much?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi there was looking for some advice on situation i have to see wether i am being little unreasonable or am justified in my actions.I have been dating a lovely attractive and outgoing women for few months now and our relationship is going great except for one small problem i think she flirts bit too much with other guys at times.About 2 months into relationship she was on holiday with single girlfriend to greece and when she got home she admitted straightaway she had a very brief drunken kiss with local guy lasting few minutes but that was it and i totally believe her when she said nothing else happened,obviously whilst not over the moon at this i wasn't too upset as holiday had been booked months in advance when sh was totally single and at the time looking forward to it big time.However i have noticed that she sometimes in my eyes overdoes flirting when she is out the other night we were in same club but not together she was with her pals and i was with my mates.I try and keep out of her road most of night as i don't want to come acoss as jealous boyfriend but later on i had ventured downstairs and seen her on dancefloor with good looking guy who was obviously trying to put moves on her(putting his arm around her ,whispering into her ear etc and even although nothing happened between them i felt a bit uncomfarable as she seemed to be enjoying the attention,about 15 mins later she came and found me and was honest about being chatted up,i didn't make too much of a deal of it but did point out to her that there is flirting and then there's FLIRTING and whilst i was totall comfartable with one i wasn't too happy with other,this has happened on couple of ocassions although to be fair she did tell them she had boyfriend so the other night we had talk and i said to her would she be happy if situation was reversed and she admitted probably not and she did apologise and said she would try and flirt littele bit so i guess we will see what happens,any info from guys and girls would be appreciated,thanks jimmy.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Jimmy to be honest i feel that her flirting in that way is quite disrepectful........ i mean if you like somebody and care for them and then you are both out at the same club (whether you are together or not) you dont flirt in their face, i mean its one thing to flirt when your bloke isnt around but to do it when you are in the same club! that is a bit odd! i dont think you are acting jealous at all, like you said if the situation was reversed she wouldnt like it done to her.

    On another note maybe she just cant help it, i have a girlfriend who is a terrible flirt when her boyfriend is not around but she would never take it further than that however when her boyfriend is about (who i might add is very jealous) she wouldnt dare flirt so............ every couple is different, so i guess it is just a matter of what works for you, dont hold back on how you feel, just be honest and hopefully you can come to some sort of compromise........... hope that helps! good luck!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for reply cherrypie i wanted a woman's view as well as a guys,when she was flirting at club i don't think she knew i was there because i had spent most of night upstairs in different area i don't think she would have done it in front of me because as you said that is disrespectful.I personally don't mind her flirting a bit when she is out with her girl pals as i think most girl's like to flirt a little but i have had a talk with her and told her there is friendly flirting and then there's another level which i am not comfartable with and sometimes i think she overdoes it a bit she seemed to agree so i will let things go just now and see what happens,thanks jimmy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As she was honest i wouldn't have a problem - i would just have another word and tell her that it makes you feel uncomfortable sometimes if it continues to be a problem
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