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So Confused

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Sorry if this is long, but it is complicated and confusing.

There's a girl from school that I am extremely interested in and I think she's interested in me, but I'm not sure how to proceed.

I met her three months ago at work. At the time, she had just broken up with a guy she'd dated for five years and had started seeing another guy at work. That ended quickly and, since I had started hanging around some of her friends, we started talking.

I know things were weird with her. She's still living with the ex-boyfriend, although I'm supposed to help her move out. I also know he's one of only two serious relationships she's had.

We hung out a couple of times and she seemed to always be right next to me. Then, suddenly, she started avoiding me. No eye contact. Short, unenthusiastic responses to attempts to talk.

So, I backed off. Then, suddenly, she warmed up again. I asked her out and she said yes, but invited another couple that we're mutually friends with to come along. We went to a few movies and hung out with friends a bunch, but I could never get her alone. She called me a few times, but we'd never talk that long.

So, two week ago she gets distant again. I call her and tell her that I'm interested in her, but don't want to push. She say that "she likes me a lot," but that she's had two ugly breakups in two months and doesn't want to date. Then she tells me that she hopes she won't always feel this way and wants to still hang out.

We've hung out once since and spoken on the phone a few times. I've asked her out again and she always say yes, but she never commits to a when and it never seems to happen. Last night, I hung out with our mutual friends and she was supposed to show, but didn't. This is the second weekend in a row where this has happened.

Part of me thinks I should just give it up. But I really like her and, although she occasionally seems distant, there are a lot of moments when she's warm and we have a lot of chemistry. I know she is depressed about the breakup, she's in weird situation with not having moved out yet and I'm sure there's a lot else going on that I don't know.

I want to believe her when she says that she likes me a lot. But I can tell she tells me what I want to hear - saying yes to dates that never happen.

Should I give up? Should I giver her time but keep in touch?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you in a hurry to find someone? If not, just give her time, space and most importantly, understanding .... let her realise that, at the very least, you are a true friend ... give her time to grieve her lost love ... sometimes the best things are worth waiting for. Good luck! :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just give her time, stay friends and everything - she needs time to get over things
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